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Everything posted by SmoothieGirl

  1. Ashlin I don't have any technical answers for this really, but I think its a confidence thing that they need to figure out for themselves. Surely going to the toilet puts them in a more vulnerable position. Both on a physical point of view in the moment and also it allows other dogs to learn a bit more about them than they may be willing to give away. My Dobermann was the same, it took her a while to figure out that going to the toilet anywhere other than the back yard was ok. I'm going through it again with my Collie. It look her about 3 weeks into her walks to go wees and she has only once very recently done a poo on her walk. Normally she holds on then rushes outside when we get home. Maybe someone will swing by this post with a more helpful response, but I'm sure your girl will figure it out for herself soon, she's still only very young.
  2. Puppies are chuckers. Its very natural for pups and kittens to throw up more than what you would expect compared to humans young 'ens. Unless its repeated regularly, she is off her food or pup looks flat or distressed I wouldn't worry too much. It could also be the combination of the long drive and then eating, but given she was fine on the trip its unlikely to be motion sickness. My girl chucked up this morning after an anti nausea tablet and ginger tablet. (Motion sickness prevention as she gets very car sick). Shortly afterwards she threw up the ginger tablets only - go figure. Its the second time she has thrown up ginger tablets, which are supposed to be tummy calming and I just think they mess with her tummy a bit too much. One thing I try to avoid is too much vigorous exercise after eating, imagine how you would feel going for a run after a big meal. Other than that, good luck, but sounds like she's a normal little pup.
  3. Hi Shelle Bronte is doing the same. On Sunday she had lost two bottom front teeth and by Tuesday the adult teeth were through already, it was so fast. Now one of her top teeth is on its way out. I must be evil though as I just kept singing "All I want for Christmas are my two front teeth" and she kept cocking her head and looking at me odd, mind you she always does that when I sing. Actually that's not surprising. Her ears have been all over the place too, its a surprise every morning to see how they are set on her pretty little head. Give Shyla a hug for me! She you at the August Kepala with both the girls grown up a little more and hopefully more teeth. Shel
  4. Ascot Vale Saddlery on Racecourse Rd have some nice horse toys. Also got dog toys too, but I assume they aren't Staffy proof, hence your question. Edit - Oops, I mean Amstaff proof - my bad.
  5. Bronte had her first vacc at seven weeks with the breeder. My vet then gave her the second at 10 weeks and also a nasal spray for KCough, he said that she was safe to socialise properly and go for walks after that one (well a week after). But he still gave her the third one at 14 weeks as the final one of the course. It seemed to have changed since my Doberman puppy who had three shots and couldn't socialise until she was over 16 weeks (a long long time), but that was 16 years ago, so you would expect technology and science to have improved since then.
  6. I'm hoping this is the case with Bronte. I've got a 35 min trip on Sunday, but mostly on freeways so with a bit of luck this will help. Vet has also suggested an increase in her anti nausea medication, he says its incredibly safe and the best thing is, it doesn't cause drowsiness as its not a sedative. All fingers and toes crossed on hands and paws.
  7. Not sure about the other premium brands, but Royal Canin actually smells quite meaty and appetising. My cat was a fuss pot with biscuits and she loves RC. As soon as I could, I transitioned my puppy to it too, no problems there either.
