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Everything posted by Missymoo

  1. maybe its the season for fat looking dogs! My Brittany seemed to be eating all day and this evening she looked pregnant!!! She also kept burping..(I was watching her for signs of pain etc.) but she was just a piggy and uncomfy and gassy! lol
  2. It seems alot of us do add in extra stuff for bitches (egg, sardines etc) I am reading great stuff about this Uncle albers..I am a bit tempted to try it! lol (Ive just found a produce store that sells it recently but havnt tried it yet) Again, interesting reading and thanks for the replies! Keep them coming
  3. Interesting Oak, Ive always fed Andvance Puppy Growth (which says is good for gestating and lactating bitches as well) food dry to my bitches in whelp (plus bones, chicken necks etc...) what is the sort of Dry food that you are feeding with your extras? I am always open to good suggestions in the best interests of mum and pups. Ive only just mated this bitch so thats why I was interested in what others feed Thanks for replies
  4. I use ADVANCE puppy food, but curious to who uses what?
  5. QUESTIONS 1. What is my relationship with the breed? (ie breeder, first time owner etc) Breeder (AIMFOR CAIRNS, Melbourne, Vic) 2. Where and why was the breed first developed? Dogs of cairn type can be traced back as far as 500 years, with the breed development running parallel to that of the Skye terrier, Westie and the Scottish Terrier. Used to root out otters and other small animals from beneath cairns etc..First exhibited in 1909. 3. How common is it in Australia? Not extreamly common, but there are a few around. 4. What is the average lifespan? 10 - 17 years (17 is the oldest one Ive met!) 5. What is the general temperament/personality? Cheerful, alert and bursting with energy. Has an independant streak, while being affectionate and happy. 6. How much daily exercise is needed for the average adult? A daily walk or play, not a dog to be left in a yrad with nothing to do. Loves to rummage and investigate so extenda leads are great! 7. Is it a breed that a first time dog owner could easily cope with? Yes, provided they are aware of terrier traits and behavior. Not a lap dog by any means! 8. Can solo dogs of this breed easily occupy themselves for long periods? yes, but with a nice big bone! Otherwise barking or digging can be an issue for young dogs. Older dogs do like to sit around and sleep though 9. How much grooming is required? Lots if you are showing. Rolling, pulling coat. Pets, comb through aonce a week, nails and a bath when stinky! (not too often!) You cna clip these dogs too, but you will loose the rough terrier texture of the coat. 10. Is it too boisterous for very small children or for infirm people (unless the dog is well trained)? I have young children but I find they are great with them, they also know their limitations in paitence with children, and will go find somthing else to do if annoyed. Infirm, unless the dog is over 3 probable not a great choice. 11. Are there any common hereditary problems a puppy buyer should be aware of? PSS (Liver shunt (pups can and should be tested for this) Luxating petella is also common. 12. When buying a puppy, what are the things you should ask of the breeder? (eg what health tests have been done (if applicable) and what is an acceptable result to those tests so the buyer has an idea of what the result should be) Has pup been Liver Shunt tested (paperwork can be supplied with results)
  6. Why is there a common misconception that vets are rolling in dough? Most vets I know (especially juniors) do it pretty hard! Prolly because we have paid thousands of dollars to vets! lol so, so true! lol Sorry OT
  7. Sorry to hear the outcome for lucy. Just love her, be with her and enjoy her while she is here, you are doing great Hugs xo
  8. Ive had 4 good ties now, should be good to go She is out now and parks her bum when he comes over, lol, so funny!
  9. Got a tie this morning, from this tie due 7th Nov..ohhh another litter just after baby is born...Im nuts! Figners crossed this will be my first litter with my improt!
  10. Ihave booked in and looking forward to a visit :D Ive used someone else over my way, but wasnt that happy with them, so will give this lady a go, she sounds really nice too :D
  11. Stay with what you feel more comfortable with. Glad to hear Dida is awesome!
  12. Thanks showdog, they arnt that mattered, but its always a possibilty I guess!
  13. Ok so Ive had a couple of little old ladies aproach me after having a chat about dogs about grooming their SWF/poodly things (cute but awefully silly!) What # clipper blades would I be best to buy for my Oster clippers? (for basic clipps, im not going crazy here! Belly, body and face blades)
  14. Im so sorry for you and your little girl I was very surprised when my hubby let me keep going and spending money when my dog got sick. I hope your partner can see how much she means to you as well... Healing thoughts heading your way xoxox
  15. http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi...e=STRK:MEWAX:IT
  16. yup, being a fussy SWF she mainly eats puppy food, chicken necks and wings. She will chew on a lamb flap as well...kibble - nope..lol no more satin balls methinks, thanks shoey for the warning!
  17. oakway, yes that too. She has been diagnosed with White Shakers Diesease so not sure if that is part of it..(we just keep valium on hand but havnt had to use it since she was first diagnosed when she was very very young and she was almost paralysed with it, CAT scans and menigitis tests were taken by specialist then) the skinnyness was after all that and has remained. Teebs; sounds like she is maturing into a nice roly girl! Ive even tried satin balls! edited for sex change to Teebs dog!
  18. ok so our little funny looking maltese is now 8..she is healthy in every way but never fattens up. I had this checked with the vet when she was about 2 with blood test etc..but my vet insisted she was just a skinny dog! She eats alot (I try to feed her 3 times a day) but never weights up. She is a happy little dog just looks skinny! Anyone else have one of these??
  19. Took me awhile to relise this is the dryer Ive just bought, again of ebay for that bargin price too, ive been really happy with it as well, I dont use the heat xcept on my own hair ( ) as I dont want to damage the coat. MissM, yes it is ok for long coated breeds, but you need to get rid of excess moisture first.
  20. yup we get the chatters here too! I put it down to somthing that smells REAAAALLLYYYY good or they are nervous..
  21. you need to push forward slightly, you will notice it getting shorter. the nails become hot so do it in short bursts.
  22. Fantastic News Man, Love the high 5 photo! So cute!! SOunds like she has a long happy life ahead of her with your family!
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