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Help - Dog Bleeding


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Hi Everyone

My dog (10 year old female - not desexed) has started bleeding. She has a bad case of fleas at the moment which I am having trouble tyring to clear up and I thought perhaps that her scratching had caused some bleeding from her paw/leg as there seemed to be lots of small spots of blood on the verandah.

But I have discovered she is bleeding from what seems her vulva area! Her appetite is good and she seems her usual self.

Any one got any ideas?


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Small spots of blood are probably faeces from the fleas, known as flea dirt, fleas chew dog, take in blood and some comes out and drops off. see your pet shop or vet for good flea control products.

Other blood is probably from her coming into heat as she's not desexed, and as you have moved to twon, expect many dogs to turn up to mate with her.

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Hi isaviz

Our dog is a retired farm dog and has moved into town with us - and has never been made a fuss of and now she is part of the family.

My husband generally took care of her so naturally wouldn't notice 'those' things!!

I was surprised to read that dogs that age can still come on heat - we'll have to be careful!!

Would you suggest we start her on worm treatment etc as she has never had any. If so any suggestions.



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Really important to get a heartworm test before starting her on anything that claims to kill / prevent heartworm.

The preventatives can kill the dog if there's already an infestation there.

There are a number recent-ish threads about recommended worming treatments etc...

Off the top of my head, Drontal seems to come in on top as the Mercedes Benz of gut-wormers, and people use all different stuff for the fleas etc. Some people have seen resistance developing to Frontline, but others still find it ok. Others that seem popular - Advantix, Advantage, Revolution, Advocate.

Cheapest by a long shot to buy online: try Priceless Pets or Vet Products Direct.

Ed. to add -

I've been reading this thread tonight - lots of info: Advantage v Advocate etc etc etc thread

Edited by Mana
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Hi isaviz

Our dog is a retired farm dog and has moved into town with us - and has never been made a fuss of and now she is part of the family.

My husband generally took care of her so naturally wouldn't notice 'those' things!!

I was surprised to read that dogs that age can still come on heat - we'll have to be careful!!

Would you suggest we start her on worm treatment etc as she has never had any. If so any suggestions.



For normal worming yes worm her, I would actually go to the vet and have a check because you will require to vaccinate her if she has never been vaccinated before as once you get into the built up areas there is more chance of picking something up, and as Mana said dont heartworm her until she has a test, I will probably get in trouble for this my current dogs are on heartworm but my old girl wasnt and at 9 years of age I was not about to start her and she died at nearly 14 years due to losing movement in the rear end.

And look out for the neighbourhood males if she is in season or in 57 to 63 days you may get a surprise package.

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Is her vulva awollen at all? She could be on heat so watch her around males. Generally bitches on heat will drip small amounts, if it's a lot there may be something else going on. As she is not desexed be careful she does not develop Pyometra, she may pick up infections easier if she is on heat.



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  • 3 weeks later...

If her bleeding from the vulva seems to have dried up, get her to the vet... If she WAS on heat it would be normal that she bleed but that she started, then stopped so abruptly might not be as normal...

Pyometra is a worry in older entire females so it may be safer to get her to the vet for a total check up (ie : heart-worm test and girlie business)...

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