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Dog Attack At East Corrimal


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Did anyone see this on the news last night. I am stunned the owner took no responsibility nor even attempted to apologise. Mother of a 11 day old baby attacked by dogs while walking her baby in a pram. Dreadful for the mum trying to protect the baby but how stupid was the person who owned the dogs. Like in most cases responsible pet owners will pay for this woman stupidity and locals will loses a dog beach. But worse IMO was her lack of empathy or compassion for the woman or her child. :mad


Edited by Tapua
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Wow, so the dog owner just went on letting her dogs run around. Unbelievable. Those aren't playful nips those are serious bites. My paper had an article on a suburb being covered in poop. Please more Rangers on foot patrols and a website where off leash dogs can be reported so that problem cm dogs can be pinpointed.

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I've always been told if a dog is attacking a human - call the police.

It's not a council matter any more. Pretty sure NSW has a state law that says dogs are not allowed to attack humans. Not in a public place. Unless they are a police dog at work.

I hope the owner has her dogs taken away - she's clearly too stupid to own dogs.

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I've always been told if a dog is attacking a human - call the police.

It's not a council matter any more. Pretty sure NSW has a state law that says dogs are not allowed to attack humans. Not in a public place. Unless they are a police dog at work.

I hope the owner has her dogs taken away - she's clearly too stupid to own dogs.

You can call the police and they'll attend but they'll just punt it to Council. Police can't make Dangerous dog declarations like Council can or really take much action at all. The only real benefit to calling them if it's serious is that they'll get there quicker as they can put the sirens on. They don't have chip scanners though.

Where the police can and should be involved is if a person incites a dog to attack a person - that is a criminal offence.

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I figure if the police call the council ranger - he might just drop what he's doing and come. When I call our council ranger - nothing happens...

The important thing is someone (police) comes and gets the dogs off the street - you can't leave something dangerous and harmful to humans loose. In bad weather police get to come and guard live electricity wires too. And I know they're not going to fix it.

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What does this mean? Why do they use contractors if the law stops them from doing the whole job?

A flaw in state legislation stops experienced dog-catching contractors from intervening because they are not council employees.
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