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How To Toilet Train A Dog


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Sorry to clear up some confusion, I put jumpers on her when she is cold but she will take them off at some point, I have a few that fit nicely but she is like Houdini.

I do have a microwaveable heat disk but because she digs in her bedding I'm too scared to use it incase it burns her.

I have switched back to a commercial diet because I've tried them on BARF patties and VAN (which I still have a big bag of) but I didn't like their condition on either. Their coats weren't nice and they lost muscle tone. Now they all look great.

I feed them at 5:00pm (as well as breaky), I can't walk her in the evening because its too cold here, she just won't go.

I take them all out to the toilet about 10:30-11:00pm before I go to bed then I let them out at 7:00am.

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