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Everything posted by Russkie30

  1. I have heard if you feed the dogs paw paw in their diet then they won't eat their poos. I don't know what it is but my dogs used to eat my cat's poos as well (yuk i know), so did a friend of mine's border collie.
  2. i have a 7 month old goldie boy (who i think is around 23-24kg) and it is better to keep them lean (as you know how they love their food). You are being very sensible because a lot of people overfeed their dogs which sometimes contributes to hip displaysia I agree shame on the breeder. My breeder always loves seeing her puppies whatever the age of the dog. It helps her learn. Just wait she is only young Hey my first goldie was the runt turned out beautifullly. was my first australian champion with best in group and well over 300 points. So just wait and see. Sometimes the pick pup always doesn't turn out to be the best. I am currently just feeding the pup a bit of Supercoat Puppy (my breeder suggested it) but my dogs as well as the pup are mainly fed the barf diet
  3. no, but she didn't give it to her in the end because i told her you don't what it could do
  4. a friends dog had a sprain its leg and someone suggested to give her nurofen. I thought i'd just ask if anyone else had used it to help with the pain
  5. is it safe to give nurofen/panadol to dogs
  6. Just a bit of history that I thought I would share. When I was little our kelpie cross labrador (heinz vareity) ate all our easter eggs at night, we woke to find all the wrappers (there were six kids in our family) and nothing happened to him, live to the old age of 18. But as rule I don't feed my girl chocolate only if she gets the bits my 2 year old has dropped on the floor
  7. Some goldies are proned to them and I think depending where you live, eg the heat etc. I have used Alpha Kerry Oil for the last 18 years, it is fantastic you only need a little on the spot. And there is no need to trim any of the hair. In a couple of days the scab just lifts off the skin
  8. How hot does the oven need to be and how long. I've never heard of this interesting
  9. Hi Alison I have thought about doing that as I don't have much time either. Might try that next time, thanks for your tips hilary
  10. So it is ok to freeze the vegies. I wasn't quite sure. I just made a batch up to last a couple of days
  11. I live at McDowall so ashgrove and paddington are close. The pet pantry is that where the old post office was. Yes and I know parking isn't good it that area, I used to live in red hill for years. Where about at Keperra thanks
  12. Hi guys Thank you all for replying so fast and with such great tips. She is a 31.5kg goldie, which at the moment my vets wants down to about 30kg which I'm telling you is very hard. I've been thinking of getting the barf patties but live in Brisbane and only know that they are avaiilable from the gold coast. The flaxseed oil I purchased is from a good health store and was refrigerated when I bought it in dark bottle. I will continue to read book (in between looking after the family and dog). Thanks again just these couple of replies have helped me. It was all just a bit daunting and I was worried that I may not be feeding her right
  13. Hi I am justing switching my girl to the Barf Diet, and I am still in the process of reading Give Your Dog a Bone, I am however a little confused with the supplements. I give her missing link everynite, is this enough or should I be adding extra kelp, brewers yeast etc, I've also been giving her vitamin E tablets 500iu as she's recovering from a foot injury. Also I bought some really meaty chuck bones are these alright for her. I've also been adding a desert spoon of flaxseed oil
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