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Scared Of Having A Bath


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Now that Tyra has started eating again, I thought it is about time that I worked on another of her problems!

She is absolutely terrified of having a bath. Tyra has been having baths since she was 8 weeks old and is now 19 months. It doesn't matter whether she is washed in a hydrobath, bath tub, laundry tubs or shower she is still scared.

It takes at least 3 people to give her a bath. She trashes about so much that once she scratched her eye and it filled with blood.

We have used tranquillisers but I would prefer a natural remedy.

I can't think of any reason that might have triggered her fear. She has always been like this.

Does any one have any ideas on how to get her over this fear?

Edited by norskgra
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You need to make the bath experience one that she looks forward too...

With Ollie, he knows he is going to get a treat at the end after he is bathed and dried... So he really likes his bath...

Perhaps start by just putting her in the bath and giving her a treat and heaps of pats... Then the next day do the same thing but keep her there a little longer... Then introduce a little water - not enough to bath her, just so she gets a little wet and give her a treat...

Just continue with this until she eventually has a bath...

Good luck


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With Ollie, he knows he is going to get a treat at the end after he is bathed and dried... So he really likes his bath...

Perhaps start by just putting her in the bath and giving her a treat and heaps of pats... Then the next day do the same thing but keep her there a little longer... Then introduce a little water - not enough to bath her, just so she gets a little wet and give her a treat...

I have tried the treats before, during and after her bath and she is still scared.

I will try just putting her in a bath and giving her heaps of hugs and treats and then increasing the time.

I think she may be scared of water because she hates going to the river and won't go in the water for a swim.

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loads of positive chat to our little one saying "good girl"

We bath her in warm water & towel in bottom of sink so show can stand & not slip over.

She still is a bloody hand full & only weighs @1.5kg :thumbsup:

Hi Nick,

That is how we try to bath her and she is still scared. She is more than a handful. She is our problem child.

Our others are fine in the bath, it is just her.

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Is Tyra frightened of water , full stop!! Norskgra ! only if she isnt .. you can do what I have done in the past .. wash them outside as a bit of fun.. it is probably the room where you wash her she knows ! and simply avoids that room with her uncanny doggy sense they all seem to have ...if not outside try a different place to wash her , see if that works!!

On the other hand you can feel for us , we use a bucket and hosepipe , the same day we wash the cars ... then again we do have Great Danes .. they wont fit in the bath !!!

Good Luck.. :rofl::thumbsup:

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Is Tyra frightened of water , full stop!! Norskgra ! only if she isnt .. you can do what I have done in the past .. wash them outside as a bit of fun.. it is probably the room where you wash her she knows ! and simply avoids that room with her uncanny doggy sense they all seem to have ...if not outside try a different place to wash her , see if that works!!

On the other hand you can feel for us , we use a bucket and hosepipe , the same day we wash the cars ... then again we do have Great Danes .. they wont fit in the bath !!!

Good Luck.. :rofl::thumbsup:

I wouldn't be surprised if She is frightened of water. We take our dogs to a local river for a swim and she will not go in by her own free will. She wants to stand well back from the water's edge.

We have tried washing her in the bathroom, laundry and outside and she still reacts the same.

We can't use the hose as we are on water restrictions but I might try a bucket and try to make it a game. It will take a lot of buckets to get through her coat though!

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If it's the water, how about some short play times with small amounts of water - bucket or perhaps clam shell etc with only a really tiny bit of water involved to start - without actually trying to wash her?

No lead, no restriction - just getting her used to it on her own terms? Maybe some fav toy could help?

Just some thoughts?????



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I would suggest you invest in a lead with suction cup at one end which you can attach to the wall behind the bath anduse this to keep her in the bath. The more people involved in the process the more scary everything is going to look for her.

Make sure the bottom of the bath has a rubber anti-slip mat.

Put her in the empty bath, let her see the shower head, once she shows less intersest in it turn the shower on but let her see the water without it touching her. Move the water slowly in circles until it is touching her fron feet and slowly work up the front feet and then underneath her, soak the rear then work forwards along the back.

I have a few dogs who came to me originally with a fear of the bath and this process has helped. All the time I have kept quiet, no talking to the dogs as this, even if it's a 'good dog' can cause them to thrash about thinking they are done.

This process needs to be the same each time so the dog learns the routine.

This has worked for me, hope it helps

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Why does she need bathing???

If she hates it so much why not let her be dirty for a while.

I have never used them but surely there is something on the market that you can rub into her coat and brush it out.

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Why not try using a bucket and one of tjose big sponges that you wash the car with. Have someone help you the first few times. Get them to distract hedr with something yummy like a bone while you wipe her down with the sponge. The first few times squeeze most of the water out so that it doesn't drip too much. I wouldn't worry about shampoo at this stage just get her used to the water and use a spray if she smells :rolleyes:

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I know what it's like! My 60kg sook runs and hides under the bed when he sees me pick up the dog shampoo!

What we did was entice him closer and closer to the bathroom with cheese, I think it took about 3 days to actually get him into the bathroom, then I would get him into the bathroom and then standing in the shower without the water running everyday and praised him and give him treats.

Then the water - one those hose adapters and using luke warm water....starting the water at his feet and working up, lot's of praise here!

Then after he's towel tried a bigger treat.

He's now walk into the shower, he's not a great fan but he's not as terrified as he once was.

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Thanks weveryone for the advice.

Becks - we have a hook in the war that we attach her to and anti slip mats and it still takes 2 - 3 people to keep her in as she fights so much. I will try what you suggest though.

Netti - Tyra is a show dog. We don't bath our Elkhounds very much and it has been about 3 months since they had a bath. Luckily they do not get doggy odour but they do get dirty playing so they need a bath to get them clean. Our girls have just finished their season so really need a proper bath.

KC - I will try the bucket and big sponge with her and make it a game with something yummy but Elkhounds have very thick double coats and it takes a lot of water to get them wet.

SAS - Tyra loves the bathroom and actually sleeps in there even in the shower recess, as long as the water is not on. I will also try what you suggest and see if it works.

Our other dogs are fine and we don't have any trouble with them.

I am also getting a natural flower remedy made up for her to help her fear. Hopefully that will work.

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Hi Norskra

Something that many people forget is to spend time prior to the washing doing dry grooming, such as brushing out the knots etc. This is a great opportunity to give your furry kid a lovely massage and praise, leading into the washing and other grooming like drying and nails.

Good luck.

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Don't forget a rubber mat on the bottom. I get into the bathtub with Solly, he hides his face in my knees, and that helps him to survive :happydance2: And I use the white shower extension from the bath tap. BTW he loves to swim and play in water, but not washing :happydance2:

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Taco is a bit the same although he does stay still once his is in.

I wonder why he hates it so much. He will cower and shiver. I try and make it as fun as possible for him and use warm water etc. He does however have the tendancy to jump out of the sink and run laps of the house covered in shampoo!!!!

His and Buckley's fav part though is the towel drying at the end and then the zoomies start.

As what has been said from other members just try and make it fun and happpy for her.

Best of Luck.


P.s. Bach flowers.... rescue remedy works like a charm

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