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Everything posted by twodoggies2001

  1. So how did you find out an entire litter was affected-did the breeder tell you?Just interested ,not flaming you The breeder told me.
  2. It might be worth having a talk with the vet about adding digestive enzymes to his meals. It could be that he is not absorbing all his food.
  3. Do you know if she is a regular to the dog park? If so, surely somebody will know her. She obviously doesn't see the bad side of her dog, and an owner like that is a danger. Next time it could be a small dog or a child. Perhaps you should have that arm looked at by a medico.
  4. It is fact that these dogs escaped from their yard broke into another's and killed five tiny dogs. Whatever breed these killers were is of no consequence. The fact is they got out of an unsecured property and caused heartbreak to an elderly couple. From the footage shown on ACA, the owner of the escapees showed no remorse or compassion. If he had contained these dogs in a secure setting, then none of this would have happened. On the footage, it showed another dog he acquired and I hope to g-d something like this doesn't happen again. Again, it all boils down to the irresponsibility of owners.+
  5. It's true. Why do we put ourselves through it again and again. It's because we think of the wonderful good times our beloved pets bring into our lives, not only the not so good times. The decision you have made is one that shows the greatest love you can give to your beloved boy. Rest assured he will go to sleep off to a better place with memories of you, as you will have of him.
  6. That is why the breeder informed you.I gather you where given options ??? Your vet told you the breeder was nob & when infact the vet was a nob. We breed a litter where we ended up with 2 bad bites,never been an issue for us bfore & highly unexpected,we used a new dog who hand t produced in Oz before,the buyers upon the change where informed of what had happened,what the future would be & to think on it. Both cases they took the pup,1 the mouth came good the other didnt & required 2 teeth removed.They where fully aware & both where top lawyers. many vets have less expertise than a good breeder Azian We groomed a dog last week where the vet told them it would grow to be huge. The dog is 13 months,bottom of the height standard & will not grow anymore but will fill out. These people where concerned & ask us first before they where going to call the breeder & say who knows what. Showdog, the only option we were given was 'take it or leave it' and we decided on the latter.
  7. Showdog, thank for setting me straight on this. I honestly didn't know, and when unsure, you go to the supposed experts. What the vet was concerned about was that the entire litter was involved and I didn't want possible ongoing problems.
  8. How on earth is that time wasting? Obviously you are not aware of how many things can change from the time pups are born till they are ready to go. Be glad the breeder was honest with you. Allow me to suggest you need to go find the mythical breeders with the perfect puppy tree out in the back yard It seems that you have this vendetta against me, and honestly, there is no need to be sarcastic. I call it time wasting because the breeder waited until almost the last moment to tell me. I waited through two pregnancies from this particular bitch because, yes, I did want a pup out of her but it was not to be. I was only attempting to show the other side, but obviously you don't like the idea and try to shoot me down in flames. Yes, I am glad that the breeder was honest, and told her so but on my vet's advice I walked away. I did not knowlingly want to buy into a potential problem, and that's my perogative, but the bite would have been noticed before. Again on my vet's advice, and I should have been informed then.
  9. I am on the other side of the spectrum. What about breeders being time wasters. Our family had waited for a pup, ready to be picked up and 3 days before I got a call from the breeder to advise that the pup had an undershot bite. I ask, why wasn't I advised earlier. I contacted my vet on later learning that the entire litter had the same problem and she advised us to steer clear of this pup. I call that time wasting too.
  10. I think one of my mini schnauzers is. His tail never stops wagging.
  11. One of my Danes was 38" at the shoulder and weighed 85kg. Not an ounce of fat on him. I recall years ago there was a Dane called Atlas and he was 43" at the shoulder.
  12. Um.. how is that relevant to this thread? I asked a question about treatment of entire dogs by desexed ones and answered a question to that.
