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Everything posted by TerraNik

  1. At the ET I did last year, there were stewards who stayed with you while you picked it up and they took the bag for you.
  2. They're coming!! There's heaps of them from Day 2 :D They'll be up tonight.
  3. You stop and pick it up straight away. Then you catch up to your place in the line.
  4. Congrats Ptolomy!!!!!!!! :D Well done Mason! I could not be happier with the last two days of flyball racing at the nationals... Jedi and Ahsoka's team WON Division 5!!!!!! On top of that... Jedi got a 0.000 start yesterday and today he did a MASSIVE PB of 5.90 seconds, breaking the 6-second barrier for the first time!!!!!! (His previous PB was 6.3) Ahsoka got an awesome PB of 5.683 (her previous PB was roughly 5.9-6.0)!
  5. Just thought I'd share some of the fast, flying action! All the photos from Day One can be found here.
  6. Photos from Day One are uploading now... Clicky
  7. Yeah, it is a very good thing! The other team did run cleanly... I have no idea who won the heat though - I was too busy celebrating the start
  8. Jedi at Flyball Nationals today... 0.000 start
  10. Isn't it the cutest?! It's from Moops. I've been using the flash a bit lately, do you think my technique is improving? Your photos just keep getting better and better!
  11. Jedi (3 yrs) 52bpm (40bpm when he fell asleep!) Ahsoka (2.5 yrs) 60bpm (she was excited that I had come to say 'hello' so that might've put it up )
  12. Yeah, she could hardly MOVE in some parts of the heelwork because she got stuck in the mud!
  13. We had a hilariously good time doing this demo... You couldn't do anything but laugh about the conditions!
  14. Really?!!!!!!!!!! He's gorgeous! Well here's some more of Burn then... And some of Bel, coz she's just too cute! The full set of the agility photos are here if anyone is interested
  15. Thanks... Yeah, Bel is the cutest! That's my favourite photo, too MTD
  16. Dancing with Dogs Pippin Liam Can't remember this dog's name... Flyball Ollie Dougal Dudley the Piranha Briard Paws 4 Fun - K9's N Kids "This is how you do it!!"
  17. Agility Kobe Burn Bel Can't remember this dog's name... Tim Jed Bel
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