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Everything posted by kja

  1. 25 Jan 2013 - Lobo "I'm trying to sleep here, jeesh!"
  2. clickin - love those two!! maverick's - great shake!
  3. Yup, it was definitely a case of be wary of what you read! I've found that my old presets - most of which I haven't bothered to resave - work better with a slight tweak in 4 now, too. Glad it wasn't just me finding that!! I'm glad you're loving it - such a powerful, fast tool.
  4. LOL have you just started using it?
  5. Thanks, Guys. It totally sucks. 24 Jan 2013 - Boof fell asleep, purring contentedly, while I was giving him head & chin scratches during one of our last cuddles before I took him to the vet
  6. Ugh, thought I had the second one nailed today but it's crap when I look on the big screen. Oh well, tomorrow is another day.
  7. Very nice, you two! 23 Jan, 2013 - Boof enjoying a head scratch on probably our last night together.
  8. 21 Jan 2013 - Wohooo!!! San Francisco 49ers going to NOLA for the SuperBowl!! 22 Jan 2013 - fresh lime from a friend's tree
  9. I thought I might have one completed, but now I'm not sure I like it that much. Still have a week-ish to get it done :)
  10. First dive of 2013 finally - it was killing me! Conditions were still undesirable for shooting, but I found a few small things where I control the sight of floaties a bit. Didn't do any midwater stuff but man oh man was it awesome again. Enjoy... Little buddies Sea star arm Shrimp in a barrel sponge periclimenes soror shrimp on sea star periclimenes soror on the underside of said sea star A couple more of the sea star/shrimp combo on the blog
  11. MM - love the nose kiss!! Conditions were shocking for shooting, but I saw some awesome stuff including three critters I do not remember ever seeing here before and it was so freakin' nice to be back in the water. 20 Jan 2013 This cutie is smaller than a five cent piece
  12. I feel like I should apologise for all the beach shots, but this is what we do almost every day so I'm afraid there are going to be many more to come! 18 Jan 2013 - Dora relaxing on the dune
  13. Cute chickens (or are they ducks?) And what a spider!! 17 Jan, 2013 - loving summer at the beach
  14. LOL on the collar 16 Jan 2013 - first pretty morning in a week. Dora's loving it
  15. What a cute foster kitty! And love pup in boots :) 15 Jan 2013 - Evening sky with moon
  16. LINK TO THE BLOG meagan - the reason yours are so big is that you have the short side set to 900 and the long is over 1300 :) I personally put my images on photobucket and then added the html code coz that's just easier for me rather than trying to learn what blogger likes. I found the launch post a PITA to do the other way as I couldn't get stuff to format right if I made changes. Are we all up now?
  17. Nice mozzie!! 14 Jan 2013 - Dora in the new fresh water lake
  18. Ok, there's still lots of time to get your photos up for theme one - and even a few hours left to shoot (thank goodness LOL). Snook will not be in for the first theme but will for the second one which is...drum roll, please... Hannah has chosen Frozen Moments Shooting runs inclusive 15 Jan - 28 Jan, 2013 Post images on 29 Jan, 2013 Good luck
  19. There are lots of people who don't use Canon or Nikon speedlites and get along just fine. They can be a nice, cheaper addition to your arsenal.
  20. Love Sid looking through the window!
  21. you'll be able to see. I will update post one and put a new link here at the end, too :D
  22. No stress, Snook. Shooting ends tomorrow so you've got over 24 hours to go :) And lord knows I'm going to need virtually every minute myself LOL
  23. Honestly, I haven't done mine yet so haven't played with these settings so whatever you guys do that works please pass on! Display at 900 is the ideal so it's consistent through the posts, but there are no post police coming to get you if you do it a different way :D
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