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Everything posted by Dellcara

  1. As the owner of stud dogs I have the right to specify whatever conidtions I deem necessary - and it's your right to accept them or not. I have used stud dogs with conditions that I was happy to accept ... I have declined some where I wasn't happy about them.
  2. be interesting to see what happens after this year ... I've heard that the Expo itself is not a great success and may not be held again.
  3. same here ... even the Ch shows were a "flop" entry wise .... like many others I wouldn't go to Caulfield again either.
  4. well .. we all know that happens ... just look at litter listings in various state journals. I know in my breed they're full of multiple litters from breeders I've never seen ... nothing of those prefixes has ever been shown ... they use there own dogs over and over never going to outside stud dogs.
  5. what's not permitted? I know several people who are a registered business for tax purposes.
  6. no I don't.... I suppose it's a "fine line" .... but it would be a terrible business (for me anyway) that runs at a loss
  7. I reply to most emails I get ... if I don't have anything available I often recommend friends that do or refer them to our Clubs Puppy referral number. I don't reply to emails that just ask "how much" and I also tend not to respond to emails that are sent to "bulk" recipients.
  8. I keep a copy of the pedigree of all bitches that come to any of my dogs ... on that I note the resulting litter details. Apart from that I don't keep much other info, if any end up being shown I keep track of them via updates from the breeders etc.
  9. for me (and also a lot of others I know) it simply allows us to say "no", for whatever reason ....
  10. lucky you were able to get out ...LOL glad I turned over and went back to sleep when the alarm went off
  11. thanks ... just seems that people are assuming they were and that may not be the case (hopefully)
  12. were the wins actually taken away? or is it just a gazette results entry because of the database not holding the registration details?
  13. once again a typical example of ANKC rules being overriden at State level. ANKC rules state 3 months.
  14. actually this is not correct ... I have it in writing from VicDogs that with imports, once the paperwork is "lodged" with the office the exhibit can be entered in your name. Is that local rules or ANKC? I only know about VicDogs as that is who I have it direct from in writing. Probably not ANKC .... typical of States not being aligned.
  15. actually this is not correct ... I have it in writing from VicDogs that with imports, once the paperwork is "lodged" with the office the exhibit can be entered in your name.
  16. very strange ??? ANKC Regs state that Imports can be shown here for up to 3 months (under there overseas owners name) whilst paperwork is pending. Copies of Pedigrees to be lodged with State body. I have done this myself with imports.
  17. I've used cryogenes to export and they've been fantastic.
  18. just heard the Maltese went BIS .... what a great run the boys are having with "Ryan" (Gr Ch Merimalt Dream Invader) :p
  19. thanks for the Toy results ... and congratulations on your boys title
  20. That whippet can come to my place anytime and take care of our possum problem.
  21. Did he get exhibotors to mouth their own dogs? or not look at all? Many judges prefer exhibitors to mouth their own dogs these days. Re "touching dogs" ... I've always wondered why some judges find it necessary to spend so much time going over an exhibit .. except of course to look for the "finer" points of the standard. Surely "on the move" is where you will see construction faults. cheers
  22. WOW .... great results for the Danes .... well done to all
  23. didn't get there today so don't know all the results .. I heard BIG was a Malt .. RUBIG a Peke
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