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Everything posted by Missymoo

  1. I was looking up Parvo, I will take him in first thing to Monash tomorrow, I havnt noticed any sloppy poo, but he has all the other symptoms..better safe then sorry..I will fish out my nutrigel, good idea.
  2. Possibly...I dont know I may not be at Morwell tomorrow unless he improves...
  3. ok he threw up lasts nights food in whole, but ate a massive lamb flab during the day (not thrown up)....today hes not so bright, wont touch any food at all (have offered mince etc) and feels quiet war. He was bright up until late this afternoon, now just wants to be cuddled. I went up to the vet at 4pm but it was shut. Will take him first thing Monday, but until then any ideas of what I can do with him? I shall syringe water into his mouth if he gets dehydrated at all, I am keeping an eye on it. I am keeping him quiet in a crate as well. I bought some puppy milk too to try later. My guess is he has picked up an infection somewhere...I was a t Spring Fair so I am keeping eye out for anthing 'parvo like' as he is only 6 months...
  4. WOw, Good on you and Beau, and good luck for his surgery!!
  5. SO sorry for your loss Poor pups, hope the other one recovers quickly what state was this picked up in?
  6. I do too, dont worry! I use latex rubber gloves... My young bitch is currently in her 'pajamas'! lol
  7. I was shocked to find one of my grooming latex gloves in a big poo when I was doing dailey pick up...so much goes through them.. Needless to say Im very, very careful about putting them away now!
  8. Aw, I hope Charlotte gets well soon, there is a bug going around here in Vic atm, which my 7 weekers all caught...vomiting, leathargy and liquid poo...after a trip to vet they were all given scourban and left to sleep under a watchful eye, they are as well as can be now, so I hope it is somthing simple like that for your new bub... rest and best wishes!
  9. Awww how cute is he!! I always call the undercoat the dogs jammies! lol
  10. Shakers can be also seen as Meningitis so vets are very caution, glad things are looking up for you!
  11. My rescue Maltese was diagnosed with this after all those expensive tests, no, it isnt a staffy associated disorder but it runs in white dogs, (dogs with lack of pigmentation) so perhaps it would be worth looking into as its easy to fix with medication - ALTHOUGH reading your dogs symptoms, it just dosnt sound like it. Sounds like somthing in the ear or a brain disfuntion...?? Keep us posted with the findings and good luck!
  12. ta da! And they ship to OZ!!! Yay!! https://www.cosmeticsolutions.biz/servlet/C...:Queen%20Helene
  13. yup, mee, I love all the stuff they make!
  14. I was told to leave it to keep it thick? Also was told (by someone else) to condition the hair between shows Yup, I do wash all the crap out after the show, thanks all
  15. He is: A 10month old show dog I am: A fusspot
  16. Far out, I too have been trawling around to get this...does anyone in other states have it that we can buy through you (I am in Melb)???
  17. Ok peoples, open to suggestions, big boof heads legs are becoming less fluffy, WHAT DO I DO??? Can I put covers over them, should I put colestoral cream in>???? Any ideas? Im not used to fluffy terriers! lol
  18. Im with you clyde on this one. Its obvious the OP really cares about her dogs and wants to do the best by them.
  19. found a place in geelong (aprently they have one in dandenong too?) that stock Innova that dont sell animals...aske Helen what it is called I cant remember, its like a petstock though..
  20. Great post katzz! I spend ages and ages in Petstock isles reading and rereading the bags! lol Never seen these sites though..look forward to people answers.. I myself dont like Euk. as I find my dogs are always thirsty and drink loads of water...
  21. but be carefull when you use the blender as it can wrap around the blade..
  22. I use the treadmill DO NOT tie your dog to it and keep your finger on the emergancy stop. I started with clicker training. Go to YOU TUBE and put in treadmill clicker there is a really good one that teaches you in steps. I very rarely use but it is handy when you dogs are fine with it incase of icky pooey whether or just cant get out...even then I prefer just to toss toys up and down the hall! lol
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