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ok, so ive noticed that my puppy has been chewing absolutely everything so today i went to get him some dentabone puppy bones and some puppy biscuits to chew on...

are these ok to give him? they are specifically for puppies and im assuming they are ok but i wasnt 100% sure...

i just wanted to know if they are safe or whatever to give to a puppy before i give it to him...

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ummmmm I think the poster may like some options of what to give when the dog is inside....raw meaty bones probably aren't the best for the carpet.

Have you tried Nylon bones and other attractive chew toys?

Crate training & raw meaty bones? That way, you only have to clean the mess out of the crate. We give our girl dried kangaroo tails inside on her "mat", but then we have floor boards, not carpet.

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Those Dentabones really are like glue. I emailed the company and was told that the recipe has been changed so the dogs 'chew' more, but my original complaint was that the Dentabones made for 25+ KG dogs required little chewing! THey're like hard play dough now really.

I still think raw bones are the best (chicken necks, a lamb off cut) but things like Nylabones, dried real meat strips (no additives) are good if you only feed on the carpet or the dog leaves them lying around.

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I agree, didn't like the dentabones for our lab, & my puppy wouldn't touch them. Raw bones are great for outside or on tiles etc, we just keep dogs confined to easy clean areas. I don't like leaving our dogs with bones if we are not home, our lab has nearly choked in the past, & I'm just too scared now. Also, with 2 dogs, we have to keep them apart. My old dog refused to eat on the hard floors, :rofl: would only eat on carpet!!

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sorry but i feel bad in saying this, but i use them. I used to give mine more real bones, but one just gulps everything down & then becasue he didn't digest the bone properly, would vomit it back up. So I give the occassional lamb shank (on my vets advice, they r smallish dogs).

And I use denta-stick & denta-bone probably every other day. Its true they don't have to chew that much to eat them.

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Indi just snaps the dentabones in two and swallows the chunks :rofl: I don't give her dentabones anymore.

She loves her raw bones, but they're more of an outside treat :rofl: I don't like finding bits of raw chicken underneath my pillow :rofl:

A really tough chewy toy might be good for inside.

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thanks for all the advice... i was geting desperate the other day so i just gave him one anyway and he didnt really 'eat it' he just chewed on it and left it lying around... and then later on, came back to chew on it abit more...

i might get lamb shanks but not sure as i dont want to clean up the raw, bloody, meaty mess... i squirm whenever people buy bags of lamb shanks at work.. its so gross and icky lol

ETA: i also bought him some pedigree puppy buscuits, you know the ones in the shapes of "ABCDE" and he loves them... chews on them and likes to eat them inbetween his main meals... i found a few in his basket the other day.. it was as if he was hiding them.. lol

Edited by Abbey B
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Umm is there really any such thing as a really tough chewy toy?

So far I have got my 18 month old staffy boy the good old $2 shop specials - carefully watching that he doesn't chew too much of course. He just loves the squeaky toys!!!!

If there are any suggestions as to anything what will last a bit longer that would be great. :rofl:

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I don't like the Dentabones and tend to gently lead people away from them when out shopping... :rofl:

I would suggest as indoor treats:

Pig's Ears

Kong Toy (even when empty, the dogs like to really give them a good work over)

Big Hard Biscuits - usually bone shaped (avoid the ones with red dye)

I give chicken wings/necks as well but they aren't the sort you want on the carpet so are usually given 'in crate' or on their dinner plates.

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Visiting on a client and her dog we are working on issues with, at the moment. While we were talking, I noticed her JR happily chewing on a whole hoof (looked like a calf's hoof ... no meat/bone in it ... just the hoof). ETA: Thinking about it, perhaps not a calf's hoof. Don't remember seeing the cleft. But it was about the size of a calf hoof, anyway, and it was black.

Seemed to me to be a pretty good thing for a dog to chew on .... it's something that takes some time to gnaw down and didn't seem to be leaving much, if any, mess around.

I used to give pigs ears to my girl, but they only lasted 5 minutes and I wished I'd thought of 'whole hooves' while I still had her.

Anyone got any opinions on 'whole hooves' as a chew item/treat?

Edited by Erny
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Butchers and supermarkets have started to cut up the lamb ribs, I suppose in the hope of selling them for more, like pork & beef spare ribs, but anyway lamb ribs aren't bloody or messy. They are an easy, no fuss way of feeding dogs a bone. You can put an old sheet down for the dog to sit on inside and give it one there.

Problem with lamb shanks are that they are a hard bone which can splinter or in the extreme case, wear the dogs teeth down. The rule of thumb used to be to feed bones that were not weight bearing in the animal they came from, ie. like leg bones.

If that is not suitable then try the piggy ears or the really hard 4x4 biscuits!

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A really tough chewy dog toy?

Try the Aussie Dog Toy Company! Especially the Staffy Ball :D

Mind you, it's not really chewy, but when you have a destructo dog it's pretty much the only thing you can give her that will last! (Indi ate her black king size kong in 3 weeks).

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I give my two Nylabones (the original ones, not the Gumabones which are softer). They're great for inside, Indy chews something other than my socks and they're not messy. One wolf size seems to last about three weeks, unless she has a mad chewing frenzy. They're also good because they keep her occupied for AGES and they're quiet, as opposed to her squeaky toys :o

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