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Thanks for the 'education' - I am an ex vet nurse so well aware of the symptoms.

My friend who lost her dog to a tick in the anus is also a vet nurse.

Sometimes the tick is just unable to be found.

My Dane X boy was at the vet for 2 days until the tick was found, he was rushed there as soon as he started showing symptoms. He still died beside the best of care.

Things aren't always so cut and dry Tralee.

It's great that you have been lucky so far but don't always assume that what happens in your case might happen in others.

That's purely ignorance on your part.

After vet nursing and grooming, I have seen enough cases to be able to be more open minded. :)


If my vet nurse and vet could not find an engorged tick, after all their years of experience and the technology at their disposal, then they might as well close their doors.

I have a choice of vets and I want the one who will provide the services I ask for.

These days its unforgivable, not ignorance on anybody's part.

I don't pay for ignorance.

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If my vet nurse and vet could not find an engorged tick, after all their years of experience and the technology at their disposal, then they might as well close their doors.

Well you have just showed your ignorance yet again. A tick does not have to be engorged for a dog to go down. But stick around 'cos you're obviously learning a lot from this thread :thumbsup:

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Hi Tralee,

not sure where you were in Brisbane - we definitely have paralysis ticks on the Northside a friend very nearly lost her Jack Russell to one this summer. Her vet gave her a link to this map -she forwarded it to all her doggy friends. Not sure of the source of the map (other than the website)so can't confirm the accuracy but it would give people a general idea.

Ixodes Holocyclus

We definitely have them here in South West Brissie too. Lost my beloved Manx kitty 6 years ago - the tick was under her collar, the only place I didn't check.

When she became ill she hid under the house and we didn't find her until she was very sick. The vet wasn't able to save her.

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Hi Tralee,

not sure where you were in Brisbane - we definitely have paralysis ticks on the Northside a friend very nearly lost her Jack Russell to one this summer.

We definitely have them here in South West Brissie too.

Lost my beloved Manx kitty 6 years ago - the tick was under her collar, the only place I didn't check.

When she became ill she hid under the house and we didn't find her until she was very sick.

The vet wasn't able to save her.

Hi WeimMe.

I too have lost a cat before - a runaway - and its a sad event.

My point about being vigilant with tick is more of a heads-up to working dogs that are rarely handled.

If there is a 2-3 day window then that should be the timeframe for surveillance and intervention.

I am very reticent about sending pups out to goat farms around here because the goats fall over in the paddock, so what chance would a dog have?

I expect my pups' ages to reach double figures.

Hence my retort, its inexcusable these days.

I am often misunderstood but in my defense that's the idiom of the medium we use to communicate. :D

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Chequeredblackdog if you're ever wondering about the existence of products like this, here is the National database of all approved veterinary chemicals in Australia that is easy to search: http://services.apvma.gov.au/PubcrisWebClient/welcome.do

Some newer or smaller products are available under permit which can also be searched on the same site: http://www.apvma.gov.au/permits/search.php


And to the folks saying there is no excuse for tick paralysis, even early detected ticks can cause serious and life threatening complications in some animals. Early detection does not always save an animal so criticising those who lose pets to ticks is pretty unnecessary and ignorant.

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