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Red Fox

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Everything posted by Red Fox

  1. Kei loves possum poop too, it is only second to cats bum So here's what I think you should do... collect all the poop, combine it with 'cats bum flavour' package it up and then make a fortune selling "Mystery Dog Treats" online I'll buy some for sure Seriously, I dont think you need to worry about worms though
  2. Bump, as I'm still very interested in this topic
  3. Kei doesn't rub his muzzle at all really... I did wonder if the cat caused it when they were play-fighting and it just never healed properly?? Poor Kei has ended up with the occasional claw in the muzzle Doesn't stop him going back for more though A skin growth could be a possibility. It's not growing or bothering him at all so think I'll just have it checked in January :D
  4. Thanks I always worry about ordering from somewhere I have not dealt with before. I just saw the Two Big Dogs banner up top of one of the DOL pages too so that helps
  5. I like the way the Roadie crosses over at the front. I wonder how well it would fit a deep chested dog though as it says that it comes in 7 sizes but is non-adjustable I do think that the Ruff Wear harness might be the way to go for us, I'm just trying to justify spending so much money on something we might only use a few times per year! Though that handle on the back looks like it would be very handy -I really like that idea! For those that have the Webmaster Harness- How strong are those clips though? Are they plastic? I'm always a little paranoid that a plastic clip wouldn't hold up under strain ...but I guess with 3 of them it would lessen the chances of it coming apart?? Also, can you purchase the backpack part seperately later on? Shell, I LOVE Zero's palisades pack What size did you get for him? I presumed Kei would be a large, but with the size chart looks like he'd be better off with a medium.
  6. I found the Ruff Wear Harness here for $75 http://www.twobigdogs.com.au/ruff-wear-web...er-harness.html Still much more than I wanted to spend, but a good price in comparison to the other websites I've found... Looks like they only have it in Medium too which should fit Kei going by the size chart (he is right in between -will either fit a medium adjusted to the biggest size or a large right at the smallest and the Waggle site say's to go for the smaller size...) Has anyone shopped here before?? Are they okay to deal with??
  7. Ooohh I like the petBuckle harnesses ...still pretty pricey though I'll have to see how things are after Christmas as money is a little tight right now
  8. Ruffwear harness looks great wish it wasn't $90 though A few questions about it- how hard is it to get on and off? Do they have to step into it and does that back strap get in the way at all for boys (if you know what I mean lol) I need something that is quick and easy on and off while still being comfortable. I can't walk my boy on a harness so it would be strictly for the car only.
  9. Can anyone recommend a good quality car harness? I need something strong that will fit a large deep chested dog (Rhodesian Ridgeback), will be comfortable for longer trips, won't slide around (ie end up sideways) and will still allow the dog to move around a little -stand up/sit down/lay down/turn around etc- while still keeping him secure. Can't fit the crate in the car so that's out. I have an EzyDog harness but have found that it just slips around too much and I am constantly adjusting it. Have thought about buying one of the Black Dog harnesses but they look a little complicated and the straps seem very thin... In the past we have used a 2" padded leather buckle collar clipped to one of those attachments that you buckle into the seatbelt clip and a hammock style seat cover. It does the job but I'd like something more secure for longer car trips, plus I worry that it wouldn't be safe in the event of an accident. Thanks
  10. I think that you would get much more accuarate results with this method ...the test seems to be a bit of a time waster IMO as it can't really tell you much. But then again, it can't hurt and if you have the money and want to know what comes up well why not. It'll be interesting to find out the results on Erin's dogs and if they come back as Beagles or something else.
  11. $47? what size was it? Try here: http://www.vetnpetdirect.com.au/ALOVEEN?sc...mp;category=150 or here: http://www.vetproductsdirect.com.au/vetpro...&Tp=&Bc= or here: http://dstore.com.au/search/aloveen/
  12. Thanks. I dont think it's a pimple though. It's harder then a pimple and no pus inside. Kind of looks a little like a skin tag but I dont think a skin-tag would form in this area
  13. Kei has a little pink lump in amongst where his whiskers are. It first showed up when he was around 8 months old then soon disappeared so I though little of it. In the past month or so it has re-appeared again (he is now 14 months old). It doesn't appear to be itchy or causing him any pain, it did however bleed a little when I had a pick at it (I first though it may have been an ingrown whisker so gave it a little squeeze ). It almost looks like a blood vessel that some people get close to the skin -the ones that look like small raised pink bumps. I thought I would just have it checked when I take him to the vet in January but now am wondering if I should go sooner... Does anyone know what it might be *I'll add a pic soon if I can get a decent one.
