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Golden Rules

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Everything posted by Golden Rules

  1. Love that one!! You know the FIRST colour I gravitated to was Sunny Pastels!!!! Hmm Envious Hearts and Peace Palz could work on him.................................. What site did you buy them at again C? Oh no, there's no hope for you :D Sunny Pastels will NOT do for Bubby Let me go search for where I got my Tuff Locks ...... brb
  2. Oh and Bub, I think you should get the Drama Queen one for yourself! :thumbsup:
  3. Bub, HERE is the Tuff Lock range I was telling you about. I have the mutlicoloured hearts collars and leads for my boys, we get loads of compliments on them, I think because they go so well with both my light Goldie and also the dark one
  4. You could try that to see if the lack of grains in his diet makes a difference. But you would need to do a proper BARF diet so the dog was getting all the nutrients. You could also try half BARF and half kibble. Mason2009 uses a brand which is good for her allergy dog .... she might see this and reply with the details.
  5. Poor darlin'! Make sure you give him some really nice treats at the same time as treating him with the creams etc.
  6. That's interesting, Poodlefan - I've always thought they were an allergic reaction! buckley rog - the Royal Canin is a good food, but I always raised my puppies on plain old Supercoat Puppy dryfood from the supermarket :D They certainly seem to thrive on it! Your boy is gorgeous - I love Labs. Do you give him any raw food/bones? *whispers to poodlemum* I think he might be a Golden Retriever!
  7. He is really beautiful! Looks like he has a nice big head (love them!! :D ) Get insurance for your fella if you haven't already. Allergy treatment costs will be horrific over the lifetime of the dog (if he is an allergy dog). Inspect your dog every day, (especially in summer) for hotspots just like you would for ticks or whatever. The earlier you catch a hotspot, the quicker it heals and you are less likely to need a vet visit. Hotspots can appear over night and get very bad within 12 to 24 hours. I have used and always recommend Living Nature Rescue Gel for hotspots. Use two or three times a day. I think it's pure gold after a hotspot disappearing within 24 hours. It's available online, just google it if you want more info. And go check out the health section for all the hotspot threads, will keep you busy for a while
  8. All of which goes to show you need to try your dog and see how it fares .... I like Coprice and Bonnie for when I want a cheaper food. I am feeding the puppy some Nutro currently because every other food has so far disagreed with his tummy. No matter the food, it's all trial and error
  9. Awww, look at her ..... just taking it easy.... no more chocolate Miss Daisy, you hear?! :D
  10. Any break in the skin can cause a hot spot if it gets infected. Do a search in the health section here, there are great tips and rememdies for hot spots and how to avoid them..Also a photo of your puppy would please a lot of people here :D (please?)
  11. Purple is my fave colour and all my Goldens have worn purple at some stage. Poor Duncan even had a purple rain coat with pink flowers on it! Both boys at present have purple and green collars for every day wear. It suits their colouring! :D
  12. Doesn't necessarily need to be bigger than the Rotti, just a lot braver (or stupid) and there's plenty of breeds that would fit the bill there. Hope the Rotti recovers well.
  13. Great news about Daisy CC! I was just saying to someone the other day that I haven't seen any mozzies this year .... they must be all out your way :D If you have some Tiger Balm, it works brilliantly to stop itching and reduce the reaction. I react badly and have found this to be the best remedy!
  14. Oh they are all so beautiful!! Some very clever people there! Mine was just some fat quarters or whatever they are called Jed, get onto your house and bed, we want a piccie of you with your quilt!! :D
  15. 85% chocolate would be about as dark as you can get almost I would think? Old Dougal dog stole wrapped chocoltaes from a bowl on the patio table one Xmas ..... I was seeing visitors off and wondered why he wasn't there .... discovered him out the back with foil wrappers hanging out his mouth I found some in his poo the next day as well. Thankfully he had no reaction but with dark chocolate, it's pure poison :D
  16. I actually bought 3 small iSqueaks from the dStore yesterday - they had them for $7 each and free postage. Paddy is OBSSESSED with his little iSqueak, so I thought I had better stock up as he is always losing them under the sofa (he drops them at the foot of the sofa and then jumps up and POUNCES on the ball, pushing it under the sofa and I then have to pull everything out to get the sofa pulled out ..... and I'm over it )
  17. GR, another DOLer had two weimaraners find some kind of unfortunate remnants of something that contained cannabis (not 100% sure but she thinks it was vomit) at a park. She had them both at the vets and had to dose them up on charcoal as well. Not her proudest moment i can assure you!! I lost a dog who ate catfood laced with 1080 at our local park (across the road actually) ... you have to be so careful I can't believe you have a dog that stole choclate from the fridge! Did you have to buy a padlock?
  18. I think some of the cheaper alternatives are actually better than Supercoat, eg Coprice and Bonnie. I have used all at certain times and Supercoat was the least popular. I am currently using Bonnie Light for an older dog who has to watch his weight. Sardines in oil a few times a week are good. You can get Woolies brand or Coles own brand - 3 tins for $1.50 so not expensive at all.
  19. Oh dear CC How unlucky! Bilby was a Doler here (RIP Louise) who found Dogzonline because her dog had found and eaten a stash of her son's cannibis! Her dog was OK from memory, but they do try you at times! I hope Daisy continues to fight and overcome her chocolate feast ..... and glad to hear Louis was OK!
  20. I think he has such a kindly face (and besides, everyone can have their bad days! ^^^^ )
  21. Beautiful photos ST! He is one handsome fella! RosieFT, they sure do breed 'em tough those Foxies! We must catch up for a creek walk sometime (if you are game enough to go back there!) .... I think I lost your last lot of instructions on how to get there
  22. I get the impression the dog/puppy isn't exercised at all and they rely on their acerage and the dog to self exercise. I have a very drivey almost 6 month old puppy who has been left inside with free reign of the house all day with another dog for the past 4 weeks while I am at work. No damage done ever. But my dogs get exercised every morning and it's a pretty simple solution.
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