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Poor Greyhounds At Healesville


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I think they have a policy not to race over a certain temp but from memory it's something like 38C. It's way too hot to run them. I was there a few years ago when a dog died after running on a very hot day. Yes, it's all about the money.

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Poor things having to run in the heat. :mad You'd think they'd have laws about only being able to race them during the cooler months or something for the sake of their wellbeing.

My dogs will barely walk out in the sun on a 30C+ degree day, let alone want to sprint in it.

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Similar issue with gallops in several rural NSW towns, I have seen the jockeys complain on fb but unless the stewards call it they have to ride or be in the shit.

There needs to be an outsider in charge of calling it off once they hit a certain temperature.. I also wonder if you could call the RSPCA about this?

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Insert every expletive known. All they care about I'd the f****ng money. Where is the bloody RSPCA?

probably collecting their dividends and gleefully rubbing their hands together every time a dog dies, at least that way it's one less that they have to kill. :(

I wouldn't go as far as this, but I certainly understand why you feel this way. Just too sad.

I once asked someone why he didn't go into politics and he said that he didn't know whether he would be able to hold out against "the system". I guess this happens to a lot of people who join organisations hoping to do some good, such as, I am sure, many people associated with RSPCA.

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