  13. Why on earth do the owners continue to take the poor dog to the dog park? I have found in the past, that desexed males do tend to get more 'goey' with entire males. Simple solution, stay away from dog parks. Well, the problem in this case for the poor dog is that the owner is a single guy and he has a dog as a 'chick magnet' (his words). His logic is "he came into this world with balls and he'll leave this world with them. I have since found out that the dog has testicular cancer. The dog is a scapegoat in this case. He is unhappy at the park, being bullied by desexed boys and used as a magnet. Responsible dog ownership for you.
  14. I understand that you are not attacking anyone, and I am asking this question because I am curious. There is an entire male dog that comes to the park, and it seems that quite a few of the desexed males growl and attack this particular dog, but play nicely with the the other dogs. If you take your boy into these situations, do you find the same thing?
  15. Can't you read? What you are doing is NOT democracy, it is railroading a thread and is against the forum rules. If you want lecture people about desexing, go start another topic Take your soapbox with you. ditto
  16. YOU can't see the point because you are unaware of the importance to some responsble and educated owners of keeping their dogs entire. Why is that so many people on this forum automatically assume that any entire dog or bitch will want to escape and mate, and the owners will be powerless to stop it happening? Why bring it up anyway when it has NOTHING to do with the topic raised? Perhaps you need to mind your own business? This is an open forum and you are stating your opinion, as too am I. Some will agree with you, and some will agree with me. That's democracy.
  17. That makes no sense at all Are you suggesting that this owner is incapable of keeping her bitch safe, and therefore will be producing pups that will have a hard life? Get over yourself Not at all. I can't see the point of having an entire bitch when there is no intention of breeding with her. As you know, or probably not, oops matings can happen, not to mention having entire males, due to irresponsible owners allowing them to roam trying to get to the bitch on heat. Another that comes to mind is pyometra. This is no rofl matter
  18. Thanks Clyde, I appreciate your advice. The puppies are kept in a separate room or in a play pen. My girl has been extremely interested in them, hanging around wanting to get to know them but also seems a bit unsure. I've picked the pups up a few times and shown them to her and she had a sniff and then I put them back in their pen. They will never be alone together because these are rescue pups that have probably come from a hard life and don't need the extra stress. My girl isn't aggressive at all so I was interested to know what her drooling was about. Again, thank you. I don't want to start world war 3, but you mentioned you don't want to breed with your bitch, and now you are fostering puppies that in your own words, probably come from a hard life. That the risk you take by not having her desexed.
  19. .What worrys you about GSD's???? Have you had a previous bad experience with one? Im not beening nasty. Its just one thing that really gets my goat up.. I have a 13 month GSD (small size wise by breed standards) and I really get frustrated with people assuming she is nasty just because she is a GSD.... Just wanting to understand what makes people sacred.. I also have a 13 month Great Dane and get frustrated when people assume that it is my dog that has the bad manners. It would be lovely to be able to pick my girl up and walk away when a small breed dog gives her a hard time but considering she weighs more then me it is a little tricky . I believe a thread was started about small and large breeds acting the same not to long ago.. I get that the larger breeds can do damage purely because of the size but smaller breed owners have to realise its not always a big breeds fault..Some of the smaller dogs suffer from "small man syndrome" and just dont give up.. A perfect example was my girl was playing at the beach with some other dogs (who she new) and a small x breed came up and kept sniffy/ licking my girls privates.. I obviously tried to pull my girl away but the little dog kept going and going, even when we were walking away.. Eventually Bella had enough and growled and showed teeth (yes a scary thing in its self when coming from a 67kilo dog) the other owner finnaly realised that my dog had had enough and said my dog had temper issues and I should control it better.. Im not condoning everything big dogs do... I think all dogs should have manners and owners should be able to see if there dogs is doing something wrong instead of blaming the other sized dog... Sorry Rant over I can bet its nothing to do with the breed, its peoples perceptions and what they are taught/used too. An example is I worked two Narcotic Detection dogs, both Labradors both Passive Alert Dogs one was Black one was gold, nobody fussed about the BIG male gold one but the wiry small female black one had people a bit scared! People and their perceptions! lol I myself favour large dogs ( any breed) but take a dislike to small fluffies ( any breed acutrally any small dog!) as they always seem to want to bark, snarl and carry on whats worse is the owners think its funny! ;) I have owned both ends of the sizes. I have had great danes, where people would steer clear of us because of their sheer size. they were actually pussy cats. I have now come down quite considerably in size to mini schnauzers, and these two do not always seem to want to bark like you say. You have been mixing in the wrong circles. Just because they are small, doesn't mean they can get away with bad behaviour. They are trained and disciplined just as I presume yours are. I don't think it's funny at all. No matter what size they are, they need the same treatment. I have seen some very unruly big dogs, and the owners don't seem to worry about it and think it's funny too.
