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Everything posted by Rascal

  1. How long has your cat been coughing for? I was racking my brain last night to think of things to try to help. Have you had a heater on this winter? Could be just a throat annoyance from dry air. You could try a humidifyer, I put one on at the first sign of a cough for my husband and myself and it seems to help especially at night. When my dogs get a cough (not very often) I use manuka honey and turmeric on the tip of my finger, which is what i used when I had whooping cough. If it is dry, you would need something to sooth it. Maybe some semi moist food that doesn't have sharp corners like the usual extruded food and some natural yoghurt.
  2. We tried all of that and even that nasty purple horse spray. Also tried the little caps that you glue on their nails. We tried the little silver paw wound booties held on with elastoplast and she wouldn't walk, actually just rolled over on the floor and stayed there not moving. Tried little discs on her ankles, elizabethan collar on her neck.
  3. My korat Stormy coughs. We had many test done at the uni - they thought it might be lung worm but as it turns out, she peels her claws and they have scarred her throat. The only way to stop it is to have her declawed, but no vet will do it thanks to the mindset. (please do not take this the wrong way - I am not sanctioning anything but in case of medical wellbeing on vet advice) If we would have been able to fix this when she was three I wouldn't be having to have her PTS next week. On advice from our vet the constant scarring and coughing has possibly led to her abdominal cancer and she is in a heap of pain. One vet told me the only way I could have a cat declawed in Australia would be to smash all of her paws. Obviously I can not do this. Now my siamese is copying her claw eating and has been doing so since she first did it in front of him. Both of my cats are indoor cats. Edited for lousy spelling
  4. I have to admit I have coloured one of my bitches. Sputnik was dressed as a spiderpug for the pooches in the park day at our local dog park and I sprayed her tail with red hairspray to make her a redback spider...
  5. Get one of the large drink bottles with a double ball bearing in it and hang it from the side the crate. We trainer ours to use it with a tiny bit of watered down chicken stock then slowley added more water until it was all water. Good training. All of my pups now go with a little "walkies" bottle that has the same top on it and can fit to any standard drink bottle, makes watering in a car a breeze.
  6. See what the breeder wormed them with, if it was troy puppy use drontal and visa versa, they don't cover the same worms.. best of luck.. (also try some paw paw to soothe the bum)
  7. Rascal


    Hi, Have your babies gotten any better? Do you have some recent pics to share? Do you have a website?
  8. OMG!! Look at the bubbies! Mine will look like that in a couple of weeks, hope to see you in the pug thread!!
  9. Rascal

    Puppy Collars

    I use martingales from the time they fit into them, but mind you I only put them on when they are supervised at that young age, ie when we are lead training, or on the table for grooming.
  10. Rascal

    Puppy Collars

    8 weeks old- Irish red and white setter Hi Periau, I would go for a Lupine adjustable half martingale. They have a life time warranty on the leads and collars, from what I remember of setters, they do love to chew.. The hardware is outstanding and they are adjustable.
  11. Rascal

    Puppy Collars

    Hi periau, Depends on what you are wanting the collar to do. If it is just to tell puppies apart or identify you could use small nylon or cotton collars, but if you are starting to lead train you could use a variety of different ones including half martingales. What breed of dog and how old would be a good starting point..
  12. Best of luck for her, I know that the chemist has drops for babies ears that dry up excess water, maybe ask your vet if they are ok to use. My pugs have life jackets, like bricks, they sink very quickly..
  13. Try 1 tablespoon of manuka honey to 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric.. They love the taste and it is the only thing that go tme over Whooping cough, ended up with three broken ribs double hernia and split diaphram before I learned about this one.. culd be coincidence but stopped coughing in a couple of days (after over 6 months) after all the shit the quacks put me on. Now whenever I have a cough of any sort or the dogs for that matter I whip up a batch and we all feel better..
  14. Ahh, the secret hidden floor panel in the airline crates.. I have seen it for sale in stock feed places in 20kg bags. Going to last a pug a loooonnnggg time unless you can find smaller bags! lol Just need more pugs!!! LOL.. The coprice puppy is in a 12kg bag. 20kg! 12kg! How about 2 or 3?????!!!! Rascal just throw a few kilos in the crate with her on the way over - hopefully she won't guts it all
  15. I have seen it for sale in stock feed places in 20kg bags. Going to last a pug a loooonnnggg time unless you can find smaller bags! lol Just need more pugs!!! LOL.. The coprice puppy is in a 12kg bag.
  16. Don't worry, I have puppy sample packs.. If worse comes to worse I can TNT road express you some. If you really wanted I could wean her onto what ever you would like. The lovely people at Coprice said they might be bringing out a cat food in the near future -that would get our cats out of the dog food container... We went onto Coprice when we had our malamutes. They used to get hotspots from a lot of premium foods, lost belly fur with others and had bad skin with still some more. Tried Bonnie which we use when Coprice runs out, but they didn't like it as much. The coprice puppy soaks very well for weaning and Chops just can't get enough.
  17. Name: Lotsabubbas Sex: 5 Male 2 Female DOB: 12/13 Aug 2008 Age: One day Colour: Fawn, black mask (well - they will be) Breed: Pug Pug Pug Pug Pug Pug Pug Hobbies: Sleeping, eating. Loves: Chops (mum) Hates: other noisy pugs & loud TV ads
  18. At 12 weeks old he needs the calories from 3 feeds a day to fuel himself and assist with his bone developement. With my pugs, I step down from three feeds to 2 at six months then stay on two forever. If you take away one feed now you run the risk of him developing bone/joint/arthritis later in life as he will not be getting all he needs. If the timing is an issue, we feed at 6am, 3pm and 8pm - with plenty of running around inbetween. If you feel you need to give him extra meat try some human grade regular mince from your butcher with his afternoon feed (the one with the fat for energy). This will help his muscle developement and keep his iron levels up. For marrow bones try the "big bertha's" cut lengthways so he can get to the marrow. Our butcher cuts them for us. Sorry for the length in this, but I hope it helps :rolleyes:
  19. Hi Inbox, Might have missed it but how old is your Japanese Spitz? What are you feeding the little one for its main meals?
  20. Know how you feel my husband is gluten and lactose intolerant - makes eating out a nightmare!! Cowanbree - dont have dog knowledge of it but you would definitely have to cut out anything with wheat. Wheat seems to be in everything - even foods you wouldnt think would contain it so you'll have to read labels carefully. There is a human celiac website which has lots of info on what to look for in labels (wheat products can be called a lot of different names) Has your dog been diagnosed with it? A little bit off topic, but I am clearing my hubbies up with the "Eat right for your type diet" what do you know? Wheat/gluten and lactose are on his avoid list!!!
  21. My OH and his mother both have it. Gluten intolorance. I have switched most wheat base things in the house to rice based and this seems to help with the stomach cramping and the reflux. He is lactose int as well which doesn't help as he loves icecream. I would try him on a rice based rather than wheat based kibble maybe. We use Coprice and give cooked veggies as well (mainly because they like them)
  22. When we had our Mals, our local Halal butcher used to give us whole cow spines.. they would each get one a month and would drag them all over the yard to opposite corners and chew chew chew. I think he used to sell them but I never paid as I would get all the rest of our meat there. (best tasting meat ever! maybe the prayers do help??) Just the content look on their faces for the week was enough to put a smile on mine :D
  23. I have passed on all of your well wishes to Rob & Kellie. Very sad. Brandie finaly got her milk down... Poor Brandie, poor bubbies. My heart goes out to Rob & Kellie and the kids.
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