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Everything posted by kemulvak

  1. Can Prog levels go up and down? My bitch had her first test at 7 days, level 2.2, then at 12 days she was 3.3 Now at 17days she is back down to 2! Is this a normal season? She is doing my head in! Rhonda
  2. I hope everything turns out well for Noopy. Great advice from Ernie. Stay strong, Noopy needs a calm confident aura around her when she comes home. Sending lots of good vibes your way.
  3. Jetpets, for both interstate and international.
  4. Muscaban for us too. Works really well, though my dogs hate it. Rhonda
  5. Bendigo I just rang Hazeldene's, you have to go to Lockwood to collect their dog meat, in the mornings. Fresh on Thursdays, frozen other days, in 12kg boxes. Their Chicken necks are $15.60 per box Mince, which includes bone in it, the lady said it was "better than dog food quality" is $22.80 per box Rhonda
  6. http://www.dogfoodanalysis.com/dog-food-index-a.html
  7. Great that they took the initiative to ring and cancel Rhonda
  8. My Molly had a small lump in the same place, I took her to the vet and it was a tiny grass seed, just sitting in there. The vet took it out in a second, and didn't charge me anything ( I have the best vet in the world!) There was no obvious entry point for the grass seed, so I don't know how long it had been there. Hopeyours turns out to be something nice and easy like mine did.
  9. I've recently bought my first bag of Great Barko. My dogs love it, and it seems to agree with them. Many of the cheap food spray out the other end, but Great Barko doesn't!
  10. After reading all the posts about this food, I decided to buy a bag of Great Barko today. I gave the non-showies a tiny bit tonight with their regular food, and will gradually increase the amount given with their regular dry over the next week or so. They are currently on Bonnie, and are doing well on that. When my OH saw me bring in the bag he asked why did I buy it, that we have had it before and it sprayed out the other end....... Oh well, I can only see what happens... If it has that effect then I guess the magpies will have to eat it!! My 8MO puppy is on Artemis. I bought a bag and wrote down the date I started it so I can figure out how much it costs me. I reckon I have another few weeks from this bag and it cost me a bit over $80, so I'm pretty happy about the way it works out, so far 4 weeks from the bag. Rhonda
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