  20. .What worrys you about GSD's???? Have you had a previous bad experience with one? Im not beening nasty. Its just one thing that really gets my goat up.. I have a 13 month GSD (small size wise by breed standards) and I really get frustrated with people assuming she is nasty just because she is a GSD.... Just wanting to understand what makes people sacred.. I also have a 13 month Great Dane and get frustrated when people assume that it is my dog that has the bad manners. It would be lovely to be able to pick my girl up and walk away when a small breed dog gives her a hard time but considering she weighs more then me it is a little tricky . I believe a thread was started about small and large breeds acting the same not to long ago.. I get that the larger breeds can do damage purely because of the size but smaller breed owners have to realise its not always a big breeds fault..Some of the smaller dogs suffer from "small man syndrome" and just dont give up.. A perfect example was my girl was playing at the beach with some other dogs (who she new) and a small x breed came up and kept sniffy/ licking my girls privates.. I obviously tried to pull my girl away but the little dog kept going and going, even when we were walking away.. Eventually Bella had enough and growled and showed teeth (yes a scary thing in its self when coming from a 67kilo dog) the other owner finnaly realised that my dog had had enough and said my dog had temper issues and I should control it better.. Im not condoning everything big dogs do... I think all dogs should have manners and owners should be able to see if there dogs is doing something wrong instead of blaming the other sized dog... Sorry Rant over Unfortunately, it's not the dog who should learn manners, it's the owners
  21. When we were contemplating getting a second dog for the household, (we already had one male), I asked our vet and her reply was the best mix is one male and one bitch, the second is two males and the third is two bitches. We opted for two males and have never had a problem. On the other hand, the breeder of one of my boys had mother and daughter and at one stage, the daughter turned on her mother and almost killed her. From then on it was a shuffling game. Personally, I would find that too stressful. I would want to live in peace and harmony and not have to look over my shoulder so to speak. I don't think it would be too good for the dogs involved either.
  22. Years ago, when we had a dane, we had his dew claws removed when he was an adult, because he was always getting them caught and tearing them, so the best thing was to take them off. His was like an amputation. The vet explained that they were like an extra toe. On the other hand, with our latest mini schnauzer, his were removed by the breeder, and apparently, weren't properly done and grew back. We had them removed when he was desexed at around 7 months. It seems that they are done at an early age, or you have to wait until the dog is a little older. .
  23. That is where I went wrong...I shouldn't have paid $2,500 for Severe Allergic Skin Disease, weak nerves, heart murmur & Osteo Arthritis by 2.5 years of age! My 10 year old Rescue of the same breed is doing awesome though! LOL So sorry to hear about your $2500 mistake, but you can't blame this on your dog being a pure bred. It was just an unfortunate coincidence.
  24. The only time I have heard dog owners referred to as snobs is on this thread. WE bring into our families what we want, be it crossbred or pure. Who cares, we all love what we have chosen and anyone out there who disagrees can go jump. Nothing can replace the devotion of a dog, no matter what it's parent's were.
  25. Well, thankfully not everyone is like that. I have purebreds and I am not fussy if they play with a crossbreed. Is this the correct attitude to have? I look at the dog, not what they are bred from. If my boys like them, and they all want to interact,then I like them.
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