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Everything posted by arby

  1. hey shmoo I never had a problem with feeding both. Only problem I can think of is certain kibble such as Eukanuba or Eagle pack are a "balanced diet" so if you feed the recommended dose of these along with meat etc you can get a fat dog. If you feed kibble with raw you should make sure its balanced dose wise.
  2. Paris as well. Big tough dogs when the sun shines but god help them if its raining LOL Lately Humphrey (our boxer living with my BF) has been pooping under the awning...his reason...the BF hasnt mowed the lawn in a fortnight so its pretty long cause of the rain. But on the short grass he will prance around like a tough dog.
  3. forgot to add, make sure you clean the bed well!!! Get rid of the smell of urine out of it. My boys pee and poop in same places now. They both grew out of peeing everywhere. Mind you when the weather is crappy they will pee/poop closer to the house.
  4. Do you take her food away or keep it there all the time? sometimes eating and drinking patterns have alot to do with toilet breaks.
  5. My grandma has a 14 yo daschy with arthritis. Each day she gives the joints and legs a massage to warm them up. Most important is to keep the joints warm and make sure the dog has somewhere comfy to sleep on
  6. great news happy/grl Just keep the variety and stick to season fruit and veg :p
  7. I agree with Jed, smart idea is to keep feeding some good bones along with the food, will help clean the teeth and also add a bit of bulk to the stools
  8. we've had Humphrey on Barf all his life. We went away on a holiday, he was looked after by someone else who fed him commercial stuff. When we came back his coat was looking bad, he looked bad, he smelled alot worse that typical "wet dog" smell We put him back on BARF as soon as we came home, within 2 weeks he was calm, his coat was shinny, his breath was great, and no wet dog smell.
  9. agree, the ingredients list is a lot less mysterious then most others. Meat and meat by products never tells me anything about whats really in the cans
  10. i guess its about where you get the meat from. Good pet suppliers will sell good quality stuff, we've been feeding it for nearly 2 years not a single problem. Problems arise when people cross contaminate the meat while in process, so usually quick crap jobs which allow the contents of digestive system to get in contact with the good meaty bits etc. Best Idea is like you said, talk to your supplier they should know where they get theirs from.
  11. totally agree there. I guess we're lucky because we get diced roo not just mince you can see exactly what condition the meats in. Raw is alot healthier and easier for dogs to digest.
  12. we get diced roo from our pet supplier. Its like $6 per 3kgs. And this is all lean, pretty good quality meat. Certainly hasnt done harm for our boxer. He gets around 500g roo and 500g raw chicken roll a day. Plus a mix of either offal, sardines in oil, veg etc. The runny poos can be from the roo being rich, same goes for lamb or feeding offal such as liver. Its basically a trial and error when it comes to food and doses. If you find it gives runny poo increase things like rice or add designated coconut to the food (it provides bulk to the stools) and decrease the rich meat or substitute some of it with something like raw chicken. Hope I'm making sense The runny poos just mean too many nutrients that are going through the body so you need something to basically soak up some of that excess, thats why rice is good.
  13. depends on when we go shopping. Some weeks Humphrey (boxer) gets anywhere between 1-4 kgs of it a week just depends on prices and when we go shopping. We feed mainly chicken offal, heart, liver and giblets...all human grade so not really worried about contamination etc.
  14. I find the Natures gift canned food is the best canned stuff I ever fed my dogs (its emergency food only) but there is a puppy version of it. It smells like spam hehehe and my boys love it Chicken and rice is great for dogs and humans with upset tum tums. Alot of new pups will get upset tummies, stress of new homes, new diet etc. As some suggested its a good idea to feed your dog a mix of good quality dry with raw food. With the dry best idea is to try a few different ones. Eagle pack is great.
  15. One of the funniest grooming disasters was a woman asking someone at a kennel to "trim" the face on her poodle while the dog was staying there. When the dog came to us it had this huge shaved bit straight down the middle of the head. It just reminded me of the 3 stooges, the one with the bold patch and huge curly hair on either side.
  16. is that the white schnauzer x maltese? I think that it might be possible but i'm pretty sure there is the rare case that a little white fluffy maltese comes in for that cut.
  17. shmoo you cant forget the maltese that gets the schnauzer clip then theres all the people that get their dogs dyed funny colours
  18. pork could be a problem if its not human quality. Also depending on what parts you use it could be a bit rich at times so just mix it in with other things. Feeding rice or even designated coconut with it could be helpful in teh poop department as they would just add "bulk" to the stools.
  19. natures gift has a great treats range and their only little.
  20. clip a shedding dog and it will still shed. Remember it sheds from root so by clipping the top bit all you're doing is making the shedding hairs alot shorter which makes allergies even worse. I get dog allergies and man is it bad when we have clipped goldies at our work. Much better just to keep it as it is. If anything take it to groomers, tell them to hydrobath and blowdry. That will help alot
  21. humphrey our almost 2 yo boxer combines drinking with bath time All i can say is make sure theres plenty of water outside For the inside, use a smaller bowl that basically allows pup to have a drink then has to be refilled.
  22. Our boxer boy Humphrey has always been on a BARF diet, we have never had any problems with him not getting enough nutrience. We give kibble but more as a snack then a full on diet. With BARF if you follow the guidelines for it even growing dogs will have enough nutrience. As far as good kibble goes you try eagle pack???
  23. arby

    Puppy Dry Food?

    good point...my bad... the canned stuff is legendary though hehe...good emergency food for my boys.
  24. arby

    Puppy Dry Food?

    Nature's gift isnt bad either. Some have success with supercoat though it can make some dogs poop more.
  25. Maleseb is good but frankly no need for it unless the situation is pretty serious. Best way to stop it is to prevent it. Clean clean and clean. In dog breeds like this you need to clean between the folds and they eyes. Eyes you can use some fresh brewed cold tea or just saline liquid on a bit of cotton wool or those cotton cleansing pads. You should be fine with just using a facecloth and warm water for morning and night to wipe between the folds and ears. Smart idea is to have a few face washers handy that way you can always use a clean one. This way bacteria doesnt spread. If the area is really dirty a little soapy water will get rid of it. Also good idea to wash the dog weekly, especially if they been playing and rolling around outside.
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