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Everything posted by TerraNik

  1. I would love to see a Grand Neuter Champion, with the same requirements in terms of Group or Show wins, but like others have said that's a whole lot of low point challenges to get the points! However I would also like to see the ability of gaining additional points for Neuter in Group and Neuter in Show, rather than being just a class-in-group win. That way if you get BNIG and beat other dogs to get there, you get the additional points.
  2. OMG! *dies of cuteness overload*!
  3. Woops! I forgot to put my photos in here. Day 087 - White Ninja? Day 088 - Footrest Day 089 - Yes? Day 090 - Ah crap. Day 091 - Say cheese! Day 092 - Jump!
  4. Jed and Soaks will both happily just hang out and watch (unrestrained) if we are doing trick training or obedience at home. They understand when it's not their turn and will usually just lie down and watch until it's their turn. If we are out at a park or club doing training that's a whole different story, though I think it's because they are crated or on a tie-out. If they can see or hear what I'm doing with the other dog they can get pretty revved up and noisy. It doesn't matter what we are doing or what type of reward, they just want to be the one training! If they were unrestrained I don't think they would care as much and would probably just hang out like they do at home. I sometimes use this to my advantage by using one dog to rev the other one up - works a treat!
  5. Hi freundhund, My main prob is my boy has sliped his flat leather collar a few times when he was younger, so we use a martingale, I will have a go with your sujestion of 2 collars & see how Orlando goes. Being a whippet they have a smaller head than neck. Or you could try a harness?
  6. There was a thread on this just recently, which might help? Clicky And another one that's related - clicky
  7. I have a silly question Terranik, "Can Wippets wear a Martingale Collar"?????? thank you in advance There aren't any exceptions listed in the rules, so I would imagine the answer is no.
  8. Love that photo, Huga! Your boys are the best!
  9. So sorry, Lic. Some lovely photos!! Week 12 - Beach time!
  10. Day 082 - Busy week! Day 083 - Poor Soakie! Day 084 - Last day Day 085 - A little grim Day 086 - Waiting...
  11. Yeah, lots of driving to shows that were actually holding neuter class... and his entire Ch is made of 6-pointers because there aren't any other NSW neutered Keeshonds being shown and all the points are at breed-level only. He did pick up 4 Best Neuter in Show and 10 Best Neuter in Group along the way though!
  12. Yep, he gets N.Ch in front and now he's eligible for dual or triple champ if he gets there with something else.
  13. A little OT, but... Jedi just got his neuter championship!
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