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Not sure If this has been added or not but did a quick search and didnt find anything, I got an email from DOGS NSW asking to sign this petition. I am sure I read on here somewhere before about this coming in.

The email is as follows:

Dear Member,

There is an Online Petition for Dogs NSW Members who reside in the The Entrance Electorate, to be submitted to the State Member for The Entrance Chris Spence MP. There are two possible outcomes of the Companion Animals Taskforce, whose recommendations will be presented to the Minister in the next few weeks, that may have a significant impact on our activities.

There could be an extra level of Regulation but of more concern, your kennels may have to be inspected and approved by the RSPCA or Animal Welfare League before you are allowed to breed a litter, and you may have to pay up to $500 for the privilege.

Once we have a significant number of names on the Petition a meeting will be arranged with Chris and he will be provided with a folio of information to support our requests. Please start signing now and direct anyone you know who lives in the The Entrance area to this link.

Petition Link For those who wish to help fellow breeders that live in this area, just remember once it starts others could follow! The Entrance is located on the Central Coast for those who where unsure.


Edit to say it will come up as error when you click on the link but just go to the bottom of the page where it say "try this link" (option 2)

Edited by choc_bordercollie
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Note that there are different petitions for different electorates. Petitions were sent out to DogsNSW members based on which electorate they resided in. So make sure you sign the right one :) If you live in NSW and are a DogsNSW member and did not get a link to one through email, I suggest contacting DogsNSW or getting someone else you know in your electorate to send the link. Or you may be able to find it on the petition site? (not sure about that one).

Here is the link for the one for Goulburn Electorate: http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/companion-animals-taskforce6.html

Edited by espinay2
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It was sent out to DogsNSW members when the task force discussion paper was first circulated:


Thanks - So the

1. A further tier of Breeder Registration as outlined in the Dogs NSW submission to the Taskforce

is in fact opposing a potential further tier and whilst they are O.K. about other breeders needing a Licence they dont want their members to have to have a licence ?


2.That Dogs NSW should be the regulatory body to oversee any further requirements imposed for Breeder Registration.

Does this mean they are asking for being the regulatory body for all breeders or only their members?

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Why is it a problem?

I read that it means that Dogs NSW are asking that their current breeder regulation systems be recognised within any future legislative requirements - and any additional sanctions and licensing fees not apply to those breeders that have already been processed and recorded through their systems.


Edited by Alyosha
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Seems I must have missed something after the bit about Dogs NSW [ the lambs] sitting down with a bunch of wolves to decide what might be for dinner.

I can see the discussion paper - I know what Dogs NSW submission is but where is the final report to the ministers?

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Steve, why not ask them?

According to the DPI there has been no final report released and even when the report is released its miles away from anything in the report getting to legislation even if those who have to decide agree with the recommendations.

Considering the discussion paper 's suggestions for alternatives incorporates a desire for the current guidelines in the code of practice to be formulated as standards the timing and the issues in the petition is curious .

We are no where near having to concede defeat and accept that there will be a licence and that every person who breeds a dog will need to be inspected or that guidelines will become standards. Yet it seems it is accepted that its a done deal and all they are interested in is asking for them to police their own members in inspections etc. No matter who is doing the inspecting the same laws will apply and the same standards are for everyone and the laws they want suck.

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