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I Lost My Beloved Dog


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My beautiful Rotty went over the rainbow bridge one year ago.

I didnt post last year as i couldnt bear the pain but it seems it isnt any easier this year. Life is still not the same without her, even though alot has happened since then.

She was diagnosed with bone cancer 2 days before i found out i was pregnant. It was like she was saying that she had been my baby for 10 years and now it was time for her to move over as i would have a new baby. I didnt want her to go.

If it wasnt for her, i wouldnt have met my husband.

She was a once in a lifetime friend. I handraised her from the day she was born as her mum couldnt look after her.

She came everywhere with me. She made me look like a great trainer when infact it was her wonderful nature and extreme trainability. We did so much together.

I really wanted to care for her as she grew old. I wanted to be there for her when she got old and rickety. I owed it to her. Instead, she was taken when she was fit and shiny. She was still bouncy and youthful till the end.

I will never forget having to say goodbye to her. It was surreal. I couldnt believe it was happening. The pain was unbearable.

I will never love another dog so much.

Jess 1/10/95 - 6/11/05


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I also have fond memories of your beloved dog.

Yes, she was a once in a lifetime companion.

She was an absolute joy to be around and to have around and is missed by a lot of people.

It is a shame she didn't stay long enough to see your daughter. She would be so proud

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