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Everything posted by Hounder

  1. Hi Mil, congratulations on your puppy. Is your pup being sent with any towels or sheets in the crate? When we got our pup out of the crate he had wet it (after 4 hours in a crate I'm not surprised) When we got home I put the soiled sheet in the dryer and then put it in his bed. That way way he still had all the familiar smells around him. He will be a bit shell shocked anyway I have been fortunate enough to go meet my puppies first before they are flown so I have an advantage there but I suggest just talk friendly and calmly and the puppy will come out to you. We took our pup for a short walk in a grassy carpark area at the airport so he could stretch his legs and maybe relieve himself. Just be careful and make sure there are no faeces and don't let him pick anything up. Hobart airport is pretty quiet :D Or if you don't live too far away from the airport, take him straight home and just leave the door of the crate open. He will come out when ready. I probably wouldn't bath him straight away. Let him settle first. If he has a dirty coat just wipe it with a damp towel.
  2. A great post with some very good points. Thanks
  3. Yay for sloppies!!! How's her stomach feel now??
  4. I would be interested in seeing these. Most vet school nutrition research is funded heavily by pet food companies, but if you do have some funded by another independent source I would be very interested to see them. Thanks! It has been recommended to me on several accounts not to supplement calcium for giant breed puppies. Giving natural with chicken necks and egg shells etc is okay, as it has the right ratio but to add calcium such as in a concentrated powder form is a big no-no. As for commercial foods, whether vets have a financial interest or not, contain all the required nutrients for a growing pup. If you add extra calcium supplements you would be more likely to give an overload and cause muscular-skeletal problems. JMO
  5. Lets hope things start moving soon. Must be awfully uncomfortable.
  6. That was very interesting thanks for that.
  7. According to my vet, protein is the chief growth factor. That is why he recommended taking my pup of puppy food and reduce the amount of raw meat. He recommends 70/30 of adult kibble and meat. It will just mean bigger poos with adult kibble.
  8. Hey Shek, how's she going?? Any improvement or movements?
  9. I am also very interested in this. I was feeding mainly raw meat, chicken necks and Advance puppy growth as I couldn't get the large breed variety. When I took him to the vet the other day, he was concerned that he might be growing too quick and was at risk of developing "Ballerina"? This is where the bones are growing too quick for the ligaments and the pup ends up walking on its toes. He suggested to put him on an adult feed and reduce the amount of protein to slow his growth rate until he is about 6 months old. I now feed him a mixture of the puppy food and adult and I still give him chicken necks and the odd tin of sardines. Just looking at the nutritional values and I'm worried he now won't be getting enough fat. We never had this problem with Bree.
  10. I used to work on a farm in Perth and there was a Terrier X that lived there. He used to regularly masturbate. He used to sit on his haunches and get both front paws....I'm sure you get the picture. I was in hysterics when I first saw it
  11. The powder form might be better for me too. I was taking the 500mg 1, 3x a day, so 1 for brekky, 1 for lunch and 1 for tea, but I choke on any tablet. I REALLY hate having a cold cause they are like horse tablets.
  12. Woollies sell Glucosamine tablets and they are the same size as a normal capsule. I started taking it, but probably like you, I have problems with tablets.
  13. Xena does this with her toys and she did it when catching rats, would break their back. She also shakes her head when she gets excited or nuzzling head. Me thinks she has Indian blood,
  14. I'm currently using Sasha's Blend. If using the human form how much do you give them?
  15. I thought it was the other way around - if you raised the bowl the risk of bloat was reduced . It used to be. There is a lot of conflicting ideas regarding whether to raise or not to raise. Some people think that by raising the bowl, the dog will eat faster and can swallow more air. Basically from all the reading I've done they just don't know!
  16. With our Bree it's like she is perpetually in heat. She isn't bleeding, but I do believe she is hormonal and she is a total male magnet. The Ridgey guy loves us though, as this stirs his dog up and gives him plenty of pep.
  17. Thanks for the input. Interesting to know
  18. You can get special tick tweezers which are self closing, that way when you get the little blighter you don't loose grip on them. W We live in an area prone to paralysis tick with lots of wildlife to carry them around. Found this bit of info http://www.tickalert.org.au/removal.htm Pets Because adult paralysis ticks have usually been attached for longer (days) by the time they are detected, paralysing toxins are the greatest threat in pets. These toxins begin to be produced after 2-3 days (at the earliest). It is important that the tick is prevented from injecting more toxins. Once the body of the tick is removed the source of toxins (the salivary glands) is also removed. Even if mouthparts are not fully removed these may be only a minor irritation - they are certainly not life threatening. Compressing the body of the tick may theoretically inject more salivary toxins.
  19. Thanks Nellybly for those photos they certainly show a difference. This is great info for perspective users of this product. I'm very grateful to all the response. Looking forward to future and other photos Thanks
  20. Yes probably shrunk just a little bit more...I will take another photo tonight and post on Monday (sorry will be away for the weekend). When you send in new pic, could you also attach the original, as I missed that one and can't access it. Ta
  21. The things we do You will have to do another shot in a couple of months ;)
  22. Thanks shoemonster. Interesting info. Anyone out there showing who uses the implant?
  23. Hi all, I was just after an update on "shrinkage" for showing purposes, and clarification on sexual behaviour with implant ie will they still try to mate with bitch in season? I have 2 intact bitches and want to get a a new male puppy. Any more input? Thanks
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