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Everything posted by MissMaddy

  1. I just bought a bag of chicken liver treats yesterday, then just found this today. Both my pets were also on orijen, so this is really destroying any faith I have in any food I don't prepare myself. I think both my dog and cat will be going onto home made barf now. And I'll do my own dehydrated treats. The way I'm going, anyone would think I'm purposely trying to kill my cat, he's had both the orijen food and now some of these treats.
  2. I got a small 1kg bag of ziwipeak for the dog, and a 500g bag for the cat. They couldn't find prices or anything for the bigger bags. Both my guys went absolutely mental over the ziwipeak! Just a bit expensive, although I'm considering going over to home made BARF, with ziwipeak as a back up. The cat will probably stay on it, though, as it's not so expensive for a cat (and he's mums, so she just pays for whatever I buy him!). My girl has done really well on the orijen, she loves it, and stopped constantly dropping her coat (which has been a first in over 12 months), has small, hard poos, and I was able to halve what I was feeding as she put on weight so easily with it. She is looking the best she's ever looked on it, but I'm still worried about continuing to feed it. I have about 1/4 of a medium bag, and a smallish unopened bag in the pantry. I wonder if the reason the Ziwipeak doesn't have to be irradiated is because it's from New Zealand and is human quality meat? I was recently told satin balls were fantastic for coat, is this true?
  3. Has anyone here fed ziwipeak? I'm considering it for my cat and dog (who have both been on orijen for a couple of months, so I hope the cat doesn't get sick!). Our local pet shop sells small bags of it, and the cans, and I can order in the bigger bags.
  4. Have you got any family members that she likes? I used family members that hadn't just got home as a lowish level, then when they just got home as a medium to high level (depending on who it was). And when Zali was a little bit interested in sniffing something. We just got very close to our high level distraction tonight! I had her outside, and she saw something in a tree, which could have been a possum or cat (going by the deep throated growling and hackles up all along her back). She got a bit distracted, but still knew she had to pay attention to me and come back when called. I'm hoping to get out in public shortly so we can start building our distractions out there.
  5. I'm not, but I did a lesson with him. So far I've had no questions on it as he explained it so well. I would have done that if I was close enough! The biggest problem we've had is getting good contact with the probes, resulting in her initially having a high "working" level over 20.
  6. Yep, it's a dogtra. I'm pretty happy with her sits, but we haven't done anything on drop yet. We also haven't graduated to other dogs yet, as they're a bit too high on the distraction level at the moment. Yep, I'm doing the distance learning through k9 force. I would recommend it, it's been great to be able to ask Steve if I'm unsure of anything, and make sure we're on the right track.
  7. I understand how you feel. Mica thinks other dogs are the best play things in the world! I need to work more on her SAAD as she always runs a few steps towards me whenever I say her name or give her a stim, takes her a few seconds to work out what I want. I am slowly adding distractions with her too but the issue Im having is at this stage all distractions seem to hold a very high value and I lose her focus quite quickly. But repetition and perserverance (sp?) shes already come a long way so Im very happy. Hope it continues to go well for you MM :cool: Zali's sort of over the playing with other dogs so much now (she will but gets rough very quickly), but is obsessed with chasing dogs. It's a pain, and very intimidating for the other dog (exactly why she's not allowed off lead yet). I have a similar problem to you with distractions, they are either very low, or quite high, but I've managed to work out a couple in between with Steve. My girls working level is 4!! I was amazed at how low it is, but it's definitely it. Zali's SAAD is probably her best exercise, she sits instantly, and then sits there looking all proud! Can't wait to get out of the house and into the "real world"! Yep, uni placement with work on top is what's delayed us in progressing as fast as bp.
  8. Just thought I'd bump this topic up again, and add in my own story. I finally managed to save up to get an e-collar for my gsd. She is completely obsessed with other dogs, and thinks another dog running is a perfect item of prey! I was sick of not being able to take her out without always having to avoid other dogs (if I don't let her rush straight at them with a loose lead, she growls cos she feels restricted and wants to chase them) and not letting her off lead unless at my horse where she's much better behaved (there are dogs there, but she knows them well and is much more relaxed around them). We've been using the e-collar for a few weeks now, but haven't progressed as quickly as others on here as I had exams when it first arrived. Her recall in the back yard under low to medium distraction is going really well, as is her SAAD, just need to add more distractions.
  9. Oooh.. what's the name of the shop? What were the prices like? The place was called Pet Maniacs, and they're on High St. They have a website, www.petmaniacs.com.au Thanks for all of that information! Hopefully I'll have time to go there on the weekend (freezer space permitting). I saw the shop's opening hours but there is no indication of when Diesel will be there. What a cutie!! No probs, it's a great shop! I think Diesel's there most of the time. He was there when I went, definitely a gorgeous boy!
