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Everything posted by Lab_Rat

  1. Love that Cosmo...................bloody hell I wish I had some talent!! I love these photo threads, its so fantastic to see what people can do with a bit of nuthin' Looking forward to more speccy photos! RG
  2. Sheeeeet!!! You guys certainly know how to make something everyday look interesting! I have absolutely noooooo imagination when it comes to stuff like this, plus I couldnt take a photo to save myself Beautiful photos, thanks! Keep 'em coming! RG
  3. Phew...............glad Im not alone!! I forget to mention she also loooooooves to smell my hair!! When I bend down to pull on my rossi boots, or to pick up a lead etc., she pokes her big boofy beak into my hair and snuffles away!! Also likes to pokes its nose under my armpits when at the correct height to have a good sniff of my deodorant - or b.o. Poor things, it must be so infuriating, to be able to smell these smells and not be able to eat them! Well most of the time anyway! I will definitely ask the vet about it! RG
  4. Hi All My ridgie has this bizarre fascination with anything that smells sweet. It can be anything at all, not just foodstuffs. Deodorant, lip balm, chocolate (of course ), soap, sweet drinks. Oh and fruit as well. She has never been fed lollies or chocolate, but does get fruit every now and then. I have to hide my lip balm really well as shes already eaten one!! Well squished out the contents and left the little container, full of tooth holes So I was wondering whether anyone elses pooch has this strange obsession, or whether it could be some medical/health issue?? A deficiency of some sort or some other weirdo thing Shes off to the vet next week, so I will definitely be quizzing the vet about it, but meanwhile I thought Id ask fellow DOLers if perhaps its a common thing? Thanks RG
  5. Yes............well.................just look under my avatar However - that is quite a good point!! Just thinking about previous dogs names and some are better to call than others. Hmmmmmm, I like Kane! RG
  6. Erny.....So glad to hear the little darling is going so well, and is feeling very at home in his new address!! Hows the back of your knee?? Not too much damage I hope. The photos are beautiful - such expression..... About the name - kelpieI - I dont think ridgys really care how many syllables are in their names - they can ignore one just as easily as two, or three :p , in fact mine is quite proficient at ignoring everything that comes out of my mouth - anything from Goose, to Zola and all the other names in between . Although she does seem to like the words Mouse, Poo?, Dinner and anything said to the kelpie in a cutesy, high pitched voice!!! RG
  7. Hey Ridgie Lover, Im with stormie - feed them what they do well on and what youre happy with. My girl was raised on RC for big breeds (cant remember what it was called), and although she did okay on it, she certainly went through a lot of it. She was getting other stuff with it as well but she was getting more than the recommended amount. She is now on a WA made Lamb based dry food (for her allergies) with other meat and veg, and I feel she is doing much better on it. If you think Sierra is doing Okay on the Iams, stick to it. Is she fat?? Does the Vet sell Hills??? Stormie - do you know whether Artemis or Orijen are available in WA? And is Artemis a new one? Ive not heard of it before. RG
  8. Well.......................I do believe its ZOLA!!! Oh..............No...................wait a minute, Zola was supposed to mean............... CALM RG
  9. Sorry - whos the D1(khe@d that cant use the quote thing or edit thing Properly!!!! :rolleyes: RG
  10. LOL ..... I have always enjoyed a challenge ;) :rolleyes: ..... not sure if I understand the reference to "Ry Cooder" .... or whether I should? .... we'll see . Thanks. Have a few piccies. My little man certainly found his voice and I promise you it is a big one. I will get to the piccies as soon as I can. Must admit I've been busy putting into practice all the stuff I have in the past recommended other people to do. Glad I can't be quoted as saying it is easy. Thanks RG. I'll bear that in mind. ;) Sorry Erny - You were looking for a "cool" name - Ry Cooder- very cool, but probably back in the 70's, 80's (someone please correct the dates if need be ) He is a Rijstone isnt he?? Just to make sure you read the training point there correctly - You will be sending me tips not the other way round Dog, I really cant believe that my darling little girl is now 2! How does time pass by so quickly - make sure you have as much fun with him as a little pup as you can Erny, he wont stay that weeny for long. RG
  11. Welcome to your new bundle of joy Erny :laugh: Im sorry, but being a ridgie owner, I find it quite ironic that your introducing your Ridgie in the Traning/Obedience thread............that said, please keep us all up to date with little "Rijstone Ry Cooder"'s progress. (No offence intended of course!!!). Ahhh, I can see it now, "Gr.Ch. Rijstone Ry Cooder UDX". He certainly is a gorgeous little tyke, more pictures please! RG Feel free to PM me training tips for say, recall and heel, and Be Quiet!
