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Everything posted by wantsapuppy

  1. Oh rozzie gbhs yo you and you daughter. This is not something I would like to say but I hope this husky Gets PTS before another animal or worse a child gets injured. RIP sarge
  2. Omg he is freaken adorable . Very puppy clucky
  3. omg weird. Definantly think you may have a bacon covered/scented car :)
  4. Hi ladies . So I've been. Looking through the breed section and I'm wondering are the big doggies more prone to health problems because of there size. Or is that more a heavy set and big doggie problem not so much the likes of example a Dane that it big but fairly lean .
  5. i have to agree. if this isnt a full grown dog and they are hitting it and treating it like shit then this is going to end badly no matter how you look at it. whether it be a dog or a person. you need to report them unfortunantly not only for yours and your dogs safety but for anyone else who could end up in firing line. how sad that what could of been a WONDERFUL pet is being treated so badly. they have a bad enough rap without idiots like your neighbours making it worse.
  6. Lol love it. Kids would love it to but won't be showing miss jaz that
  7. Oh no hope some one with experience can get her. I'd hate to see a BYB/puppy farm get hold of /her
  8. http://www.bendigoadvertiser.com.au/news/local/news/general/dog-found-starved-and-fighting-for-life-in-eaglehawk/2570297.aspx
  9. Good for you for rescuing lochie. He is a gorgeous boy
  10. RIP Lola. Sening gbh's to you and your family :cry:
  11. I'm so sorry to hear of diesels passing. I was just on ur site and I must admit the pic of him on there with the crazy smile bought a smile to my face . What a gorgeous boy he was.
  12. Oh no I hope you can get ths sorted ASAP. Terrible that people are taking advantage of your dad this way
  13. At least it didn't get left around potentially under something to not be found til it started stinking .
  14. That owner sounds like a t$@t. Yes they sound l REAL FRIENDLY. Not What is it with owner of these dogs getti g all defensive claimi g there dog is crie dog when clearly they are not.
  15. Hahahahaha this pic is fabulous .
  16. For the older couple who when they saw us walk up to the lake leashes there gorgeous male rotty who was happily playing with his ball. Don't get me wrong it made no difference to me whether he was offlesd or not as I know my girls wouldn't of gone near him. Just nice to see responsible owners : .
  17. You couldn't put some barbed wire on the top of your fence. ? And maybe you need to go have words with this child's parents This really isn't very acceptable of his behalf. It's not his yard and he has no right to be there
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