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Everything posted by Paganman

  1. If youve got a pup be careful you carnt always trust the dogs you meet in these parks and one nasty experience could scar your pup for life.Theres a lot of idiot dog owners out there
  2. Can someone tell me how long it takes for reg papers to come back from Dogsvic after the breeder sends them in? Thanks
  3. I had the opposite problem with Artemis LOL
  4. Ive been to a couple of his seminars and the guy is brilliant helped me a lot with my DA girl.I carnt reccommend him highly enough.
  5. you know Jules, i got curious and it seems that the websites Paul has been referring people to he actually owns. Paul if you are going to do this it might be better to let people know you have an interest in what those web sites are selling. whois is my friend. http://www.whois.net Especially when it is for an introductory price! indeed a "be quick or it will get expensive" introductory price ;) I thought it was a bit sus when Paul was going to different sub forums and adding replies to about 10 topics in a row.I thought he was trying to get into off topic butI guess he was trying to make us think he knew a lot about dogs so wed sign up
  6. Artemis give my dogs the runs and lots of farts
  7. Thanks, I didnt know about that thread
  8. I just read that other topic about ticks and Im going to Sydney to work in Feb for probably a couple of years so Im a bit worried coz we dont have them here.Can anyone tell me if theres ticks in Richmond/Grose Vale/Freeman Reach Thanks
  9. Can someone tell me how many letters can be in a dogs registered name is it 24 or 30.Im in Vic. Thanks
  10. The bit that worried me was he said that in the past regulation of breeding had been left up to local council officers but now the RSPCA inspectors will be doing it to because they have the expertise!
  11. I just heard Hugh Wirth talking on 774 Melbourne about the new animal welfare laws theyre bringing in if the labor governments reelected. As well as rules for pet shops hes saying that anyone who breeds will come under these new laws even if they only breed one letter from one bitch.They reckon theyll be out checking up on anyone who has a litter anywhere in Victoria.He said hed had a bit of opposition from what he called the "pure breed people" (said with a bit of a laugh) and he reckons theyll all be regulated to and the RSPCA will be coming out and checking all of them to make sure they comply with the new laws. Sounds pretty bad to me I wont be voting for labor
  12. Pups have to be socialised when theyre very young which means touve got to get them used to lots of things in the first 4 months of their life like different people other dogs traffic crowds ect.Sounds like your pup didnt have this so itll be harder now hes past that period of his life
  13. My dogs hated that van stuff in the end they picked at it but lost weight so I got rid of it.Roo meat goes straight through my dogs
  14. If youdo get another pup get a female youll have less hassles that way
  15. Maybe he was a bit stressed and didnt eat well in the kennels and thats why hes lost weight or maybe the food they make has got a lot of rice and veg and not as much chicken that could be why hes lost weight and his coats a bit dry.Your girl might just be a better doer.I dont reckon its got much to do with the biscuits you feed but I might be wrong
  16. Sounds like you see "emotional" as a negative but I reckon its a good thing.I like breeders to be emotional about their pups coz it shows they care and if they wont sell to pet shops then thats good to.Of course you being a pet shop owner you wouldnt have any emotional involvment with the pups coz when it comes right down to it your buying and selling pups to make a profit no point in mincing words. And the breeders selling you pups to put in your shop I wouldnt call those them reputable or ethical even if some of them are registered IMO theyre out to make money out of the pups just like you are. Pups should be in the breeders home enjoying the family and the sunshine and green grass and fresh air not kept in a cramped little pen in a shop all day and then shoved out the back at night. I guess Im arguing from a fixed emotional viewpoint but Im proud of it.
  17. Theres heaps of topics on docking do a search
  18. Theyre not a registed breed with the Aust KC but I think theyve got their own registry I think it might be in the US
  19. Didnt she have her dogs in a crate or a trolly at the show?
  20. Sorry but I think your living very danderously.Ive got a dominant staffordx female and Id never bring another female into her enviroment it might be ok while it was a pup but once it started growing up I know Id have trouble.Shes desexed but it didnt make her less dominant.I can see your situation getting worse as the young dog gets older.None of the breeders Ive ever spoken to recomend you have 2 bull breeds of the same sex it can sometimes work but if it doesnt well look out.If it was me Id be finding a new home for the young dog and maybe getting a softer female if you want another dog. Im no expert but this is what I think sorry if its not what you want to hear
  21. Sheridan I think your looking at the natural balance food posted by bindidog
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