  10. Oooh.. what's the name of the shop? What were the prices like? The place was called Pet Maniacs, and they're on High St. I'm not sure of all of the individual prices, but the pigs' ears were $1.30 each or 20 for $25. They didn't have a big bag of the orijen, so I'm not sure of the prices as I got quite a few things. The meat seemed about average to the prices I usually pay, but anything frozen is preservative free. I'd consider trying different meats, but I don't know much about camel or ox, as she's not great on beef or roo, so don't know if they'd be ok for her. They have a website, www.petmaniacs.com.au
  11. Thanks Charli73. I managed to get some from a place in Thornbury today, so will let you know how we go. We also got some for the cat, as well as some BARF paddies, and they sell heaps of meat (including Camel!! ;) ) as well as really cheap pigs' ears. Will definitely be going back! I wonder if Camel would be ok for Zali? I've never heard of anyone feeding it.
  12. Thanks Charli73 and kosti. Charli73, the place in Ringwood is between Ringwood and Lilydale. I think it's next door to the new location of saddle-up. Looks like I may have to drive out there tomorrow as my current dry food is nearly out, and I want to mix them initially instead of changing straight over. I'm trying it as it was recommended to help with Zali's slightly itchy skin, and I'd like to try her on a raw diet eventually, I'm just not quite confident enough to do it properly yet. Thanks Kosti, I may try 4 paws or pookinuk next time, we're just trying the orijen, so will see how we go. ETA- Sorry Charli73, the place I'm thinking of doesn't sell orijen. They sell EVO, Innova and California natural, which are all not quite what I'm after. Guess I better order some orijen from one of the 2 places suggested.
  13. I know of someone around Cranbourne area who runs her own mobile business Sticks. Let me know if you'd like me to try and find her details.
  14. Hi guys, Can anyone suggest a supplier of Orijen that's in the south eastern suburbs of Melbourne? I know of a place that I can get it past Ringwood, but am hoping that there may be somewhere a little closer in.
  15. Zali is a bit the same when she sees other dogs running, especially if they're chasing something. I just think whenI finally get that much focus from her on me, she'll be so good at obedience!! I don't let her off anywhere I can't see a larger distance around me as she has no recall around other dogs. Another reason for the collar, I just with they weren't so expensive!
  16. Was this the girl at the workshop in Melbourne? My girl, the black and tan who was also at that workshop is the same, although Í can get through to her most times in order to at least get past other dogs without getting dragged, tripped or whatever. She's much better in a situation with lots of other dogs, as she's been expected to behave and not play at training since she was young. I see that the e-collar would be the most suitable method to communicate to my girl that I am what she should be focused on, just need to save up for one!!
  17. +1 on that... Me too! All that learning is tiring, not to mention my dog passed out on her bed! I have to agree. Although my head is spinning, I learnt a lot, and not only about how different techniques work, but how a dog's mind works so that I can try and understand my girl a bit better, and figure out why she reacts the way she does in certain situations. It was fantastic! And it was great meeting everyone else too. And the staffie noises were fantastic!
  18. MissMaddy


    I don't know what to say, I am so very sorry Bella. You gave that beautiful boy everything he could have ever wanted, and he was so lucky to have spent his short time here with such wonderful, caring people. I can't find any other words to say how sorry I am for you, but that I wish there was something I could do to help ease your pain at such a sad time.
  19. Does anyone know where I can buy some Biolac coat improver in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne? I know I can order it online from interstate, but just wanted to see if anyone can tell me of somewhere more local to buy it? Thanks.
  20. Wow, I'm jealous! Can you please make sure you take lots of photos and video footage?!! Please, pretty please?!
  21. Thanks Seita, I've got my name down for the whole of his (k9 force) workshop down here (Melbourne), and am planning on continuing on with Erny before and after the workshop.
  22. I don't mind a few (or a lot) bruises along the way! I want to get into competitive obedience myself, and my girl is already a good worker, so I want that extra edge that you obviously have! I just don't know how to actually do it, or I would have had her working in drive from puppy age.
  23. That vidoe was great! I'm going to the k9 force workshop, and am very interested in training in drive. This has now convinced me that this is the way to go just by looking at how much your dog is enjoying her training! Congratulations!
  24. Will the 3 days be similar (as in you attend one day) or is it set up so you attend all 3 days?
  25. thanks guys. I'd say her nose is almost definitely hormonal now that you mention it, as she appears to be coming into season at the moment. She was only in 4 1/2 months ago though! She had a pale pink discharge last night but it's pretty much gone, so not sure what it meant. The little pink spot could definitely be skin off from her harassing my cat (she's always trying to love him, and he's not interested!) and him clawing at her. I'm not sure about her nails, though, as they have been discolouring for quite a few months, starting off completely black, then developing a lighter line on them which has gotten bigger. I have horses, so have not trouble getting hold of livamol when I next go to a feed store. I was also considering trying the missing link supplement.
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