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Everything posted by Missymoo

  1. wow, really? Interesting!- learn somthing new everyday! Thanks Cavalier!
  2. I highly doubt it...hope your daughter feels better soon gastro sucks...
  3. Ugh I feel your pain!! We have now had both boys hair cut short, short for winter
  4. mmm my girl is already looking pretty darm rolly polly...not sure I wnat a huge litter right now! So typical lol Shes looking happy and smugly pleased with herself though, vulva and nipples swollen as well.
  5. noice, BB Sway, congrats! Hope you get that special black pup!!
  6. Yeah I know Im nuts! I actually find it not so bad as when I get up at night to feed baby I put mummy dogs out for wee etc...its when they hit the pooing and cleaning up part that drives me nuts! lol At least I know these two bitches are fantastic mums That helps :D As long as one of them has an exceptionaly nice bitch for me :D I also have another show boy request Will be interesting to see what the import produces over these bitches How is your Cav looking BB??
  7. Yeah Im not crazy about pups at this time but I pretty much have full waiting lists anyway, my other bitch is thinking about coming in from watching her behaviour, yay...
  8. ewwww I have a poo eater too, makes me ill...yuk...glad to hear your little fluff ball is great!
  9. A person who has alittle boy pup from me has just had him desexed. He had to have two incisions as one of the testicles was not in the sac but near the left leg...would this be classed as an undesended testical or somthing else? I found it very curious and will definalty make a point of noting this. Anyone else had somthing similer? Pup is fine and recovering very well
  10. I lifted Looey up for a tickle and cuddle yesterday (while we were all out enjoying a good runa nd toys in the sun!) and her nipples are looking nice and big and pink yay, didnt investigate much further, but she did refuse to leave me much longer then 2 mins and wanted MORE cuddles mum!!
  11. Tashabailey, the vet most cairn Breeders use here in Victoria has a government grant to try to find a marker for PPS in cairns. She has done and is doing remarkable research. I was sad to hear my girl had it but at least she hadnt gone to a pet home to have what happened to your friend She did all the same followup testing on the healthy litter sister to to compare which was really interesting. All the findings have been forwarded to our breed clubs health watch commitiee. Maybe working together we can find a marker and breed selectivly!
  12. I agree with the vet, 3 of the vets working on my dog had delt with alot of Parvo. Also had different ways of treating the symptoms and things to try...so true.. This is becoming a very informative thread Nickojoy, are you still going to try to import Parvaid? Also Cavalier and staranis, I had a litter by this Parvo recovered dog and a bitch that didnt contract the virus, would the pups (who are now 4 months old) have high tolerence to Parvo from mums imunity and her being expossed?? (Yes they are still all vaccinated!!)
  13. UPDATE! Great news, she was adopted by a vet tech and comes in for her desexing and shunt operation next week!! Whoo, Im so pleased
  14. You must be the poor breeder of the pup that zoobird posted about. Im sooo sorry you had to go through this,how horrific for you. But big Kudus and for giving pup buyers a warning and taking responsibilty for them, that shows a caring and ethical breeder. I too have been hit by parvo with a 6 month old vaccinated puppy (I picked up from showgrounds in NSW, I am in VIC) I can only say that he may have made it due to his age and the fact I picked it up before the diorreah (sp) started. But it was very tough and touch and go for the full two weeks he was in intensive care. (There is a thread on here somewhere following Hefs journey, back in Nov/Dec last year) My elder dogs didnt contract it but they were all over two and vaccinated and yes I am well aware of the bleach smell! I used Trigene and F10 as well in spaybottles left around the house. Im so pleased you had some sucess with Parvaid, fantastic, I too was looking at that...interesting to hear it got caught up in Quarrentine. I understand how money is not an issue when you are fighting an uphill battle, it dosnt seem important does it? Sounds like the two bitch pups that havnt showed signs will be ok too, fantastic! Its a horrible learning curve but boy did I google everything to do with the diesease..if I wasnt on the phone to vet I was on DOL or googling Parvo or calling DOLers who had been through it too. The English vet that was treating him (one off) said that this strain of Parvo here in Australia seems to be more deadly then what she used to see in the UK, that dosnt help... Alos I did some more researching into Vaccinations and timing as well on DOL (there is some great info shared if you do a search) and google and now get my babies done at 8,12 and 16 weeks. Not sure abouyt the shedding virus with unvaccinated pups, could be possible as yes it is a live vaccine?? Curious, what breed? My boy is now fully coated and back in the showring and is a healthy happy dog. i still add natural probitics and slippery elm to his food as of course his bowel is bad from everything...http://www.holisticanimalmedicines.com/index.php?gPath=17&sort=2a&page=3 I use these people. All the best and big hugs Ps Nickojoy where were you last year! You sound very knowledgeable!!! HEFS THREAD: http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?show...mp;hl=hef/parvo
  15. I know the feeling with this one. I took Bella to the last Pet Expo for the gundog stand - she is the perfect size for a Brittany and was so sick of being told she is so small for a Brittany compared to theirs or whoever else's Brittany. Next year am going to take an oversized one Oh wow, really?? Hey at least they knew what they were! lol!!
  16. Zoobird has pm'd me, her breeder is just as upset as she is and has to be congratulated on taking responsibility, calling all pet owners, refunding money and following any progress, she is distraught and may not breed again (I dont know breeder, just forwarding response) Thats what I call a responsible breeder and deserves a big I feel for her too :D Mmm I am looking at Virkon too Thanks for that nickojoy, we all know I am extra paranoid now about Parvo!
  17. PM'd you with ALOT of information for you. Sorry for you loss
  18. Sounds like a luxating Petella. Your vet can confirm this and the severity of it. (its when the kneecap pops in and out and causes the dog mild to severe discomfort.) The dog kid of skips to combat what he is feeling.
  19. I just wanted to post a big for you teekay for sticking around DOL and learning so much. Good onya! If your dog (and Id like to suggest this to the other persons whose same cross got HD) gets HD can you go back to these "breeders" with a certificate etc of the diagnoses? You always hear of pet owners doing that to registered breeders who try there darndest with testing of parents etc but no one seems to challenge the pet farmers?? Just curious? Sounds like you ahve done some admirable research and your baby is (now) in good hands
  20. Does anyone find their bitches temprements change when they are in whelp? This partincular bitch that has been mating gets really cuddly and affectionate :D
  21. Well my fatty won her class at teh royal yesterday, lol, must be a good sign!
  22. went and saw her last night. Big thumbs up. Shes gentle but gets where she needs to be in the muscle. Really pleased Just thought Id pioop this in here incase anyone in Melb was looking for a muscle person to go too!
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