  8. Hi Jettyjet I feel your pain, I'm going through this now with Bronte, she can only go about 6 or 7 mins before she gets ill. I've had no luck so far, but my research has lead me to try the following, hopefully one of these will work for you: Don't feed before travel (although so people have suggested a very small amount of food can settle their tummy, so who knows?) Windows open in the car and no heating - imagine how you would feel if you were ill and the car was warm Ginger tablets - Travel Calm is one brand you can use Bach Rescue Remedy or Emergency Essence Give the puppy a ring/round bed to travel in, it may help them brace or snuggle into. Travelling the puppy in a crate (limits ability to see outside, there are suggestions that the crate should be set up so they are travelling forwards too, not sideways) Travelling the puppy in front of the rear wheels (apparently some get sick when in the back of station wagons.) Metomide (aniti nausea drug that needs to be prescribed by your vet, but my vet said it is a safe drug and doesn't cause drowsiness.) If you do hit upon a wonder solution, please PM me and let me know what it is, I really want to help my girl get over this. Edit - Also, don't let this put you off taking the pup on rides, but always make the trips short and with 'fun' as the prime objective at the end, then he/she will associate the car with happy times. My vet suggests the pup should be in the car every day, whether in the driveway playing with you, going round the block, to the shops or to the park. GOOD LUCK!
  9. ;) Yaayyyy!!!! I'm so pleased you are keeping Zara, she was my pick, her markings are just so clear and those little eyes are melting. Good luck with her show career LP, can't wait to see the photos as she grows up and becomes a star. :p
  10. Hope they work for you, Shel72. May I ask, have you tried more natural remedies first? Such as travel calm (or something like that). I think it is ginger based. There are also ginger biscuits that some have had success with. Hi Erny I have absolutely tried, after reading an old thread. I tried ginger tablets and rescue remedy, unfortunately they didn't make the slightest impact. She was still drooling and looking sickly about a minute into the car ride. I'm going to give these tiny tablets a go and hopefully she'll only need them for a short while. Shel
  11. We have new drugs from the vet to combat nausea, depending on her reaction to those Four Paws may be an option. I'll have a little looky see at the website. Thanks Erny.
  12. Me again I have PM'ed RachelleBuck about Werribee as I used to be a member there years ago and I did enjoy it. They encouraged trailing if you demonstrated an interest. I'll get the low down on what the class are like these days and and we can chat about it on Saturday. Shel
  13. Hi IggiePiggie Bronte and I have just graduated tonight from our Puppy Preschool classes at the Hobsons Bay clinic, it was so much fun. I'm thinking of looking at Hairy Hounds for another 'filler' puppy socialisation class until she is ready to start more obedience type classes. The vet clinic recommended them as they have specific puppy classes. Its in Williamstown and do 5 class courses for pups 8 - 16 weeks. She's very dog and people friendly, but I don't have many friends with dogs, so I kind of need an organised activity to ensure she gets the socialisation. I'm looking for playdate pals too, so if you want to get together anytime let me know, we can get the pooches together. Shel
  14. Hi all I'm going to take my puppy to obedience when she is old enough, only 12 weeks now and at the moment I think the Altona Obed Dog Club is the nearest and has a pretty good rep. However I would like to hear from people that know of other clubs (near Spotswood) that they would recommend. I am just a bit concerned with the repetitious nature of some of the classes in the more community based clubs. Having a Collie, she picks things up incredibly quickly and I don't want to bore her stupid by drilling her ad nauseum. The added complication though is that she gets car sick very quickly, so anything more than about a 10 (maybe 15 at a push) drive is the extent of our boundary at the moment. Any suggestions for some good training groups/clubs? Shel
  15. But Lacey's mine I want a Lacey. No really, as long as they all have the very best of homes there's no better outcome. But LP, I'm voting for you to keep Lacey. Then we can continue with the regular updates. Edit - Can't spell or type for that matter.
  16. Ditto, he is adorable jettyjet. Love the pic of him on your hand.
  17. I was at puppy school last night and the vet nurse suggested roo bones, along with lamb and chicken bones for pups and dogs to eat as they are softer and easier on their teeth than beef bones. That being said, I haven't my girl on it yet.
  18. I just watched them in the courtyard together. Lara stalked Bronte they they leapt at each other with Lara tackling Bronte to the ground in a headlock. They rolled on the ground together for a bit then went their separate ways. Very funny and cute.
