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Everything posted by Vehs

  1. My friend had a trainer in a few weeks after my post and he believed that the staffy was the better behaved of the two dogs and they went on a strict NILIF type of routine to get them both to settle down. The staffy did really well, the cav not so much - however they are now both better behaved. The kitten was another matter and she recently rehomed him. He did seem to cope well with the dogs (except for the few nights after his new family was found and he was waiting to be dropped off - typical!) The dogs are kept outside during the day and come in of an evening, but the cat was stressed the entire day peeing and pooping all over the place! (also the cav was raised around cats, not sure about the staffy)
  2. D bloated a few years ago - I became for vigilant with waiting 30min-hr after exercise before feeding him dinner and I also started to give him two meals a day. He was probably fed 15-20min after his walk on the evening he bloated as I walked him and then got ready to go out (shower etc) fed him and left, but he was also jumping around a lot at fences as the neighbors cat had been taunting him for the last few nights - so who knows, oh and he got his 'working mum' dinner of tin food! Thank god he's ok... although after having bloat (and having his stomached attached) I do notice he stretches in a different way... but I'm probably just reading too much into it. I didn't really change his food - he gets bones in the morning when I goto work and in the evening gets mince/fish/leftovers/barf patties/loaf/meatballs - whatever!
  3. I'll let you know closer to the day - it's a bit far to travel just for hot chocolate, but I will try to make the doggie meet up
  4. D generally goes to bed when I goto bed on a school night, but for weekend he will sometimes put himself to bed and be anti social if we are staying up late His routine is to go out for a pee, and then I move his bed to my bedroom, he drops on it and gets two biscuits and then while I'm doing all my ablutions he gets up for a drink and then jumps on my bed to soak up some electric blanket and then he'll get shoved to one side and eventually he climbs off and sleeps on his bed He likes his routine
  5. nomnomnom - what did you girls to get to sample?
  6. *grumble* sorry I am now bailing - doing a bit of grooming work instead oh well, I can't be too grumbly I did pig out on Max Brenner last week, but I was looking fwd to meeting ppl and catching up with others
  7. great - so on all day, any risk they will burn themselves sitting on it too long? my siamese used to sit near the bar heater and damn near dehydrate if we didn't move him away from it
  8. ooh Thanks Kuma, funnily that size seems a bit small
  9. how do you use yours Rebanne? hrm, if Aldi have had this year they have probably been too small for the D, but I will keep an eye out
  10. *bump* someone out there must use one!
  11. hrm isn't in funny, in all my years of grooming I don't think I've seen a client dog get the crazy zooms... probably because they don't really have the opportunity to get on the ground and go crazy bf's Malt x HATES being sprayed with fragrance (which I do to both dogs after their Saturday morning groom) - he rubs his face and body on the grass, carpet or the little ottoman that he sits on - flips around, somersaults - trying to get the smell off!
  12. Because I've just finished paying off D's very expensive medical condition, I might actually have some money in the next few months and would like to buy the old fella a heated dog bed. Should I get a bed or just a heated mat? Can anyone recommend a size/style that would suit a GSD sized (well, an actual GSD) dog? How do others use their heated dog beds? I was thinking I'd just turn it on an hour or so before bed, like I do with my electric blanket and then turn it on again at 4am? Here is a photo of him taking advantage of my electric blanket last night, and a photo of his usual bed
  13. bf is working that weekend so I should be free... Stace - we are going to drive by Max this Sunday after some family stuff up north - if it's not too busy we'll stop :yum:
  14. that's great! D demolishes the tissue boxes with his enthusiasm so we were starting from a tea towel in there, to paper towel and eventually we will get to tissues I have about 20 tissue boxes in the cupboard, I should get this trick out again
  15. its a long term issue? do they have cat pill poppers... look like BBQ lighters? maybe try one of those....
  16. curl your fingers behind her canines, open her jaw and shove the pill down her throat and to the side - I think that's close to what they are doing on the third one, maybe they can close her mouth and rub her throat to make sure it's gone down quick and easy
  17. ooh Crash is a bit of a looker!
  18. it's Max Brenner.. BETTER than Koko Black I indulged a few weekends back in Sydney... yum! I'm glad it's in Belco otherwise it might become too regular of a treat for me
  19. ooh I haven't been to the new park at Weston - that might be a good central location
  20. aww that's such a shame - maybe you can get her back in a few months Or you could give them all to your ex and then get a place a bit easier, get settled back into work and when you have a bit of money behind you grab them all off him for a more suitable rental can your parents take on any of the dogs short term?
  21. awww that is so sad. He was such a clever boy and you guys had such a great bond - actually you have a great bond with all your dogs so I hope they can help you through this rough time
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