  12. Hi Leema, ahhh, bitches on heat - what fun! I dont want to tread on anyones toes (flame suit is on stand-by ), but when my bitch has her her heat, she seems to be on a mission also. That is - she seems to be on the lookout for DOG! This past heat she was on lead at all times when on an outside mission, be it wee walk or exercise. We are on 5 acres in bush with no dog proof outside fencing, so I was not taking any chances. So..............anyone............is this a normal bitch thing, to look for a dog? Im assuming it is. As for the dischage - my girl has never shown the "textbook" straw coloured discharge. She has the normal bloody discharge, swollen vulva, etc., but then nothing? Mind you shes only had three heats. So maybe her body is not in sync yet? The best bet would be to talk to your breeder - they will know their breed! RG
  13. A bitch's body produces pregnancy hormones regardless of whether or not they have actually conceived. Technically all bitches have a false pregnancy after every season, it's just that some show major symptoms such as weight gain, milk and behavioural changes and others remain almost entirely asymptomatic. I find this quite interesting as I was quite unaware this was the case until my bitch had her first phantom pregnancy! I didnt however realise that they would be more susceptible to mammary cancer - or does this go for ALL unspeyed bitches? I have my girl on breeders term, however am hoping like hell my breeders decide NOT to breed from her. In the time Ive had her, and joined this forum I have definitely decided that breeding is not what I need to be doing. Justjas - I do remember reading somewhere just recently that any stimulation on their belly/mammary area will encourage milk production - so no belly rubs!! I do sympathise with you. Although my girl doesnt produce milk, she does offer some other symptoms. Going completely off her food for about 4 days, becoming very protective, adn having BIG teats! Ive never seen a dog refuse food as she does - she actually curls her lip up in what looks like disgust at anything offered to her by hand. If theres food in her bowl, she will sniff at it, then back up so quickly you'd swear there was - geez, I dunno - a BATH! in her bowl. Poor girl, I do feel for her. RG
  14. Roo meat is low in fat, and feeding raw meat doesnt mean you HAVE to feed bones. If shes getting dried food, minced meat added to it will be okay. My girls dont get bones, the occasional chicken wing maybe.
  15. I use Natures Gift, and have done so for a number of years. I dont use any other canned dog food, have tried a few but have been very dissapointed! However, I dont feed it exclusively. My girls generally get raw meat, veges and dry food, but when I have forgotted to defrost their meals, as sometimes happens in a shiftworking household , I will use NG. Also when my dufus RR girl is having a phantom pregnancy - she refuses raw meat, so she will have NG for a few days till she gets her appetite back. I dont agree thats its the same as the others - I dont think it stinks, before or after, in fact it smells better than some of the human tinned food Ive come across over the years! Just had a look at a can - no colours or preservatives! I would feed what you and your dogs are happy with. :rolleyes: You could also check out the appropriate websites to get more details on ingredients. RG
  16. Hey Rustys Dad, as Staffyluv and felix have said, there are so many differing opinions and practices - you just have to decide whats right for you and you dog/s ;) I feed premium dry food, raw/cooked meat,tinned fish, veges - cooked, rice (white ONLY) and premium canned food. They are fed twice a day and their meal is usually made up of dry food, raw lamb mince (RR has protein intolerances/allergies), cooked veges ( differing assortments containing carrot, sweet potato, celery, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, pumpkin), and cooked white rice. They get fish once or twice a week, occasional chicken wings, natural yogurt in the mornings sometimes, and sometimes table scraps - depending hugely on what they are! The kelpie has a cast iron gut and can eat anything, but the ridgie has a very sensitive tummy and any slight deviation from her normal diet can upset her quite a bit - from both ends :rolleyes: Another peculiar thing with my ridgie girl is when she is having her "phantom pregnancies", she will NOT eat raw meat of any kind (that is if she eats anything at all!!!), she will physically wrinkle her lips up and poke out her tongue in almost disgust if its offered to her - so for some days she is fed cooked mince - with nothing else added while its cooked. They are both fed tinned Natures Gift sometimes too, and this is the ONLY tinned food my dogs will have. I have stopped giving rawhide treats, pigs ears or any dried chewy treats since our kelpie almost lost her voice with a throat injury a few months back. They get Natures Gift chews or Liver treats. I think the main thing to remember is try not to feed grains if you can help it, or cooked bones of any type, and if your dog is doing okay on what you feed him, dont change it. I also reckon no to get TOO stressed about what you feed you dog - that is, its okay to not be on the BARF diet, or the RAW diet, or the WHATEVER diet. But do some research, you will discover some very interesting things about commercially made dog foods, whats good for them and whats not. I am in the midst of researching a few different things, mostly about how components in foods react within the dogs digestive system, and the damage these things can do long term!! Good luck with your dog. RG
