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Everything posted by nedsur

  1. Welcome to the world little Yogi Bear! Born yesterday by elective c-section. Mum & bub doing great!
  2. Well done Cowanbree! Glad they have arrived all safe and well!
  3. Good Luck Cowanbree! Hope all goes well for you.
  4. Well done Elenbah! Gee they were in a big hurry weren't they. Fingers crossed they keep on fighting for you.
  5. Oh no the poor thing. Shelties have a tendancy of just not going to anyone when they get loose. Good luck in finding him.
  6. I have had great success with Coprice Light (20kg about $30) with my old cattle x who was really hard to get weight off. I didn't even reduce the amount she had and she lost weight quite quickly. I had tried a lot of the more expensive brands with no success.
  7. I have a similar pair of Sketchers to the black pair but mine are velcro. The inner souls also are removable as I wear orthotics so thats great and hard to find. I got mine at DFO at Homebush Bay near where I work. I love em.
  8. Good luck Hesa! We have also done a mating expected 5th June. Ultrasound booked for the 30th April. Fingers crossed for us too!
  9. If you want to travel a little to Woy Woy, Woy Woy Poultry sell pet chicken mince for 5kg for $5 and a huge box of carcases for $5. We've never had a problem with them.
  10. Big congrats to MM and Cephercat on your new babies!
  11. Day 2... Hope everyone's babies come nice and easy!
  12. Yep lol, positive. Her mum always went 4 days early and they were always really good sizes. I was very worried though on Monday when her attitude started changing and I knew they were going to be here soon. All straight on the tit though and not looking back.
  13. 5 shetland sheepdogs born here today between 10am - 2pm. Only 5 days early but all fat healthy and happy. 4 girls & 1 boy.
  14. Just confirmed this morning, Ch Nedsur U Know U Love Me "Flirt" is having at least five little bubbas on or around the 11th October. Go Flirtie Girtie!
  15. We recently had exactly the same thing happen on our old rescue bitsa. She is almost 12 years old. It came up within a few days and was in between a golf ball size and tennis ball size. Unfortunately hers was quite soft and so it did need something doing. We had it removed and the vet said it wasn't attached to any bone etc. He said no point doing chemo at this age which we wouldn't have put her through anyway. This was about a month or so ago and she's perfectly happy running around and has a new lease on life again. If it comes back again we may have to reconsider but at the moment she is very happy and has benefited from the $270 surgery. Definitely worth it. If she had had a poor heart or anything like that though I would have thought long and hard but the vet said she was very fit otherwise.
  16. I have some show clothes on the members marketplace up for sale if anyone is interested. Size 12 - 14 link show clothes
  17. I can recommend Blair from Quakers Hill Vet. We have used Gary Barnsley before and were not overly impressed. But have been very impressed with Blair. He deals with a lot of greyhound people, which is where we got our recommendation for him. Reasonably priced too.
  18. I also spoke to him yesterday so he's definitely there. Mine were posted express post yesterday so I'm expecting them next week sometime hopefully.
  19. One of my boys was a singleton (the boy in my signature & avatar) and he has the best temperment. A very outgoing A.D.D. dog. Loves to be the centre of attention and has never shown any lack of personality or timidness. Plenty of other dogs to teach him how to play as he got older though. They take a little extra effort, but definitely worth all the attention! :wink:
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