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Everything posted by Ashanali

  1. Love the 'devil's meat' I couldn't get motivated. I have a shot for yesterday - I took a single photo and it is crap, but I did take a photo! And I better hurry up and take one for today. I'll upload them both tomorrow. Time for bed... Loving the photos in here
  2. ILTBY - the second image is brilliant Lea - I'm loving that you are experimenting. Awesome work. Rocco - Your images always make me smile. Alex and I have been wanting to do some quirky shots like that for ages.
  3. I had a feeling you might say that He just loves the camera. :rolleyes:
  4. I have too many to choose from today... I have rounded it down to 5 baby and one dog photo
  5. Yep that would be my local, which I don't use. I think the crowd there would pick up their dogs and run screaming from the park if I rocked up with the big guy. ;) They ran screaming from two pointers last year.
  6. Rocco... you mean the snobbiest dog park in the world is your local? Gotta love the Powerhouse. It is the staple of all Brisbane wedding photographers.
  7. Great photos everyone ;) I've been a bit lazy the last couple of days and haven't really walked too far to get a photo. More effort will happen soon, but for today we have this special image titled, "We is twins but we don't do everything the same" :D
  8. I just wanted to echo kja - I'm not commenting on photos at the moment (not enough time to say what I want to say). Just wanted to mention that I am really enjoying EVERY contribution to this thread. I find it fascinating the diverse range of things we find to photograph. Well done everyone
  9. Blab - you mean this sunset? Alex called me outside and said, "Leeshy, it's better than yesterday!" So I used crappy on camera flash and took this photo. Photo is a bit icky but lookit my Gussy boy :)
  10. I still need to get an image for today. It might just be the gorgeous babies again. However this is a photo I shot at twilight yesterday.
  11. It's just meant to be a bit of fun. To me, playing in photoshop is fun, so that is what I do. If you want to play around, and aren't sure which version to use, post two photos. It's all good. ;)
  12. I'm enjoying playing around with tonal contrast on these challenge photos. Here is today's effort.
  13. When are you going to pick up this camera? We go away next week.
  14. I'm not happy with today's image. I could take more photos of the babies but I'm sure I'm going to use them more during the month so when I went for a drive I stopped and took a few shots of the city. This is what I call, 'Brisbane with a Hangover' - miserable day here today. The weather is affecting me as I feel flat, tired and unmotivated. On the positive side, I have thought about some ideas I want to try out over the rest of the month and in doing that I came up with a great business idea that I need to talk over with my partner. So even though today is miserable, it might have given me some grand inspiration. anyway, here is the photo. I have added a solarisation layer and pulled it back to about 70%, then I added tonal contrast. That is all.
  15. Sorry folks. I was off having a nap (babies teething had me up all last night). I have approved the people for the group. feel free to share whatever you want over there in the group. I still haven't taken my photo for today yet. I'm dropping Alex off at a friends soon on the other side of town so I'm taking the camera with me and keeping a lookout on the way for something that catches my eye. Fingers crossed something pops up. :rolleyes:
  16. To all those posting who might be members of Flickr, I have started a dogzonline sharing group if you wish to join. Just a place to share some of your favourite images with other DOL/flickr members. http://www.flickr.com/groups/dolers/
  17. Well done everyone I am loving seeing the diversity in the work that is being posted. For those who want another way to try and get the info for their photos. Open the image in photoshop click on 'File' then in the drop down menu click on 'File Info' then go to 'Camera Data One' In there it will give you all the settings for the image you have open.
  18. January 2nd I can't decide between these two Daddy and Ewan or Angus the camera hog
  19. Keep them in here. There are other photo threads that have hundreds of images (like the personal photos thread). I am sure Troy will let us know if/when we need to start a new thread. DAY 2 BEGINS... who's first?
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