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Everything posted by Ashanali

  1. Rocco - Alex uses the 70-200, I only use it when he doesn't as I prefer the 50mm. The next two lenses on our list are the 10-22mm and either an 85mm or 90mm fixed focus lens (which will be mine). As much as I like the 70-200, I have a deformed finger on my right hand (damn sporting injury! ) and the weight is just too much for me particularly with the injury. 85mm or 90mm is a great lens to use in place of the 70-200, hence why I'm going with this option. (btw - you did pretty good on the weekend too )
  2. Yes, the dog is burnt out over the top of the head and in the tail. You seem to have your dog sitting in bright sunlight. Try bringing your dog out of the harsh direct light. Go right up close to him and take a meter reading from the white area of his fur, put your camera into manual mode, put in the settings that you just took in your meter reading than stand back and shoot. You might find the red areas will be a little under exposed but easier to bring out detail in under-exposed areas than create detail in over exposed areas. (I'm so much better at explaining this face to face. I suck at technical stuff online. )
  3. Nope, just take some photos then post them here
  4. Lea - Love it!! You were stressed about nothing! Great start everyone I might actually pick up the camera this month.
  5. tlc - it can be as simple or as hard as you want to make it. eg - you might choose 'hairspray' - you could either do a month of one hairspray bottle and take it to different places or photograph it in different ways or you might want to find 30 different hairspray bottles to photograph. It's totally up to you.
  6. Lea - forgot to ask... can you please paste the challenge into your first post and pm Troy and ask if he can pin the topic?
  7. I guess I can put you out of your misery now... This month's has two themes to choose from. You can choose to do either one OR you might want to do them both. Theme one is 'one moment' Theme two is 'diary' One moment - You just need to capture a moment from your day and make it as creative as you can. Think about the mundane events in your life that you do each day and try to think about a creative way to capture it. Brushing your teeth, catching the train, eating lunch, watching TV... how will you record one small moment from your day that you usually perceive as 'boring' and make it interesting to look at? Diary - Clicking Mad has had a few great diaries happening featuring Chester and Jamie... she simply created 'a month of'. Rocco is about to embark on the same thing with Rocco the dog. You don't need to focus on your dog for the diary challenge, you may wish to photograph a tree that you find interesting over thirty days... taking into consideration different lighting, angles, composition etc to make it different each day. Simply select a subject and find a new way to shoot it over the month. This is meant to be an easy month where you can have some downtime and not have to think too hard about it. Some of you who have been working off SLR's might want to pack the big camera away for a month and pick up your point and shoot and simply have a bit of fun. So here you go and in May we'll be back into technical challenges. ENJOY!!!
  8. I promise it will be revealed tonight.
  9. You seriously can't wait a few more hours??? the answer you are looking for is not down here :rofl:
  10. Yes it does. One of my favourite breeds of dog is a bull terrier. I would love to own one and have had the opportunity; however I know that my lifetstyle works with my pointers and it wouldn't work for a bull terrier. If you can't do the right thing by the dog, including sticking to the laws in place (no matter how 'draconian' they are in regards to APBT), then you are putting the dog at risk. That is irresponsible. The right thing by the dog is not taking it home in the first place. I know a bull terrier is different, but something as simple as not having it fit into my lifestyle was enough for me to not take on the responsibility.
  11. Nope Im not joking Ive been on here for a while and Ive never read anything that makes me think PPS tells lies she comes across as a decent sort of person to me.I dunno why it is if anyone posts anything negative about a pitbull there nearly always called names and insulted. I agree Paganman. I've only ever seen comments from PPS about negligent owners of the breed rather than denigrating the breed itself. A_nomad - If you own a pitbull, and you're doing the right thing and following regulations, then you have nothing to worry about, do you?
  12. Sunni Age 6 weeks, 10 weeks and 8 months ago (5 weeks pregnant with Kayo's litter)
  13. :rolleyes: I hope the old dog pulls through.
  14. Rocco... I might change next months challenge to something low key that can incorporate your personal theme and then kick off with a faster paced theme for May. I was already thinking a few people might need a mental break from thinking too hard about challenges so I'll create something that will fit a wide palette in terms of subject matter and give people a chance to join in, relax and recover and try out everything they have learnt from the previous months. :rolleyes: Hope this sounds okay to everyone.
  15. Cal - can you please remove Ashi's photo. As the photographer I retain copyright of the image. Thank you eta: I would have pm'd you but apparently I'm blocked. Apologies for making this public.
  16. Hey Cordie... your coffee beans would actually be a great base for creating a texture
  17. We shoot in both modes at weddings when we are doing a slideshow on the night of the wedding. We have about 45 minutes to edit photos and create a slideshow to present at the reception. It would take way too long to do this with raw images so we use medium size jpgs for the slideshow and keep the raw images for our proper editing that happens back in the studio.
  18. Nice shot... It's a great way for a lens to end it's life
  19. Love your photos kja You make me want to buy underwater housing
  20. Did you try and claim sand and water damage? I've had one of those come through. The people had a 'weather resistant' camera which means it can take a light spray and extremes in temperature. Apparently 'submerged in ocean' should be covered by 'weather resistant'
  21. Just out of curiousity, why do you assume damage caused by you is covered under warranty? Warranty covers manufacturing flaws. That's a bit harsh Gayle. I learnt that there are many people out there who honestly don't realise what they warranties are actually for and are almost apologetic (and embarrassed) when you tell them. Which seems could be the case here.
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