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Everything posted by carrie

  1. I read an article about Judge Judy a few months ago and apparently she is a crazy animal lover, very generous to rescue and has quite a number of dogs (I think they were chihuahua x rescues if I remember rightly). I was very very impressed by her from what I read! I've seen a number of episodes with "dog breeders" who she has given hell to, and sent the authorities their way.
  2. In many shopping centres are places that do embroidery, why not buy a plain one (maybe a fleece one or something that's easy to embroider) and take it to one of those embroidery booths?
  3. So, am I right in the understanding that the RSPCA got one cat, and if another has been found, did Jed only have the two? Does that mean both her cats were safe, or were there others? So so glad to hear another of her precious babies are safe.
  4. Ditto. Happy to help with anything the foster carers need extra help with.
  5. I usually agree but today I'm having a cats are the best day. This morning, I have been unwell and I took my dogs out for a wee but I really didn't feel like chasing them around... anyway we went out into the front yard which is unfences (the backyard is fences but we don't have a back door so we have to go through the front yard to get to the backyard) and my dogs usually just have a wee on the front lawn and then trot out the back. Napoleon the chihuahua was being naughty though (which is pretty common) and started to run and I could tell he was heading off to run down the street after the postman... I yelled out "Napoleon! Stop!" and out of the blue my cat comes flying along out the front door and TACKLES the dog. She pinned him down and held him on the ground. I couldn't believe it! She has NEVER done this before! I'm sure it was just a game to her and I'm sure it was also a co-incidence and she just saw Napoleon run and thought she'd play, but to me, she just saved me a run down the road in my pajamas! I was delighted and couldn't believe my eyes! Today I'm on Team Cats... tomorrow I'm sure I'll be back to Team Dogs!
  6. I didn't really think they were substantial enough for an auction... Maybe I could package them up for an auction into a nice doggy gift pack? Is that helpful at all? Sorry I'm just feeling a bit lost and wish there was more to do to help
  7. Will it be helpful to Jed to have donations in coming months of goods as well as money? I have a chihuahua and another little tiny terrier and have lots of bits of pieces that are brand new that were bought for my dogs but that I could donate to Jane as she gets back on her feet. I have an unused dog bed, some coats and collars and treats and leads and other bits and pieces. Do you think I should put them aside for Jane or do you think she won't need these kind of things? Does anyone know if Jane was insured? I hope that's not rude to ask.
  8. This afternoon at work I sold a crate to a lady about to pick up a puppy. I asked her what it is and she explained it is a "Woodle". I asked her what that was and she said ti was a Westy x Poodle... What the? Imagine that coat!
  9. I had a rescue terrier who had lived in a guinea pig cage his whole life, and we put him on clomicalm because he freaked out whenever i left him. It seemed to make no difference whatsoever. Then our staffy's seperation anxiety got quite severe and the vet recommended we try clomical again... which we did. It was awesome, he calmed down heaps and did really well. Unfortunately my partner and I split and he took the staffy, and he started giving him less and less attention, and the seperation anxiety got much more severe. So he tripled the dose of clomicalm and the poor dog became like a zombie, he was lethargic and slow and miserable. This suited my ex just fine as it meant the dog was easier to manage but it was heartbreaking. So yeah, watch your dosage if you do use it, and I agree it doesn't work on all dogs.
  10. I use Joint Guard liver treats daily for my chihuahua with lupus, who has joint degeneration. I put him on it when he was 4 and started to struggle to jump onto my bed, which isn't high. Within three weeks of being on joint guard, he had learnt to climb the four foot fences and get out of our yard! We had do redo them in colourbond. So I am a huge believer in joint guard!
  11. If you have any issues you can buy them at www.worldforpets.com.au If they aren't listed, email the site and they'll order them for you and send them to you. The lady who runs the site is very nice and will order stuff very happily.
  12. Wow I'm crying like a baby. Seeing those memorials for the dogs passed just made me lose it.
  13. I guess my largest concern with rescue pets in petstores is it still is the impulse buy thing, people see them, fall in love and then want them, regardless of whether they are ready for them. And when someones there with their heart set on a dog, it's alot harder to turn them away then if they are on the phone or have just seen photos or whatever. I'd still be worried the workers wouldn't have the time and resources to screen adoptees properly. They get disposed of, or sold sooooo cheap that any random can buy them with their latest paycheque. Infact that's one of the things that concerns me to most, when they mark the dogs down to next to nothing and put the sale signs up in their windows, they make them more affordable to passersby which can be even worse then the thousand dollar price tags because people can just impulse buy even easier... But what about the ones who don't go even at the cheapest price? My Penelope is one of them... She's an oodle, a Foxidoodle to be exact (yea what the hell???). From puppy farm to pet shop at 6 weeks. Sat in pet shop window for 6 months and at nearly 8 months was so damaged that I, as a sucker of a vet nurse, took her to try and rehabilitate and rehome. She was a mess, the act of clipping her toe nails sent her into convulsions and screaming, she knew only that you pee in your bed and kept going into my bedroom to pee, grass was so scary to her, she screamed when she hit the grass, and every time I held her she wrapped her arms around my neck and clung to me. She's been with me over two years now and just last week we finally mastered toilet training! It's been two whole years of having pee-mats next to my bed, and last week she figured it out, that we pee OUTSIDE and she is soooo excited everytime she get's it right... But yeah, they were "getting rid of her" and I took her... As a foster. Short term. But Penelope had other plans and at the time I took her to foster and rehabilitate her, it was one of my lowest points of my life and Penelope rehabilitated ME! She's now my sweetheart and comes to work at the vet clinic and sits on the chair at reception and every time someone asks "what is she?" it opens the oppurtunity for me to say "She's a DESIGNER DOG..." and then we tell them about where puppies really come from and what Penelope went through and still goes through after having that start to life. But I love her. We designer her up with bling, bows and leopard print just cos it's as ridiculous as her designer name... But I adore her. She rescued me for sure, not the other way around. And together we will advocate against designer dogs! Go team Sorry to share photos, but I like for people to see that THIS IS what a designer dog looks like. This is one of the ones who didn't turn out quite right and was one of the true victims of the designer trend!!!
