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Dog Dies While Saving Owner


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A heartbreaking story out of Kazakhstan: According to reports, a dog was killed while trying to save its owner from an oncoming train.

The suicidal owner had passed out on the train tracks after drinking a bottle of alcohol. According to Russian news site Ria Novosti, the man told authorities that his dog dragged him to safety. The dog wasn't able to avoid being hit.

"Upon seeing the train, the dog started pulling its owner away," said Aida Muldashevam, who investigated the incident. "When train drivers saw the dog on the rail tracks, they used the emergency brake."

Unfortunately, it was too late. The dog was killed instantly, while the owner was taken to the hospital. He had two broken ribs and an injury to his shoulder.

Dogs have a well-deserved reputation for loyalty. At a funeral for a Navy SEAL who died in Afghanistan in 2011, dog Hawkeye lay by the casket during the memorial service.

And in a small village in China last year, a dog remained at its owner's grave for weeks. When villagers took the dog back to town, the dog returned to the grave.

Villagers eventually decided to build the dog a kennel near its departed friend.




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They tell us dogs only act ot of self interest,and can't feel emotion.

They aren't human,but they are capable of so much more than we give them credit for,or oportunity for.

In his shoes,I doubt I would feel more like living now.

Edited by moosmum
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On a similar subject ... this sounds like fiction, but is true - photos in the paper, name of the vet etc.

Some years ago a little terrier type dog was hit by a train, and a rear leg was amputated by the train. He picked up the leg, and carried it home, despite being injured. He was taken to the vet, and survived, but alas, on 3 legs

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It's amazing that the dog had the reasoning skills to understand that the train would get to the point where his owner was and that he needed to move his owner to save him!

He isn't the first one to do so:


Lilly was much luckier though :( RIP to this brave pup.

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The owner's story doesn't make sense. If the dog dragged the man to safety, the dog would also have been off the tracks. So the his assertion that the dog pulled him to safety has to be incorrect. It sounds to me like the dog may have attempted to drag his owner to safety (or perhaps just sat with him) and the train driver saw the dog and slowed enough to not kill the man, although sadly it did kill the dog.

I think the guy is making his dog a hero so that he won't be judged harshly for putting his dog in this situation and getting it killed. Shame on him.

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