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Everything posted by minimiss

  1. Great name for an Airedale A friend has one - they're so goofy and lovable and stubborn!
  2. How exciting! They all do look really lovely and I'm sure no matter which one you get it'll be perfect! Any names picked out?
  3. I'm sure it'll come to you when you get to know her and see what suits She's beautiful!
  4. Awwww...... very cute! name? Gorgeous! He looks like he's going to be a cheeky one
  5. Of course we're all looking forward to the obligatory photos
  6. Come on 21st January I want my boy too :-) I'm sure it'll fly by with Christmas and New Years to keep you busy
  7. Ohhh Jordan + Bianca your puppies are just bundles of fluffy love! This countdown until Tuesday when my boy arrive is killing me too.. Time has definitely slowed down
  8. Ohhhhh :D wittle fluffy boy! Cheeky face!!! Glad he's settled in well! What a beautiful little man 6 days to go for me! Yay!
  9. Simply adorable!! Such a gorgeous gorgeous little face
  10. OT but a story about inappropriate skinkid harassment - When my older brother was a baby he was very cute with white blonde hair and bright blue eyes. (God have things changed now - He's feral ) My mum was holidaying somewhere (This was the 70s) and a Chinese lady kept harassing her to sell my brother to her and kept trying to pick him up.
  11. I didn't actually see it written anywhere that the OP was 'strict' in the way she told strangers that it was not ok to touch her dog. Although I don't think the delivery would have particularly mattered, some people have such a sense of entitlement that regardless of how you said something to them, they'd sulk and abuse. I agree though, us DOLers have more knowledge and a sense of training plans and how we'd like to shape our puppy whereas the average person may not. That still doesn't mean their manners need to go out the window just because they see a puppy Unfortunately we cannot train strangers to act more civilised, so it's a matter of continuing what you're doing and having a 'water off a ducks back' approach. Many have said on here that they've met the OP and her pup, and the training and pup are both wonderful - I don't think she should change this just to suit the average stranger. Damned if you do, damned if you don't though!
  12. I've already bought so many toys, bedding, bowls etc because the little man is coming home on the 20th but I am still searching for miniature tennis balls for him miniature mouth So if and when I find these, they'll be the official 'xmas gift'
  13. me too, your dog, your rules. I agree, your dog your rules. Some people can be rude, over the top and annoying when they want to pat a puppy - Many people need to understand that the puppy is yours and not theirs, and you did not bring it out for them to pat or play with. I also agree I think it's extremely spoilt and bratty to hurl abuse at someone because they wont let you 'play with their toy' so to speak. Do you go up to someones motorbike in the street and sit on it because you like it? Or jump inside someones convertable just because you admire it and think it's wonderful? Why is this any different? Though, I have seen idiots doing these types of things. It makes me wonder where peoples manners have gone? If it's not yours to touch, and if you really want to, then ask. No harm in asking permission or even talking to the owner about the dog too.
  14. The photos only show the "after', they do not show the condition of the dog's coat before the clip. We don't know how matted the legs were. Dog looks very well and happy, but we just don't have all the information. The 1st of the 3 photos was the 'before' shot
  15. It's like walking around with my pregnant friend and having people come up to her and ask to rub her belly. Or observing people who just wander up to peoples prams and start playing with the baby / talking to the baby. Babies make people go crazy. I personally don't think I'd like strangers coming up to me and patting my puppy - I'm not real big on talking to strangers in the street in the first place, and am a little shy / weary of strangers. I assume it'll happen since I'll have a 'super fluffy baby Pomeranian'. In saying that - people who are polite, will not be a problem, interaction is good, but I do not want to interact with pushy and hostile people at all, puppy or not. I do think it's polite to ask rather than just assume you can pat my pet though. I'd be pretty offended if someone just expected and went for it. I've been brought up not to touch things that don't belong to you without prior permission. ETA - spelling
  16. This. Customers are your business. Your competitors are more there trying to take your business. Even if the back leg fur could absolutely not be saved - and sure - the groomer thought it was the best idea to shave. It would still be a nice courtesy for the groomer to call and say 'I know you said not to shave, BUT these matts are uncooperative and will cause discomfort if they stay, can I suggest shaving would be the best option right now'. I'd most likely say 'yes, do it' but it's nice to be asked rather than surprised because you expected something different.
  17. I'm not single but I live alone (My boy lives down the road ) I'll be a 'Mum of 1' soon... So I'm looking forward to this new adventure!!
  18. I think there really just needs to be a phone call or something mentioned beforehand so there is not that 'surprise factor' for the owner returning to pick up their dog and having a totally unexpected 'hairdo'. Of course it's understandable that a groomer may have to shave to remove the matts etc, but it still comes down to communication and speaking to the owner about the intentions prior to going ahead and doing it.
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