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Everything posted by kja

  1. what a long week it's been! Took advantage of a small lull in the wind today to sneak out for a 70 minute snorkel. Not much happening: some fishies, some squid eggs, a cute nurse shark, a funky jelly. Got stung by something on the surface so now the upper left half of my lip looks like a bad botox job, but at least it doesn't hurt anymore :)
  2. kittikat - nice beach shots! I love having the beach to myself, though usually I do like my pups with me, too :)
  3. ooo, excellent rainbow & bird!! 19 March 2013 - did a microlight flight over the Cape & Ningaloo Reef today. Super fun!
  4. @pheebs - sorry, I missed your question!! I haven't seen any sea horses here in ages and we don't get sea dragons this far north. I saw seahorses on my recent trip to Lembeh so you can check out those albums & threads if you like :) @tlc - awww, thanks :) Explored a new area today. It was OK, but not mind blowing. Think it will be better at low tide. Still found some very cool things including this awesome small ward's wobbegong shark tucked into a bommie
  5. Going to randomly add stuff and try to be better about posting day to day! 12 March 2013 14 March 2013 18 March 2013
  6. Meagan has chosen SPORT Shooting runs 18 March - 31 March inclusive Posting is 01 April Except that they were shot outside the theme dates so you can't use them ;) @snook - you can always think outside the box for "sport" :) And, no, you won't need permission to shoot them for your own amusement (some venues may vary, of course).
  7. 18 March 2013 - been sick sick sick since Thursday and finally feel a little better today so decided to hit the water for a quick, gentle snorkel. It felt GREAT and I wish I could have stayed longer but could feel the sun getting through the sunscreen & was feeling pretty run down after an hour. Found three little critters I've never seen before plus a lot of more common creatures. Excellent colour on this crab such a cutie juvenile pufferfish pucker up cowfish
  8. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss :hugs: I agree, one can never have too many photos.
  9. What a chub-a-dub!! Soooo cute!!
  10. Nice shots and a nice lens! Not necessarily a reflection on your images but just a little tidbit I've picked up about this lens, it can have a slight colour cast so you might find some images will need a slightly different white balance tweak than your other lenses. It's no biggie, just something that I know a few have discovered that was a little perplexing at first. Have a great time with the monster!
  11. OK, I'm really sorry, Everyone, but I simply did not do this one. I really wanted to but have been fighting demons in a serious way for a few weeks now and just spent three days almost 100% in bed over the weekend feeling like crap. I'm not feeling fabulous today, either, so don't know if I'm finally over it or if I'm still sick. I know I am bored out of my mind, but thank gods for my Samsung tablet as I've been having a Walking Dead marathon that's helped keep me moderately sane :) Let's have Meagan pick Theme Six: please PM me with the details and I'll get a post up and add a note here (you can put a note in here, too, but I'll get a notification about the PM so can do the blog thing faster if you PM me, too).
  12. I'm such a loser - mine will, at the very least, be late, I think...
  13. I don't bother with RAW+jpeg. I only shoot RAW; you might prefer jpeg, though I'd hate to not have the data later. I take a portable hard drive. They're cheap now and very light. I personally don't like extra cards - too small, too easily lost, too easy to forget which ones have been used. I just can't be bothered with all that :) I also have my laptop almost every time I travel so the first copy gets popped on there. What lenses do you have? What types of things do you like to take photos of? I usually carry a body and lens then check everything else. I have insurance so am not overly stressed about putting anything in my luggage that I don't need right away.
  14. Woohoo!! I have finished my 2012 Lembeh trip photos!! I posted the last two dives worth of photos today and you can check out both posts (Sept 25) HERE. A teaser...
  15. Thanks, Piper :) Diving is awesome!
  16. Woohoo! Two more days done - that leaves only two more dives to get through from September's trip and then I can start on the new stuff (ahem, and maybe Bali from October...) Please check out all the photos by starting here with dive one of day nine. There are six dives to check out :) Leave some love if you're enjoying my underwater exploits...never sure if I'm just amusing myself :D
  17. Great to see people posting! I will be doing a catch-up here pretty soon, just have to get myself sorted after the holiday. Expect lots of uw stuff as that's almost all I shot for the two weeks I was away, sorry! Great thing about LR is that you can't destroy an image - you just click on a previous state and viola! you're ready to play again :)
  18. Remember, it would be rare to shoot a 30 minute+ clip. Usually one would shoot smaller clips and put them together in software (or just run them one after the other if no editing is needed). Easy enough to change cards as many times as you need if you want a massive amount of footage. Check your computer specs to make sure it can handle video editing if you're going to do a lot of it. And skip the digital zooms - stay optical as much as possible. Video in dslr isn't as easy as with a dedicated video camera or a point and shoot and it consumes much more memory than stills. Have fun shopping!
  19. Hi! Sorry I'm late to the party. Thanks for taking the initative and picking a person and a theme :) I had a great too short holiday and have my three portraits up. For those who want to have a look and don't want to dig for our link here it is -> Our Photo 2013 Please come and check out everyone's awesomeness & leave some love :) Week Five Theme: Abstract chosen by Kerri Shooting is 02 March - 15 March inclusive Post on 16 March
  20. Don't forget, images for Theme Three are due up tomorrow!! I'm going to announce the new theme now because I am off on holiday and do not have very good internet connection where I'm going. I hope to be able to post my contributions for the new theme on time, but I might have to wait until I'm home. Lorella has chosen Portraits Shooting runs from 15 Feb - 28 Feb inclusive Images post on 01 March
  21. I'm off on holidays for two weeks so don't know how much I'll be posting, though I will be shooting every day. Internet is very very slow where I'll be so I'm guessing I won't be online much! See you in March :)
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