  17. Our two love apples as well, always scabbing bits when we give them to the horse and sheep! My ridgy also love a carrot to munch on - I gave them to her when she was younger to discourage her from eating gravel and sticks I have taught the kelpie to eat more fruit and veges, as when the ridgie has something Wandy HAS to have some as well, hehehehe! Good plan! My kelpie x, when I was growing up used to eat apples out of the crates on our verandah. (We lived on a farm with an orchard) Unfortunately there was also a crate of onions there one day, and she grabbed on of them instead of an apple! What a face she made when she chomped on it! Poor kid, I dont think she went back to get an apple after that. My last ridgie used to pick lilli-pillis (dont know what else theyre called - pretty fuscia coloured, polystyrene feeling astringent little berries!) straight off the trees and eat them, Yuck RG
  18. Okay, I think it has worked! I think I finally figured out how to get my new, well one of my new sigs up and running! Thanks Harminee, and ILTBY now I feel "complete"............aaahhhh. My next feat will be to try and create a sig myself :rofl: Hmmm............maybe I better not get too ahead of myself, and just enjoy what I have for the moment! Ta again geniuses RG
  19. Okay.....................I must be dumb as a stump!!! HOW on earth do I get my sig from DOL to Photobucket back to DOL????? I have set up a Photobucket account, but have no fekking idea what Im supposed to do next. Harminee I have tried following your directions, but I just dont get it :laugh: . Frustration has set in, and I have given up......... I will come back later to see if theres anyone who can help such a blonde when it comes to 'puters. RG
  20. Wow! Thanks ILTBY - cleverclogs!!! Now how do I go about getting it into my "signature" area??? See I really am blonde - just think Legally Blonde - thats me Thanks also to Harminee, this signature making must be addictive - she just couldnt resist!! They are both so gorgeous I will have to alternate regularly. Thanks again guys - you rock RG
  21. Heres some more! Thanks again RG ;)
  22. Okay oh talented ones ;) . Please do what you will with the following. Signature wise that is ;) Wandy is the kelpie, Zola the ridgeback I will attach some more in a while! Thanks muchly, RG
  23. I cant believe it took me so long to find this thread...............my dog has it been so long since theres been any news? :D Is there any new news on when, where, how much? Anything? :p RG
  24. After having my RR girl on RC Exclusive Protein dry food (for protein allergies) for about 6-8months I thought I would try a new dry food. She will refuse the RC food at certain times (like when she is having her phantom pregnancies ), and rather than having to mix it with something yummy, but not all that nutritious, I decided it was time to look round for something else that would suit her. Being allergic/intolerant to beef, chicken and roo I needed to find a dry food for her that was not based on those meats. I found this food, which is made locally in Freo, at the same place I buy my RC. It is slightly cheaper than RC as well, which is helpful. But the best thing is its Lamb based :p . It also has rice and corn products in it, but no wheat or other grains. They also use decent anti-oxidants/preservatives. I am also trying the kelpie on it. She has been on Optimum - which is fine, but I'm sick of buying two types of dog food! She has also been eating the RC dry food, so I can get through it faster. She loves the RC . They both like this new food, the RR will eat it form my hand, dry............wont eat other dry food like this. Havent had any tummy upsets yet, but its only been two days! Does anyone else use this dry food? What are your thoughts, experiences with it? I only bought 3kg of it, and if they are okay on it - no diarrhea, etc. I will get a decent sized bag next shopping trip. I am also feeding lamb mince, veges and chicken wings(sparingly!) to the ridgeback. I notice if she has too much chicken or even beef she starts to rub her mouth and chin on her front paws, and the poos end up a bit loose. How different are duck or turkey to chicken? Anyone used these? RG
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