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Everything posted by Mym

  1. I might have dobbed you in Heidii! Paul's partner Jeanette thought it was my dog - I have a copy of it that I can forward to you if you pm me with an email address. I didn't know who it was but I said that I had seen a collie rough at ADCQ earlier in the year. I think this photo was taken at PADS in September? I could be wrong because I had two dogs there and didn't see another collie? It is a great photo btw - and good to see the collies in amongst the borders in the calendar
  2. Is she only in Vic or coming to other states?....sounds good.
  3. BAD is just off Meadowlands Road at Belmont. http://badclub.org.au/ ADCQ is really good as well. I also do a three weekly group with AgilityClick which I just love.
  4. Three years ago I found a tick on my dog and the only place he had been was Sydney Park. Sure enough, vet said that had the odd case came from there. I only found it because after living in the bush on the NSW coast I was used to feeling my way over the dogs all the time. I also think you feel them more easily with your hands, than you find them by looking (if that makes sense). And checking in ears and up the nose with a little torch if you have one.
  5. Tony, Timberland at DFO out at Brisbane Airport has a great sale on Gortex wet weather jackets, and my husband, Mark got a raincoat (not gortex) for $70 today. Well worth the visit. Poor man is contracting in Sydney for 8 weeks and freezing his tail off!
  6. I have had good success with Cesar's methods with a rehome we have too. He was surrendered as agro and as being 'untrainable' (lol!) - he is definitely a live wire but is a sweetie under the tuff nut exterior.
  7. LOL you lot sound like you own monkeys, not dogs! But it is great to see such a wide variety of foods in their diet. I have one that eats all sorts of fruit and veges but the other one (rescue who has been very badly starved) just looks at me like I insulted him.
  8. Oh, just saw this and it set alarm bells off. They can look good for a day or so before going down hill. The bark is often the first sign of a tick...as the vocal cords get affected by the paralysing and show up early on. Sure hope it all fares well.
  9. This is so frustrating in our house. I think if you know someone is coming over it makes life easier. We have such a highly reactive dog, if we miss that window of opportunity he is off and barking and jumping. We find that having some treats near the door has helped to reward for sitting quietly when we come and go. I am also trying to use the term 'wait' to get a calm (okay, quiet) sit when we go to doors. Now if I could people who come to the house to not reward him jumping up by making a fuss of him then that would make life SO much easier :rolleyes:
  10. LOL, I saw it there and thought it was 1.05 hours! I have this DVD, I think it is money well spent.
  11. Have a watch of this: Not sure how clickerdogs put this up but it will save you buying the dvd. It is a great way to build value for the crate and it is fun to train. She does say that you should aim to use a wire crate, so that it is easier to open and close the door but I trained one of my dogs with a soft crate.
  12. Oh Helen, I'd get it but buy is 2nd hand if you can. She has great information but she came across as someone who finds it easier to communicate with dogs than people. Saying that, her 'look away' games have been helpful with a very high energy dog I have here and his inability to focus in the face of the smallest distraction and I can also recommend a game called "It's your choice" -
  13. Oh Jigsaw, watch disk 4 - it is the best of the lot...*sniff, sniff*
  14. Hi, you can buy it off AgilityClick in Brisbane http://www.agilityclick.com/ Can I add that if you can cope with Leslie's sniffing and snuffling into her microphone, then it is really good stuff. She has an amazing ability to read a dog's behaviour. But the sound is awful.
  15. Kind of agree with Kavik, but maybe this is just as easy as a simple turn of your shoulder back toward the jump the dog as just gone over and a change of hand. The dog should turn and move toward your reinforcement zone (if that is what you have trained) and that would mean that he would go back over the jump; turning in the direction you turned. Let us know how you get on.
  16. Kavik, let me know if you find someone who is going to make bases up. I would love to get some two by two style bases. I have a contact up here that I can investigate to make some as he made them up for a friend. In Aluminium too which is lighter for me to lift. Have had no end of hassall with weaves, pvc pipes and stakes in the ground, then bought a steel set off ebay. I have managed to use two sets as my set of six split. I am doing the two by two style, which is great. Now I have two dogs that weave four poles like legends - and then pop out As ADAA are closer together, wouldn't you get them instead of ANKC? Just a thought.
  17. Honestly, I should ask Susan Garrett for a commission...I am always plugging her!!! "Success with One Jump" dvd and/or get someone who knows this style of training to show you the cues. Good Luck I am getting better but I am a great one for being able to signal it when I walk it, and then am crappy when I do it with my dog :D There will more experienced people here than me, but I am assuming you would send your dog over, then cue the dog to return to you by calling them and turning and a change of arm? Novice dogs probably wouldn't find this on a course I guess....would be interested to hear what others would do.
  18. In the last few days I have resorted to just throwing a tug. He will always bring the tug back. It is just the ball! Don't you just wish you could talk to them in English somedays???
  19. We did think it was her airway collapsing to begin with, still not ruling that out as she occasionally has the odd cough (just a single cough) that the vet felt was a collapsing trachea. Hypoglycemia is an interesting one, but she bounces back without eating - would that still indicate it? I think the major contributor is heat. (this from a dog that likes to find any patch of sun and sit in it!) She is a little rascal, she just jumped twice her height onto the lounge! Thanks everyone
  20. Hi, we have a rehomed Chi-Foxie X who is approximately 12. She has had two lots of surgery in the last six weeks. Rotten teeth removed, and Skin cancers removed (14 stitches) off her tummy. She came through both bouts very solidly and is a tough little dog at only 4kg. However, last weekend she got out of the air conditioned car into the heat, and about five minutes later she fainted. I only saw it out of the corner of my eye and she bounced back very quickly and we kept her cool and calm and she was fine. Then today, she did it again while out with my husband and he took her straight to the vet, all her heart sounds were normal and she was appearing to be in great health. Vet feels it isn't heart. She looks to be in great health and is very happy and active in between these bouts. Next step is bloodwork to be done on Monday. Any ideas?
  21. Good Topic! I have one dog that I can say 'In my hand' and he deposits his ball in my hand, at home, he will even go and find his toys to hand to me. Then there is Harry.... He has learnt to retrieve but insists on delivering the ball about 2m away ;) I feel that if I go and pick it up and throw it for him he is just going to have it reinforced. (My other dog will often go and take it off him and give it to me ) I have also tried recently to have him on a lead and we roll the ball away and this gives me the chance to take it back from his mouth and we make a big fuss, but I am not convinced this is really useful. At training, we use a ball and also a tug. I like the tug as he has to bring it to me in order to play the game. Ignoring him hasn't worked really (he will wait and wait and wait), but I will try any ideas....
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