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Everything posted by flycow

  1. Hi all, I am interested in your experiences between different brands of kibbles your dog have tried and the energy levels they get out of it. My current pup Diva is on Eagle Pack 90% with a little meaty bones here and there. I noticed she often has bursts of energy that lasted at 30mins max, then she'd need to rest. This is especially true at her weekly 1hr puppy school where she can go from "ADHD" to almost burnt-out midway through class. I know puppies do sleep alot however I didn't notice the same with many other pups the same age. 70% of them are either very energetic through class or they are calm. Now concentration is another matter in this case of different pups there, but I believe if I can get sustained energy for Diva, the concentration will be much better because she really likes her lessons. Can everyone share their experiences between kibbles and their dogs? Please name the breed as well. Thanks for the input. Rgds. ETA for typo here and there.
  2. Not sure how helpful will this be, you can get a good old oil burner (those with deep dish) and burn some black tea regularly, it's mild enough for the nose and neutralises odor. You may want to try sprinkling dried tea leaves on carpet overnight instead of baking soda, vacuum them next day. TIP: use the strong smelling real black tea leaves, not the fruit ones. Chinese Oolong tea leaves from asian stores works quite well.
  3. Mine ate birds eggs as well, dropped from the nests in my yard so she never lag the nutrience. i've been feeding both soft boiled or raw once to twice a week since Diva's little. Usually I give the shell as well and crushed them with the rest. Now if I can only get her to digest the shells properly. They usually come right out the other end, I can see the bits in the poo
  4. maybe you can try not to let her observe anyone leaving the house, when ever someone is going out, it's PLAYTIME! YAY! say if your mum is approaching the door to leave, you grab a toy and have crazy fun with pup. I usually get some treats and lure pup away from the main door when someone leaves. I think dogs can count. My old maltese can count the number of family members not home and he'll wait at the door until everybody is home, then he'll go to sleep. Sometimes that means napping at the door until the last member returns.
  5. Nutro doesn't have probiotics and Yucca? (Please correct me if wrong) How much cheaper is Nutro?
  6. Nutro does not have prebiotics / probiotics right? And also no Yucca extract? Those are the main reasons I'm sticking with Eagle Pack. ETA: I do feed additional stuff like yoghurt and flaxoil though.
  7. interesting topic, and I'm sure there are people who had trained their dog to hold the plastic bag of their poopies in the yard or the park to bin it.
  8. well she seems ok so far I have wondered about this too because stupidly I have been giving grapes(minus the seeds) to my maltese for many years now and he's ok with it.
  9. Thanks Showdog. For meal, bones and treats, Diva doesn't eat it until I gave the Ok, the food can be right in front of her for some time, she doesn't touch it. So she knows those I gave her, she can't touch until I said so. But those I didn't give her, she thoughts she can do anything she wants with it, any suggestions? ------------------------ Cavmad, how old is your dog? My dog doesn't know a command for stay but her Sit and Drop comes with stay, means she will sit or drop when told and until I give a release word, then she is free to go. I tried to get her to sit during chase but that doesn't work. I know her training is not good enough, I'm going to use the Triangle of temptation from tonight onwards.
  10. flycow

    Big Whinger

    hey minnie, don't worry, whinger dogs has always been around so I heard. And from this thread it seems to be true. Anyway my pup is a big whinger too, she whinge from getting bored, not getting the things she want, food stuck in the kong etc. I ignored her, it's highly irritating but if she get louder I'd scold her and leave the room. She improves only that little but now she's getting older I think she's growing out of it, only a teenie whinge when she's really in a bad mood. Dog has it's days too.
  11. I've managed to teach her to drop some toys, but some items are so desired that it's almost impossible, rewarding with the highest valued treat (chicken sausage) is still not good enough, i need more ideas.
  12. cheeky, heh. My neighbours are ok, the kids (fairly young things) don't throw things over much, I think sometimes they play with each other and threw some over by accident. Kids will be kids. It's more important that I teach my pup not to eat anything unless I said ok. This is really tough.... for a lab...
  13. I know it's my responsibility that's why she almost never get a chance to get the things at home. I don't make those mistakes, everything is tucked away high up or locked away. It's just those occasions out of my control, like the neighbours throwing things over the fence for example. I just wonder how to handle situations like these. sigh.
  14. Hello, I need some help. My pup has started to grab things and run. I don't usually give chase as I know she might learn to demand attention that way. But lately she grabbed things that are impossible to ignore, like certain food which are harmful to her. I can be preparing something on the bench and it dropped, she'd jumped at the chance and ran! Sometimes the pest of a neighbour's kids threw funny foodstuff over the fence and she will eat it. Not very often but it happens. For food, she will eat while running, you guys should know how impossible to catch a determined dog. Other items she will chew while running, thus damaging it. What should I do when I finally get hold of her, reprimand? Time-out in crate? It has come to a stage where I feel like leashing her to me when I cannot give her my full supervision. Like to hear your thoughts. Thanks.
  15. wow cool! Thanks very much for the recipes! They are easy enough.
  16. wait till you own one, they'd NEVER leave your kitchen and dining area, even SLEEP there (favourite napping spot).
  17. Billiam, shekhina gave great advice! Great stuff. Hey you can trapped his head at the door too (safely for several seconds) if you have sliding doors somewhere, gotta ambush him though.
  18. triangle of temptation? LOL! With my dominant pup, in the begining I blocked the door with my body facing her, hand on her collar, made her sit still and enter first, always. Then I release her with my release word and she'll enter. Now she do it herself most of the time, she's slowly being put in her place. I remembered breaking the consistancy a couple of times and I screwed up big time, now it is 100% consistant. And I always eat before her. At times when I have to feed her before myself (haven't cook), I pretend to eat from her bowl for a minute, then give it to her. My dog always eat 'leftovers'. hehehe.
  19. the treats probably tasted yummier than the meals!! Maybe you can squashed up a small bit of his treats and mix into the meals to entice (read trick) him.
  20. what kind of treats are you feeding?
  21. hey same here, buffalo, and mine's allergic to it as well! The vet suggest that I get her some flaxseed oil as it could be the skin's dry as well so it get irritated easily. I just bought some and started feeding.
  22. What's this thing about carrots? I don't like it myself but the dogs love it, grated, shaved, frozen, chunked, juiced and whole, they will do almost anything for it.
  23. dried liver pieces are the cleanest so far.
  24. I can see the changes in my pup's poo since giving her yoghurt. Diva used to have inconsistancy in poo 'quality', now it's quite good, and regular too. The yoghurt really helped her tum tum.
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