  19. What are you using to clean the pee? I used Urine Off when toilet training my dogs. Worked really well. i have been just using a general disinfectant, so should i be looking for one specially for dogs? and i will start getting him back into his training. He is still very young, so just keep at it. Unfortunately many disinfectants have amonia in them, which replicates some of the wee smell, so it can be counterproductive. Specialised spot cleaner for urine, or water and vinegar as previously mentioned.
  20. Hi Shell I wondered myself how my fur babies would cope. My cat Lara is a year old and it was interesting how she reacted. Day 1 - Lara hid in a pillowcase (with pillow in it) and Bronte didn't really meet her. Day 2 - Walked down hall to watch Bronte through the puppy fence, very fluffy and hissy. Bronte quite fascinated but wary. Day 3 - Started to reclaim territory and walking around with Bronte and sitting in her usual spots. Bronte wanted to play. Lara did lots of staring and employed intimidation tactics for the next couple of days. Day 4 - Pretty much doing her own thing and Bronte tried to get her to play. Both happy walking around together at meal times. Day 5 - Started playing together. Bronte can get a little loud and boisterous, but Lara will put her in her place when that happens, but generally with claws only just out, not scratching. Since then they have been pretty cool together. There is no snuggling together or anything, but they definitely play great games, especially in the backyard. Sometimes just when I've settled Bronte, Lara will then fire her up. Typical fickle cat, she doesn't want to play, then she does. The feeding regime in my house may help the pecking order too. I eat, then Lara gets her food, then Bronte last. I still won't trust them alone together until Bronte matures somewhat, but Lara feels safe, so that's a good sign. Lara is generally a house cat and Bronte is outside when I'm at work, so they are only together when I'm there. One day I hope that I can let Lara use her cat door when I'm not home, without worrying about the two of them together. Here are a couple of play shots.
  21. That's cause Lab pups have the silkiest, velvetiest, softest ears in the world. Bronte was having a go at some at puppy school last night. Please excuse made up words.
  22. I've been watching this thread with delight for a couple of weeks now. I couldn't decide which one to get couriered to me, but now I've decided. Lacey! I'll have Lacey please, my Bronte would love a little sister, if only about five weeks younger. I'm sure now that the cat has got used to Bronte, another puppy is going to fit in fine.
  23. Hi all Hoping those of you that have crated puppies at night can give me a little advice here. Bronte is crating well at night and only needs to go out to the toilet once each night. Problem is I'm so worried about her that I set my alarm for about 4 hours after her last toilet stop. My alarm goes off and if she's awake I take her out, if not, I reset it again for another hour or so to check then. Should I keep up with this, or should I wait until she wakes me up? So far she hasn't 'asked' to go outside to the toilet, so I'm not sure what she will do at night in her crate. She has learnt very quickly that whining does get her way, but surely if she wants to go, she will tell me.
  24. Not sure about the dog door Shellectra, but Bronte is doing the same, eating it all. Her fav, if she's out of Ziggies is bark, mmmm, yummy. Yep they are silly, but its all about chewing. Bronte is outside during the day when I'm at work though and even on the weekend, when the sun was out she wanted to be out there. She loves outside, even when I'm home she loves it. If its dark and cold though she likes to be indoors with me. I bought her a microwavable pet warmer and put it in her kennel this morning because I was worried she might be cold during the overcast/rainy days. I came home at lunchtime to find the cover across the garden, the warmer on the step out the front of her kennel and her cosily tucked up in her kennel. Go figure.
  25. Harlosmummy, your pup is very pretty. Great blue eyes. I've had my pup just a week and today I have started to slowly change her diet from what the breeder had her on to Royal Canin Junior with added chicken wings and lamb flaps. She got her first chicken wing last night and if she could talk she would have said, 'Whooooooo weeeeeeeeee its Christmas'. She was so chuffed with it, watching her was a delight. She also had a small lamb flap today. She's a Collie so not a massive dog and her little jaws have managed both of them well. Little off topic - Shellectra, I take it you have chosen the long coat pup. Love your signature pics, she's gorgeous.
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