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Dry Eye Surgery


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My BT has dry eye, she came with it from the breeder ( didn't tell me).

She is currently on Panalog twice a day, and i use eye drops too to flush them out.

However she really does suffer with it, she often grabs my hand when playing instead of the tug, and i was in the pool area yesterday and she stood looking around for me when i called her, i was only a few metres from her ,but knew she couldn't see me. :(

Ihave heard there is an op that redirects the salivery glands? but very expensive too as its a specialist job.

she is 5 now and i am wondering about how successful it is?

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Yes I'd definitely see a specialist. Sometimes the Optimune can stimulate enough tear production so the dog doesn't need further treatment. I had a very young pup with virtually no tear production from either eye. After being on it for a while she started producing enough tears in one eye that it no longer needs treatment. The other eye improved a little but not enough and she still needs it in that eye. And I had an older dog who responded well to it and after about a year no longer needed any treatment. :)

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Have you tried Optimmune ointment? It is expensive, but can work wonders for a dog with dry eye. I used it on my boy with good results.

I know a bully who used this, her eyes were shocking and this solved it - it was a forever thing

Dads old Bulldog also used it, you could tell in hours if you missed a dose

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I know its really expensive, my vets suggested Panalog first and it did work initially, but doesn't seem to be doing the same anymore and i work from home and do it religously.

I think i will go back for another consult and ask for optimune.

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The surgery (called a Parotid Duct Transposition) should be considered a last resort. Approx 80% of dogs get good results with this, 10% produce too much 'tears' and 10% still don't produce enough. Surgery is usually only performed if the drops don't work at all. It is a specialist procedure but they recover quickly. There is some after care/management involved following surgery.

Panalog is not a cure for dry eye. It is simply lubricating the eyes. I would take the dog to see an eye specialist. Most cases of dry eye are immune mediated - the dog's immune system destroys the tissue that produces the tears. Cyclosporin (optimmune) will help the dog produce more tears by suppressing the immune system. At our clinic though, we prefer Tacrolimus. It is a bit more potent, causes less irritation and also reduces the corneal scarring caused by dry eye.

Alkhe, there is no cure for dry eye. They need to be medicated for life. Even if the dog had surgery, the eyes generally need some medication afterwards.

Edited by *kirty*
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I just wanted to ask, this morning when i gave Bonn the drops she kept her eye's closed for a bit and squinted, then tonight afterwards she started to try and scratch at her eye's with her paw. Does this mean its hurting her? they are the cyclosporin drops the vet made up ?

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