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Everything posted by k9kutz

  1. I dog does not need to be "filthy" to be considered dirty to a groomer. Just a few days worth of natural coat oil, dander and dust is enough to make clipping difficult and prevent the groomer attaining a perfect finish. So thats why i always insisit on washing everydog that comes through my place. As soon as owners find out its no cheaper to skip the bath then they are more than happy to let me wash it. So not dirty Kiki in that sense just not freshly bather, groomers tend to blowdry out better as well to get a nicer finish.
  2. for studio sebastian, his bowls are fantastic i have some of there bowls. I have a very large one for water in the kitchen, i always stock up at the Sydney Royal every year i got his card last year but lost it . They dont have a website and i have tryed searching the web for them but cant find anything I know they show Cav's maybe some of the Cav people might know them i forget his name but he is such a nice guy.
  3. Firstly i would recommend using a shampoo and conditioner that is for dogs. Anything mild (Aloveen is a good one), soap free and Ph balanced (Ph of 7 for dogs) are also good things to look out for when picking a shampoo. As you have a coated breed i would strongly recommend you follow with a conditioner to help maintain the coat. :D
  4. I do what the owner wants. Some like very very short, so a #5 or #7 it is. Regular is normally a #3 but that still requires alot is scissoring. If the owner wants longer again then i will go into combs or a hand scissor. This does take longer and i do charge more for this.
  5. Typical Maltese x takes me about 45mins. I dont pre clip unless very matted, so straight to the tub. Wash, then force dry. Clip off with anything from a #3 to a #7 depending on the owner. #10 around sanitary area's, arm pitts, between pads etc. Shape face and tidy ears and tail. Also pluck and clean ears and trim nails. Add about 15 mins if dog is very matted, difficult to groom or i am feeling Lazy. Make no mistake i do a darn good job and know many groomers who can complete a full groom from start to finish in this time.
  6. Awwww Thanks Sandra . I was going to PM you to see how Gomez was going. Glad to hear you are happy and Gomez is enjoying his new look. Brad ;)
  7. Having Shih Tzu's and Peke's myself i always discuss this with my vet prior to any op's. I am very comfortable with my vet and know they know what they are doing. I regular vet will be fine as long as you have a good relationship with them and feel comfortable.
  8. Yep they always take both testicles!!! When i had my boy done i asked to have his scrotum "trimmed" as he was an adult and i did not want that flap of skin hanging around ;) . I have often seen dogs that look like they have one testicle left weeks after the op. Don't feel silly for asking! I had my male rabbit desexed yesterday and to look at him you would think he has two full normal testicles in his scrotum, i trust my vet did actually desex him and it is just swelling
  9. As long as they are RAW they are fine. I find marylands better for bigger dogs who tend to gulp down the wings. There all fine, the main thing is they are RAW!
  10. k9kutz

    New Pup

    I use one of the "wire cage" type crates as opposed to the plastic ones and just throw a blanket over the top and sides, but either one is good. for crates.
  11. Defiantly no cooked bones, but agree the marrow would be good on its own
  12. Sorry, but that is wrong, I actually work at pp (in the process of finding a new job) and they are definately affiliated with pp. I think which food is better comes down to your individual dog. I have had many customers come in and switch their dogs to innova and they do heaps better, but then we also get dogs who wont eat it, do poorly on it, etc. So it definately comes down to experimenting with different foods and seeing what your dog does best on :D Yep, i think you will find that pet good direct or whatever it is called is owned by paradise holdings the same company that owns pets paradise, pets r fun and few other franchises they even have a broacher at the moment advertising all there franchises my friend has a stack of them sitting on the counter of her PP store so they don't seem shy about admitting it either
  13. Eukanuba is not bad (certainly alot worse out there IMO) my dogs were on it for years. Dont be to scared of corn, many good products contain corn. It is important that the corn is used as a source of carbohydrate and not protein, so should never be first ingredient listed. Meat is about 70-80% protein where as corn is only about 10% protein. Some brands (ie science diet) list corn as there first ingredient ie a cheap low quality source of protein. Some brands like Eagle pack use meat meal as opposed to "real chicken" which euk uses as it is also higher in protein and contains none of the water "real chicken" dose.
  14. My first thought was Aloveen as well. Leave the shampoo on for 10 mins before rinsing and dont rinse the conditioner off leave it on. Try adding some omega 6 fatty acid supliment to her diet or some sardines should help. A good diet is always going to help the coat.
  15. Thanks qashmir, i am using plush puppy ATM and it seem pretty good. Any other suggestions you might have for a Full coated tzu's.
  16. i was always taught never to use human shampoo on dogs either as we have a Ph of 5.5 and dogs have a Ph of 7. Having said that i know lots of people who use human shampoo on there dogs without a problem. I would never use human shampoo on any of clients dogs but would consider giving it a go on my own if it has good results and no ill effect. I have Tzus ATM am using plush puppy and suggestions from those of you using human stuff as to what i could try sorry to hijack thread
  17. Yep its fine to use a couple of times a week if need be. Just make sure you leave the shampoo on for a good 10 mins to soak in before rinsing and leave the conditioner in, no need to rinse
  18. Well thats it no more heartworm Vacc for mine anymore .
  19. should be fine, dont puppys get some worm protection through there mothers worm treatment anyway. Double check with your vet but im 99% sure it is ok.
  20. i sincerly Doubt you will have any problem's at all, just very worm free dogs . Your much better off doing it to often than not often enough. On the odd occasion i have lost tract of mines worming schedule so i jusy give them an extra tab and start it all over again.
  21. One of my Toy poo's dose it all the time. Loves to chew his stuff on you, your lap if he can but will settle with just chewing it on top of your foot. I don't mind it all and think its lovely, much better than having him run off to a corner and guard his stuff. I would not worry about it at all, it can be a bit gross but if he has a raw meaty bone or a chicken wing but the other stuff i don't mind he can chew it all over me ;)
  22. Probably a good idea just to get it checked out first by your vet. If it dose turn out to be dietary again then i would find a good sensitive skin diet (that you can afford to buy all the time) You might want to try Eagle pack Holistic Anchovy or Euk Lamb and Rice. For sensitive skin dogs avoid chicken and beef. Fish, Lamb and Roo are much better sources of protein for dogs with sensitive skin. Its never a good idea to change your dogs diet all the time find somting that works and stick with that. ;)
  23. I know crisovar, its like banging you head against a wall. Why get a coated breed when your not prepared to brush at home or spend the money on having your dog groomed on a very regular basis to compensate for your lack of maintenance at home. I have one woman who has just put down her Mini poodle who use to come in once a year in appalling condition and no amount of advice would be taken on board. She has now gone and got a rough collie ??????? poor dog is destined to a miserable life. . It dose not take a genius to figure out a long hair dog will require regular grooming, even my "non-dog" know that.
  24. Thanks Tess, mine always have the c5 and heartworm at the same time once a year. I am defiantly going to talk to my vet now and think i will be changing all mine to advocate.
  25. i have 2 young pups at the moment (14 weeks atm) and my vet suggested not giving them the annual heartworm vacc until they are six months old. My 3 other older dogs are all on the annual heart worm vacc and have been for a number of years without much problem, other than a bit of soreness at the vacc site for a few days afterward. My puppies are on Advocate at the moment and I'm wondering if i should change all my dogs to Advocate and scrap the vacc after reading this post. Whats so wrong with the Vacc????????
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