  14. We have the PAW brand shampoo and conditioner at the moment. It's nice and gentle, smells pretty good too. Before that we were using Aloveen I personally liked the Aloveen conditioner as you can use it as a leave in which makes the coat fell really silky, but then again I haven't tried anything else so not much to compare it too. Aloveen is available in heaps of places but I found it was much cheaper for me to buy it online. The one time i did go to grab a bottle from Big W it was $25 for 250ml I put it down quick smart! Very over priced when you can buy it online for $10-$12 or vets for $15-$18! I might give the Fido's brand a go next time, I've read a few good reviews
  15. Kei eventually got bored of chewing up my plants and now pees on them instead (MUCH more effective )
  16. Dane sized door here and no issue. Good luck to them i say if they want to put their head through the door So where can I find 'big' dog doors? I have wanted to install one in the security door for a while now but as yet I've only been able to find small to medium sized doors I don't quite need a dane sized door but I do need a fairly big one
  17. I would prefer to have a more 'in depth' session on motivators and TID ...but I would be interested in learning about recall techniques as well. Would it be possible to have a brief rundown of LLW and recall techniques but keep the main focus on motivators and TID??
  18. Hi PW Yep, I process all my fruit and veg together in the food processor. I also add eggs (w/shell included), kelp, garlic, parsley and either Omega Pet or Flaxseed oil to the mix. I don't actually make the barf patties up like in the book. Kei chews his bones so I tend to feed whole chicken frames, neck and wings, roo tail and leg bones and also roo mince, along with my vegie slops, yogurt, sardines, etc. I would suggest you buy the books 'The BARF Diet' and 'Give Your Dog a Bone' available from here: http://www.barfaustralia.com/ They would answer all your questions much better than I can. I'll try though :rolleyes: According to the book you can make up the 60% from any RMB's. Minced chicken frames/wings/necks is probably the easiest thing to get hold of already minced up though. Just ask your butcher to mince them up finely, should be easy enough. I DO add other meats (roo mince) as part of my own dogs diet. Can't see why not. I use fresh though, either old fruit/veg from the fridge or whatever is in the specials trolley at the supermarket. I use whatever I have around, normally apples, pears, bananas and oranges You could do either. Hope that helps eta. Puggy Puggy on this forum feeds her Pugs a raw diet. Maybe shoot her a PM
  19. Make your own The recipe for the BARF patties is in the Ian Billinghurst book 'The BARF Diet'. It's MUCH cheaper to make than it is to buy All you need is 60% RMB -minced chicken frames are an average of $2 per kilo 15% minced up veg -cheap if you buy whats in season or on sale, or just use up old/left over veg from you fridge 10% offal -again pretty cheap 5% minced up fruit -You want it ripe so this is a good way to use up old fruit you may have in the fridge The other 10% is made up of things like yogurt, eggs (inc shells), garlic, flaxseed oil, sardines, etc. The books explain things in much more detail but that's the basics of it. It's cheap and easy to do, a few hours each month to mix it all up and freeze in small portions and you're done Natures Gift doesn't have any bone content as far as I'm aware... Just meat, veg and rice
  20. Had similar but that was because the vet didn't inject it in the right spot so the lump was just vaccine fluid..... Diesel just gets flat for an hour or so, Bundy don't know yet. If this was the cause would the lump start off large and then slowly decrease or grow steadily for a week or two before very slowly going away over a 4-6 week period? In Kei's case it was the latter both with the 12 and 16 week vaccs. The lumps were hard and slightly mobile beneath the skin. Both given by different vets and in different places ie, 12 week was given in the neck as usual, 16 week was given in his side slightly behind the front leg (after my breeder had told me that he should never be vaccinated in the centre of his neck/back area as the lump could be confused for DS).
  21. Poor Oberon I hope he is feeling better now Pixie Meg and has no lasting side effects.
  22. Thank you for the link Jed, I'm just in the process of printing it out now and will have a good read. I am very unsure of what to do. Kei will be due for his 16 month booster in mid January. My options at this stage are- 1. Triennial C3 vacc, 2. normal annual C3 booster or 3. no vacc and try and find a vet who will titer. My preference at this stage is option 2 followed up with titer testing if need be. But then I still have that horrible thought in the back of my mind 'what if I give him the needle and he reacts?'... I can't take it back
  23. Whoo Hoo! 18 definites already! Now you have to come Steve
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