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Fashions In Photography


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Just an observation, there's as much fashion in photography styles as there is in the clothing industry I think. :laugh:

for a while it was all shallow depth of field, then overstaturated colours and glossy blacks, then the lomo effect, then HDR, and now all these muted tones and creamy coloured skies.

Oh, and I forgot to say, I've liked them all.

Edited by Kirislin
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I really like HDR if it's not those glowing freaky blues and greens. It doesn't look real, I remember one that had an almost cartoony look about it, but I really liked it, although in that particular photo the subject matter was perfect, I recall there was an old truck and buildings that looked like something from the 30's or 40's.

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I'm a dag, I've never been one for wearing the latest fashions and I haven't done any of the photography fashions either, except for the shallow depth of field and only because it suits my style (if I have one) of photography which is usually super fast shutter speeds to capture whippets running at 100 miles per hour :laugh:

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Yeah, it has texture, but it also has the HDR thing happening. Probably hard to see. In print it's magic. I was watching the awards when it came up last year, and there was a collective gasp in the room.

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you forgot the awful selective colouring, where random things in the image were coloured which were nothing to do with the subject (and so take the attention away), or the hideous eyes coloured, but the rest is B & W

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