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Everything posted by PuddleDuck

  1. When I picked up bear from the airport she promptly peed all over me while sitting in my lap for the drive home. 5 minutes later she spewed on me as well. My advice is to take a crate, or failing that a BIG pile of towels :laugh:
  2. Enabler!!!! ETA...and they are so cheap! Someone lock up my visa card :p :laugh: Welcome to my world! I even have one-click buying turned on Me too:eek:
  3. Enabler!!!! ETA...and they are so cheap! Someone lock up my visa card
  4. I love them all, but am not a small dog person. I like to be able to wrestle with them. And I tend to go a bit nuts around dogs that aren't big thinkers-prefer working breeds. Otherwise most of my canine limits are imposed by my husband who was knocked over by a GSD as a child ('attacked' apparently) and grew up scared of dogs until he met me and had doofus bounce into his life, lap and everything he owned....ah doofus, the cheerful idiot canine ambassador :laugh: I also tend to take a mental step back when I see a Bassett hound, because I got my ass kicked by one when I used to work in boarding kennels (entire male aust champion bastard that took offense at me standing between him and some dog food an idiot had left in the walkway and chose to make his point with his teeth, repeatedly)
  5. I spent 7 long years dreaming toller dreams, and now I haz one! (incidentally I've been dreaming of winning lotto longer and it doesn't appear to be as forthcoming!) Otherwise.... Finnish Lapphund Working line GSD Working line sibe (idigadog knows which one :laugh: ) Pit bull (never going to happen as we holiday in Vic and I can't risk it) Greyhound Tibetan mastiff Newfie Rottie
  6. And all the archaeologists in a couple of thousand years digging up millions of bagged poops and saying 'what is this mysterious substance and why did ancient man fight so hard to preserve so much of it' :laugh:
  7. No they are 2 different formulas-we have a dog that can only have the response FP (fish and potato based) which you get through your vet :)
  8. Well it takes 10 seconds to say 'she's a nova scotia duck tolling retriever' :laugh: usually followed closely by 'yes I'm serious that is what they are called!!!'
  9. One more question-how loud are they? :)
  10. Ohhhhhhh I can fit a 3rd dog in my unit can't I?! :laugh:
  11. I'll never forget when my BIL got his labs and we went to meet them. Asked where they were and got told that as they were having people over that night the pups had been 'put down for a nap' a couple of hours earlier. I laughed and walked into a partially demolished puppy room :laugh: they abolished naptime and moved them into the yard-much better for everyone :laugh:
  12. This quote by John Holmes keeps springing to mind "A dog is not 'almost human' and I know of no greater insult to the canine race than to describe it as such' Dogs are wonderful BECAUSE they are dogs! All those wonderful doggy behaviours, unconditional love, waggly tails and amazing dogsonalities. My dogs are treated as members of the family by our whole, extended family, but they are far happier doing dog things like chasing a ball, rolling in mud and going all sorts of feral when we take them on holidays with us to the snow each year than playing with fisher price toys like our daughter does. They show amazing levels of intelligence and compassion and bring us joy daily. It is no insult to call them dogs, but a massive compliment to an amazing species As for your vet experiences, I couldn't agree more with all of stormie's posts. I'm not a vet but worked as a vet nurse for 5 years and have held hundreds of paws as they took their last breath. I believe euthanasia is a gift we can give our beloved pets when all other options are exhausted. Though it would break my heart I would not hesitate to do so if my dogs were suffering and my vet and specialists could do no more. In one of your posts you mentioned costs-can I suggest pet health insurance for your new dog? We have it do we will never be in the position of having to make the decision to PTS for financial reasons, after my brothers dog racked up a $16,000 vet bill for severe heat stroke (he survived thanks to some amazing specialists!!) It gives me massive peace of mind.
  13. Try to get yourself some security company business cards too and leave them wedged in doors and gates-security companies leave a card/s to show they have done visits to homes and workplaces overnight If you can't afford security cameras everywhere you can also buy pretend ones on eBay that you can mount for about $15. I used to work for a company that sold them and they look very real (flashing 'recording' light, etc) And I know it sounds stupid but for tonight I'd be putting something noisy (bucket of cans or something) precariously balanced on gates so if some clown tries to come back you'll hear the clatter How scary....and strange. Absolutely the last thing you need right now!!! I would insist the police come out tomorrow regardless too.
  14. Wow I've never worked anywhere that did that, I don't think I could morally. We've taken the dispensing fee off our Linctol as we feel bad that it's so much more expensive than Benadryl. The guy was an ass and it was reflected in the quietness of the clinic. Smart people vote with their feet. But still, there are vets out there that do it. I was very glad to move on from that clinic!!!
  15. The vet I used to work at put a 400% markup on prescription drugs, 200% on non prescription stuff :
  16. Doof ate half a lemon once to stop bear getting it. The look on his face was gold and he didn't stop drooling for an hour. I knew a girl who was puppy raising a guide dog puppy who ate a pair of stockings. She saw the end poking out after pups toileted and had to give it a pull...and keep pulling...and keep pulling....I'm sure you get my drift-let's just say stockings stretch
  17. Not dumb at all Erny. They do engorge but they don't fall off.Although I have had times when a dog will scratch them off very occasionally. Usually they just get full & bury deeper, inbeded if you like into the skin the longer they are left on your dog. Thank you, BC Crazy. Does/can a tick ever bury itself into the skin completely, or is the tick's body always visible? Just bear in mind that sometimes they can be somewhere you don't think to look-at my old work we did find one (eventually) in a dogs rectum
  18. I think for the national desexing network to help you need to be able to prove hardship. My brother used them and had to present a healthcard or pension card
  19. I don't know what ticks are like up there but I would never discount the possibility of her getting one. Search her regularly (2-3 times a day), particularly everything before the shoulders as they are most common on head and neck from when dogs stick their noses into bushes. We live in an incredibly tick prone area and one vet I worked for recommended closing your eyes and letting your fingers do the searching for one search a day as well Regardless of what you put on her, no drug is 100% effective. The best prevention is to diligently search them several times a day, know the tick paralysis signs and get them to a vet sooner rather than later if you suspect a tick.
  20. The only thing I say to the dogs that tends to cause concern amongst people is if one of them talks back to me my standard response is 'excuse me! No one here wants to listen to your views on molecular genetics!' I have NO idea how it started! But, my theory is that they could be talking about that for all I know!!!
  21. Does it count if doof eats his in 4 seconds, then vomits it up and eats it again? The whole process would be at least 5 minutes, if you include time to spew! I use beef tendons, rawhide chews (big bones not the little bites) for a longer time chewing, and cow hooves and deer antler will easily last up to a week to a fortnight when chewed on practically 24/7
  22. This thread reminds me of a joke I heard once.... Given that plastic can take hundreds of years to break down and there are probably millions of bagged pops going into landfill each year, do you think future archaeologists will be digging up these millions of baggies and thinking 'what is this mystery substance? And why is it so important that the people of the past felt the need to preserve it for all eternity...?'
  23. So sorry for your loss dog owner. Thinking of you
  24. Could the KC not demand a clear vet certificate for all dogs prior to entry? If they are worried about corruption by owners going to their own vets surely they could say to the owner they must get their dog assessed by dr xyz prior to their entry being accepted?
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