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Everything posted by Tazar

  1. No kills are not talking about injured/sick animals Coleman, how many times are you going to say the same thing!!!!!!!
  2. What a beautiful girl you have there, and what a lucky girl she is to have found you. My boys went through many a rug and in the end I got $5.00 hession sacks for their crates and after 3 months or so of dragging them out occasionaly but not destroying them, I am about to put latex foam inside. They have pods4pets bed inside and have not touched them. Their age had a lot to do with the destruction and the fact that they have each other and a few acres to run around on now couldn't hurt either. I'd be getting my other half to use a rake then vaccuming up the last of it (and I am speaking from experience :laugh: ) :) edited from I'd be using a rake..... to getting my other half to use a rake :laugh:
  3. So nice to see that you had a happy ending, she is back and that is all that matters :)
  4. so what happens if it is a bit runny, wouldn't it splash back up when the dog moved... imagine if it was a long haired white dog......(tomuchinformation) :rofl: They didn't look uncomfortable but I bet the bag was empty.....
  5. OMG everything about this is wrong, wrong, wrong......... To me that is negligence, pure and simple. If there was a fight or mauling someone should have been on hand to stop it and get the poor pooch to the vet, no excuses and I doubt if any T&C's cover negligence..... I am so sorry for your loss.....
  6. Similar to eyeopener and Jetpoint, small place, lot of dog experience, clean. A place where my dogs where treated like members of the family. Eyeopener and Jetpoint - just out of curiousity what would you be willing to pay per night for a place that met all of your needs - combined?
  7. Odin=genie - I think it may startle a child who was perhaps afraid if the dog turned to sniff or lick...
  8. I knew I shouldn't have opened it. Yet another image burned in my mind, nothing compared to what this poor, poor puppy went through.............. Geez I hate people some times.......
  9. guess she has had lots of practice now! thanks again :)
  10. Did you have to do a presentation as part of your interview?
  11. Thanks heaps Nik. Just to clarify the 'principal' shakes your hand then pats the dog on the head then goes down its body ) I sm trying to picture why and when a dog would turn around)? thanks
  12. Thanks Dancinbcs, hope you recover quickly :) Sounds like the dog will be the easy part. 100 people wow that is a lot... In the assessment do they touch between the dogs toes? He takes it but is not fan and will pull his paw away but that is it? Yes simply grand, it is a paid job although I don't think you could retire on it, more a love I guess :)
  13. Thanks Rainy, can you reassure the dog verbally during the process? What exactly do they do to 'test' the dog? I think he will fine but I am curious .....
  14. Hi, Hoping to hear from anyone involved in the Responsible Pet Ownership Program in Victoria. What is involved in the temp test for the dog? Also if you passed what was the interview like? many thanks :)
  15. Hi, Interesting behaviour...... I think the dog has figured out if it behaves this way, he doesn't have to do what he has been told, you ignore him. As you have said he doesn't behave like this most of the time, he is not a timid dog and there have been no incidents that you are aware of that have triggered this behaviour. I would be following through and insisting he do as he was asked, if he won't go out, for example, use his collar and take him out, matter of fact, every time. Once he is out heap on the praise, I mean heap it on but just for 5 seconds or so. Start with one instance of the behaviour, like going out to the toilet. I would be getting him to spend some more time one his own too. Can't hurt to try....
  16. There are so many great breeds I would love to own. My firt love was a Doberman, I always loved the look of these majestic dogs, second was a Rottie, I loved the loyalty, third was a Lab. My Lab will probably reign as the best dog ever as he was just amazing, I had him the longest (13 years) and I chose him after having so many hip problems with the first two dogs. Now I have 2 GSD's and a Cav. I chose 1 GSD as I was looking for a pig headed dog (got what I wanted!) and he is the most magnificant looking dog, huge male, long hair, gorgeous, the other was a rescue who is a stunning short hair and the cav who is the smallest cav you will ever see, was a rescue also (they both found me). I have not had the same breed twice as I never wanted to compare the old with the new (IYKWIM). If I could I would have a heap but obviously you can not devote as much time to each (and I do have a family.....but once they are all gone who knows ..... :laugh: ). I will however, get another one or two soon and am considering a Staffy and a Newfie! (the staffie will be a rescue).
  17. Dog park = disasters waiting to happen..... Q. How many people at a dog park have control of their dog(s)? i.e reliable recall for one....
  18. Thank you for the advice and stories. My pooch is improving and the wound has healed well. We are doing lots of work together he responds immediately when I let him know I am watching him, and stops the behaviour. Planning on getting him on vitamins to see if that helps further :)
  19. Awesome, thank you so much for posting this My GSD is a tail chaser and whilst we have made significant progress, I will definitely be getting him onto the vitamins, can't hurt. (what a beautiful place we live in MR) :)
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