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dog geek

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Everything posted by dog geek

  1. What do you want to bet the Puppy Fairy has run out of puppy dust???
  2. I *might* be welcoming little Pomeranians around the 7th of September... Hard to say, really, my boy is being extraordinarily discreet (bashful) and I actually couldn't say if we have had a tie or not! EDITED TO ADD: :dancingelephant: Yay!!! Okay. Is it too early to post our expectations??? Do we wait until confirmation?? Or can I say "FIRST!!!" litter for eNRGeez Pomeranians!!!
  3. I was wanting to do just that - complain to my CC - but was not sure in what form I should present my complaint in... anyone have any ideas to start me off?? BTW - the Cheetah had a population crash that led to the contemporary population of Cheetahs having very little genetic diversity... their COI is very, very "interesting"; yet the species is still physiologically functional, reproduces normally, and are relatively successful in the wild. Food for thought, huh!!
  4. That is what the royal families of Europe said too. Though I notice they are now out crossing and the results look promising. http://www.lastwordonnothing.com/2011/06/23/a-royal-pain/ Hah hah (sob)... Don't know whether to laugh or cry - funny, but of course has absolutely no relation to the manner in which registered, pedigreed dogs (hopefully) are bred... ... heh, I must add - that illustration does resemble a human version of MANY cross-bred dd misfortunes that I have seen!
  5. + 1 on the blower (presuming you are talking about a dog dryer?). Will let you see right down to the skin. Maybe a coat oil? I condition my Afghans' legs quite heavily when they are on long grass, it at least helps get the seeds out easily...
  6. Jeebers, I cannot help but be incensed by the use of these articulate, narscissitic egomaniacs by the media to outrage and offend so many people! It is an undignified and unworthy ploy to generate feedback and discussion - and therefore revenue! The most infuriating aspect of their habitual use of this type of patronising, self-congratulatory troll is how hard it is to respond coherently, without degrading oneself and descending to their level. (Of course, the best defence against this type of attack is for all registered breeders to audit their breeding set-ups and practices and apply themselves to ensuring there are no circumstances for a reasonable person to object!)
  7. ... Am I the only person who was horrified by the little girl jumping on that Lab's back? Although, stands to reason that if they are ignorant of the importance of keeping the weight off their dog, they would also be ignorant of the possiblity of damaging the poor dog's back and hips through unrestrained, affectionate rough-handling! Not to mention ignorant of the dangers of allowing children to harass dogs, with no concept of respectful boundaries OR the likelihood of an overwhelmed dog snapping at its tormentor. I was pretty frightened at how close their gorgeous daughter's face was to those teeth...
  8. as long as master 7 is prepared to take his share, oh, lets say 90 of them Master 7 is ecstatic at the thought - but I know WHO will end up cleaning up the puppy poo, so will regretfully decline the honour on his behalf... :D
  9. Master 7 is of the opinion that she is going to have 99-100 babies, Rebanne - are you ready for that?
  10. Ah, right... I can email the admin about Neuter Classes, no worries. Hound Club, huh - goodo, Miffy is back in coat... hopefully she will have some competition this time?
  11. Having a senior moment here - are there Neuter Classes at these shows...?
  12. Hi Ultimate Pup! First off - do you have a slicker brush? They are very useful for those areas that need a different approach to the majority of the coat. To preserve as much of the fur there as possible, use a pair of scissors to cut VERTICALLY into the matt; using a slicker if possible, tease from the ends of the matt gradually, working your way in towards the roots. You might need to make more than one vertical cut into the matt. A good trick that seems to work well for the impossibly fine fur behind my cat's ears is to pour a teaspoon of cornflour into the area behind the ear - AFTER you have removed the matt. Then, carefully (ie without rubbing more knots into the fur) work the cornflour into the area; next using the comb or preferably the slicker brush, comb the fur - again from the ends of the hair first, moving to the roots. Also - what shampoo and/or conditioner are you using? What breed/s is your pup? Can we see him in a picture? ;) Lastly - you also need to check the "armpit" area - both front armpits and back armpits - for matting, as this is another area where the friction of normal movement will cause small matts. DON'T try to comb these ones out - carefully decide the point where the matt is closest to the skin and use a small pair of scissors to cut the matt off: the skin there is too sensitive for you to work on combing those matts out, it is not fair to your dog and you will set a negative response to you 'maintenance' combing it regularly. Let us know how you go, or if you have any other questions.