  14. carrie


    I don't understand, what does the antifreeze do? Is it harmful? This doesn't make sense, if they are for animal protection, why would they do that?
  15. I don't believe so. I apply it lower because otherwise it rubs on her collar, and have always done so without it being an issue. She definitely wasn't licking it because I put it on before hopping into bed and spending the next few hours reading with her next to me. The vets and product reps regularly recommend splitting the tubes and putting some at the base of the tail on larger animals as well, so I can't imagine the placement should be a problem?
  16. Dogs such as mastiffs can be lethal weapons. How about an article I read today about a police dog stabbed repeatedly in a domestic dispute just a few hundred metres from my house, a few months ago. Humans can be lethal weapons.
  17. Wow so this is ANOTHER puppy farm in wondai? Two in one small place? What the? That is horrible!
  18. I hope I am not out of line reposting this, but I posted in the cat chat and I realise some can't see that part of the section, and to me this is important. I'd like people to see these photos because it's definitely going to make me think twice about using this product! I have been using Revolution flea prevention on my cats for years, and am shocked to have found that this month my beautiful cat Summer has recieved burns from the application of Revolution! I've used it without a problem for many years and whether it's just a bad batch, I have no idea, but I wanted to post a few photos so people are aware of what can happen with this product! I work in a vet clinic and I have heard about cases in the past, but have never had it happen to me, and my poor cat is in terrible pain! My beautiful Summer. 24 hours after Revolution application. Yellow and sticky. 72 hours after application.
  19. If you can't afford to buy the dog, then you can't afford to own a dog and $400 is a very reasonable price. EXACTLY what I was about to say. Agreed 100%. $400 is very reasonable.
  20. A few years ago we were expecting a huge cyclone in Darwin, it was one of the biggest Australia had ever seen (it didn't end up hitting us in the end) but I had an interesting situation because we were thinking we'd be told to evacuate or head to cyclone shelters. My mum is a pastor so she is actually required to go and be a chaplain at a community emergency shelter and her shelter she was allocated to was in a shopping centre which didn't allow pets, and my father ran a wildlife park so he had to be at the park if the cyclone hit but of course our pets couldn't go with him because the wildlife park can't have domestic pets at it. After hours of fighting (I think I was only about 18 or 19 at the time) I flat out refused to leave my animals if the cyclone did hit so in the end my parents left me and the animals in our houses cyclone shelter. The cyclone didn't hit Darwin, but a massive storm did, but there was just no way I would have left the animals!
  21. On the flip side, $100 extra for a speyed dog is fantastic!
  22. Just a note... there are PLENTY of those kind of dogs in rescue, they are NOT rare at all and you will find she'll probably pay less to rescue a desexed, vaccinated, vet checked dog from a rescue even if she pays freight! I have seen MANY "spoodles" on petrescue in the past! There are 501 small dogs listed on pet rescue at the moment, MANY are poodle crosses! Here's a cavalier cross.... super cute! http://www.petrescue.com.au/view/66340 Wilbur the pug x shih tzu is adorable too! - http://www.petrescue.com.au/view/56672 Bella and Beau are poodle x's that look kinda "spoodle"-y - http://www.petrescue.com.au/view/63438 Ellie the Moodle - http://www.petrescue.com.au/view/66399 Pasquel the Maltese x Shih tzu - http://www.petrescue.com.au/view/66352 Jaffa and Meeka the Poodle x's - http://www.petrescue.com.au/view/62396 Piper the Moodle - http://www.petrescue.com.au/view/66398 Mollie the Moodle - http://www.petrescue.com.au/view/66339 Daniel the Maltese x Shih tzu - http://www.petrescue.com.au/view/66290 Riley the Poodle x - http://www.petrescue.com.au/view/66256 Still think their rare? You'll find everything in rescue if you look long enough. And if she really wants a puppy, purebred is the way to go!
  23. Can you put them in a boarding kennel for a few days to buy them some time?
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