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Everything posted by Bullbreedlover

  1. wow T That is one serious misalignment. It very well could be a birth defect rather than an enviromental one. Bulldogs and frenchies are hemi-vertabrae breeds. This does look different though in my opinion. Would love to see an xray of his spine just to see what is going on. Poor thing
  2. I spoke to Mum and Dad who are in NZ and they told me that our beautiful Bella was helped across the rainbow bridge today. NZ Ch Chajen Hells Bells Barmere(imp Aust to NZ) Bella had just turned 9 years old back in April. We imported her from Charles and Jean Turton of the Chajen prefix in Australia. She gave us two beautiful litters while she was with us and she was an excellent Mum. Most of all she was our beautiful companion and a wonderful show dog. Bella had a stubborn streak as Bulldogs do. She knew what she wanted in life and she was Queen of her domain. Rest in peace our beautiful Bella. We love you so much. And another piece of my heart has just died.
  3. Hubby and I managed herds up to 1100 cows over two next door farms on one job. Cross breds mainly Last farm we managed was for 450 high producing holsteins Many were producing 40 litres a day. although the herd averaged 30 litres in peak. I loathed power cuts. Not a good time and they happened often back in good old NZ. Power cuts when working in a rotary shed are not good. we had one cow who was absolutely beautiful. She wasnt a pet clf but she decided to be very friendly and would cuddle and lick you. She was so sweet. It has been over 3 years since we left NZ. I always wonder whether or not she is still alive but I doubt it.
  4. oh there is something about full cream fresh cows milk, that unless you have experienced it, you just dont know how good it is. Unfortunately there is a down side to unpasterised milk
  5. There is a little more to getting a house cow than people realise LOL That is not to say that you dont know this Getting them in calf every year. Antibiotic treatment, vaccinations for diseases, worming, ezcema plan, general care re hooves, etc. Drying off time. Calving time. Lots and lots even for just one cow But dont let that scare you. ;)
  6. Thats right.Bulls are just for finishing off the cows that havent taken to AB now. We used to rear our Bulls though because some of them were to be used over the first year Holstein heifers. We also reared our own Jersey bulls as well. They are mean bastards. I hated them. They would run you down on the motorbike if they could. Stood their ground. Our Kelpie loved them. He was a thrill seeker that dog. He loved the challenge of bringing them in from the back hill paddocks. I loved castrating the cross bred bulls that we were rearing as beefys:rofl: When your rotrary shed is set up for Holsteins and the old boss has jersey milkers in the herd life gets very complicated come milking time
  7. It is not good when they pass away in the shed is it GB??? Kind of disrupts the whole milking not to mention the herd. I love the red factor Holstein Fresians but then I love little Jerseys as well(when they are calves).Jerseys have the most stubborn temperament when they reach the shed as milkers. I also adore the Aryshires as well The last dairy farm we were on we raised our beefy (hereford ). I called her Marilyn. Cause she had her blonde head LOL. Before that we had a Freddy(Hereford/Fresian cross)
  8. Pacing is actually one of the easiest movements for a dog. It does not necessarily mean that the dog has hip dysplasia nor anything else wrong with it. The fact that your dog seems to toe in a little also may mean that he has a low centre of gravity point. He is only 2. Still growing and maturing. I am not saying that he does or does not have HD. No one can actually state that dogs have HD without xrays. Structually his leg bone joints may be a little out of line Pacing is mostly done by dogs that do move alot ie, working dogs, and is the most less tiresome movement than others. My male Bullmastiff paces all the time when he is walking. He is perfectly fine, has the most beautiful movement and I am not about to rush him of to a specialist.
  9. Has your vet talked about administering Vitamin K at all? I dont know about any long term ill effects but I do know that this vitamin is used to stop blood flow in animals which have been baited and have extensive bleeding.
  10. his pikky wasnt drool at the sight of food but I think she had just had a drink, so its more just slobber but I think it is so cute. The two strands of slobber had joined into one
  11. Baiting a tethered Bull is a good start. Exactly the job they were bred for. The barbaric sport was outlawed in the 1800's and The Official Standard as we know it today was drawn up in 1875.The standard hasnt changed(well here in Australia anyway)(except for a few issues ie, weight, breathing ability) It is the breeders whom have altered the breed through their breeding program and the differing opinions in interpretating the standard. The standard was written up using various dogs whom each contributed to the ideal Bulldog. The standard has always stated that "no point should be so much in excess of the others as to destroy the general symmetry, or make the dog appear deformed, or interfere with its powers of motion etc" Every point on the bulldog is there for a reason. Nose roll, ear set and structure, dewlap, layback of skull, tacked on shoulders, pear shape, tail, etc etc. The head on the Bulldog is brick shaped, strikingly massive and large. Many Bulldogs of today are physically capable of holding on to a bull. Of course todays Bulldog is now a companion animal, but it still must be bred to the standard.
  12. That is a great age Lesley. Back in NZ we had three Bulldogs from one litter all live to the age of 12 and a half. Our oldest girl is now 9. We imported her from Aussie to NZ.
  13. Exactly. :D I wish I could recall who it was now to see if the attacks against whomever the breeder is that is being referred to above is actually the same one. I actually understand that there are MANY Bulldog breeders out there whom are striving to continue to breed self whelpers and happy healthy dogs who conform to the standard. I dont think they are getting "bashed in the ring".
  14. Bulloved... That is very very sad. I presume the law or the legal system is now involved Let the buyer beware
  15. aaahhhh So in other words because you read this statement on his website, you have taken this as gospel. I was all for hearing a good story. I know who they are.
  16. Why would breeders and exhibitors do this to a person? Please elaborate. I am not asking you to name names, would just like to know why this is happening. Now unless his breeding ethics are shonky or he is breeding away from preserving a true to type Bulldog then I would be at a loss to know why people would do this If you are referring to the person I think you are referring to I would really love to hear all about him being "bashed in the show ring" eta How long has this person been breeding for? or showing?
  17. Beautiful photo Kaffy. Well done on raising such lovely bubbas lots of hugs scooby
  18. When you find a dog bed that is 100% totaly Bullmastiff chew proof ppppllleeeaaassseee let me know. I am desperate to find some. I am totally sick of watching foam come through in dog poo or hoping and praying that they dont get a blockage. at the moment they are on no beds because I have no other alternative. The only beds they get is when they are travelling in the trailer. They get toys but the dog bedding is so much more exciting obviously.
  19. and who gave you this information??????? If she is a cross between a mini and a toy then she is not a purebred mini nor is she a purebred toy. But anyways.... can you post a pikky of her mouth at all showing us what you are worried about
  20. To alot of us scouty it is not disgusting, just being cautious in looking after our furkids. A trip to the vet is probably on the cards if you are worried
  21. What colour is the disharge scout? Is it clear, creamy white, green, blood colour, muddy brown(blood colour), red tomato soupy colour. Has your bitch got a high temp? I know you said it doesnt look mucky but just to give us an idea When was she in season?
  22. If your girl is already 12 months old, why will you wait a few more months???? For what??? If she has retained a baby tooth then it needs taking out. She could have gingavitous(sp)infection of the gums or a rotten tooth can cause some serious problems as well.
  23. Standards, miniatures and toys are each a breed in their own right. eta they have different breed standards(albeit different sizes) but they are judged as separate breeds. If you have a toy x mini then you do not have a purebred. But the problem is her teeth!!!!!!!!!! And so long as you dont intend to breed from her and I am presuming she does not have papers???? then no problem!!!???
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