  13. Hi angelsophie Is this a dryer for your own personal use, or one to recommend to puppy-buyers? I have Afghans and Poms, and use an Oldfields Maxidry Master. It has a variable speed setting that is particularly useful, and has a flexible hose that I find a bit of a handful to manage, even though I have a H-Frame to hold the dogs still for me. I find the dryer to be really handy, all told. Once I learned the ins and outs of it, and how to use it on each dog, it cut the time I spent drying them by a huge amount - even from dripping wet - and leaves the dogs with breed-appropriate coat texture. Blast drying like this also really does condition the dogs' skin and coat and give them that extra zing
  14. My tunnels arrived yesterday - wheeeeee! I am going to test-drive one on our kitten, and will let you know how they go ;)
  15. Thanks for the heads-up - I just bought three. It is recommended that breeders use these as part of the socialisation process for puppies - very important to get that right! That is my excuse, at any rate ;)
  16. I read about that technique on DOL, of course :D but we do not often walk offleash because of my anxiety that they will be attacked. We went again today - and after a little reminder I had him heeling again! I took the opportuntiy to encourage him to stay in the heel position as we walked, it worked for several metres (mmmm.... morsels of porterhouse) but he is a very busy boy, there is a lot that needs his wee attention. Thanks, he is a little cutiepie!
  17. Aaaaww... thankyou, guys! I was pretty impressed, he has been a little ... um... unfocused (*hyper*) when trying to get him to do training sessions at home - obviously I need to rethink... and rearrange how I look at training him! Here he is:
  18. Yay! I am soooooo loving my little guy right now! I took the Poms for an off-leash walk today. We had a lovely half hour's exploration with treats offered every time he came back to me, whether it was in response to my recall or just him "checking in" and saying hi. So I noticed he was falling into a "heel" position about half the time... and next time he did it, and looked up at me, I 'marked' it -with Good Boy- and treated him. That was OK by him... and the next four or five times he turned up at my side and looked at me, he got the mark and the treat. It then progressed to his deliberately turning up and looking up in expectation of a reward. Which he got. And from then, every time he turned back up after bouncing off to sniff around - I said Good Heel! And treated him. I had time for about seven more repetitions of this last step, before we got back to the car. When they saw the car, Comet took off for it. I spoke my "Atten-HUT!" cue (actually, I use "wassis?") in a firm (car was near road, so I rather urgently wanted him to stop) voice, and he stopped instantly and watched me. I got down and did the recall, where his response was great - he bolted back to me. As he got close I told him to heel - and he did!!! So - I got a great walk today. It was gorgeous weather, the little dogs were relaxed and happy and had a great time. AND Comet taught himself to heel.
  19. ... they won't be sure unless you tell them? O my dog - you could make a fortune!!!!
  20. :D :D Yay ADJ!! And all fine! Most impressive - congratulations and best wishes!
  21. *winces* That, ADJ, is just ... jaw-dropping! Please take lots of photos for us to marvel at/sympathise with... Gawd help me, all I can think of is Octomom....
  22. *squeeeee* Just saw Puglsey's vid - maybe he is doing so much exercising he is keeping the weight off lol! How lovely they look - so soft and squishable! I would be spendig a lot of time just blowing raspeberries on their tummies, I think! Kanati, that is a rainbow litter - mum looked very soft and happy, I love seeing the looks on their faces when their babies are finally here.
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