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Everything posted by k9's-mum

  1. two Kelpie x's- both were pound puppies. my boy is crossed with some thing small and fluffy, he's about 4 my girl is about 2, prob crossed with a lab
  2. just last week my kelpie cross girl "protected" mt nearly 10 yr old disabled son My mum was staying as i had just got out of hospital, and she had left the frount door unlocked, so my son opened the dr and ran off, Jess was quick to follow, barking the whole way alerting us all to where he was and where he had gone, she stayed with him, and even growled at a neighbour that tried to stop my son from running off. she has decided that her job is to look after him,we only got her in april this yr
  3. mine arrived yesterday. thanks to all those that did all the hard work, i really like it
  4. thought she would have got some sort of a retriever so it could go and get some of her approval ratings back
  5. mine will be some old rescues, someone that is happy to potter around the yard and snooze in the sun. cant imagine life without at least one dog, or two
  6. i think if i feed my dogs a vegan diet they would move out!
  7. one word - idiots thats just a disaster waiting to happen
  8. from a parents point of view, please get some help for your dog, even if it's just so it's an outsider looking in, to see if there is a problem or not my son, wasnt as lucky as your grandson.the dog conected, and he has had 18 months worth of hospital trips to the city to have his eye/face reconstruction surgery.
  9. i used to have one one storm, i didnt get him inside early enough, and in his storm chasing, he took out a panel of the colourbond fence wouldnt be surprised if we get one here tonight either, thankfully my current two dont really care
  10. we always celebrated Mack's birthday, after all he was a member of the family, and it was a good excuse to have cake, and he'd get a new toy, and usually bbq chook for tea but now he's gone K9 was a stray we found, dumped down at the river, and Jess, came from renbury a couple of months ago, so we dont know when they born, so going to celebrate the day we adopted Jess, it was after all the day she started her new life. and yes there will be cake! they are of course included at xmas, they get presents , and even get presents from grandparents all the furkids do.
  11. if it isnt to late, can i have 1 too please
  12. my boy as a stray, we dont know his exact heritage he has the markings of a black and tan kelpie, the long, thick coat of a border collie, the body and head of either the border or the kelpie, short stumpy fox terrior legs, and a long curly tail( from who knows where?), that drags along the ground if he doesnt hold it up! :rofl:
  13. my boy is K9 OH named him this because K9 was Dr who's faithful traveling companion.need i say OH is a bit of a dr who fan. the fact that he was about 12 weeks old when we found him dumped at the river, and all we knew about his breading was he was a dog, had nothing to do with it. he's now about 4 and the most loyal, loving dog i've owned. though he still looks like a mutt
  14. sorry to hear you are having these problems i too have an autistic son ( currently 9 yrs old) you will need a referal from a gp to see a pead, and wehen you see them they will probably want to run blood tests to rule out other conditions. they will probably then send you to a phycologist for assesment. maybe have a look at an early intervention program in your area.my son attended for several years before starting school
  15. i'm so sorry to hear you have lost your beauitful bonnie big hugs to you and your family and to Indie may she be always in your heart
  16. congratulations on the new arrival i think you might be looking at a dog around the 20 kg mark, but i'm no expert you have one lucky puppy in your lives now, as so many wouldnt have done what you have, i hope everything goes well at the vet. and as far as the pups breader goes, there is always going to be people out there who dont for one reason or another dont desex their dogs and "accidental" matings will occur. this pup needed a home, and the op was kind enought to open her heart to it, weather it been pure bread or a multi cross.
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