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Everything posted by BarbedWire

  1. Thanks for the enlightenment. I think I might make a donation to them today. They do do a good job especially compared to other branches that I read about here on DOL. Thankyou DOL, I learn something new every day.
  2. Yeah but first you have to be alpha and all the dogs have to know that. Doesn't happen with random dogs arriving for "day care". Plus CM was really good at getting himself and others bitten... Maybe it's just the idea of all the dogs running together.
  3. I think Farmer Dave's philosophy comes from Cesar Milan. All the dogs running together with their alpha leader.
  4. Well thank you. I have been wrong for so long. Sorry Tammy and the other admin staff there.
  5. Thank you SG, I stand corrected. Why does the RSPCA Australia have headquarters in Canberra? Where is Tammy ven Dange, the ACT CEO, accommodated? Is she at Weston?
  6. Some of the posts on this thread are very interesting. Re the RSPCA ACT I have always had problems reconciling their flash up to date office headquarters in Deakin and the outdated accommodation provided for the animals at their shelter at Weston. I do realise that they will be building a new shelter shortly, but the Weston premises have been wanting for many years. I am very reluctant to support them financially.
  7. I pay $62 but I get a pensioner discount. Follow up consultations for the same problem are much cheaper. I think it's value for money. It's cheaper than getting a plumber or an electrician to your house. I pay about the same for a doctor.
  8. I agree with this. :D The photo posted earlier of the little cavalier surrounded by much larger dogs showed a very apprehensive dog. It would be like dumping a toddler in the middle of a football game. That poor little dog; she looks quite scared and there is no escape route.
  9. What a great video. Thanks for sharing. I will share with all my family.
  10. Interesting article. It's beyond belief that someone can own more than 90 animals. Most of the ACT is the suburbs. One has to wonder what sort of animals they are. The last sentence is also interesting http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-06-12/rspca-act-reveals-massive-rise-in-seizure-of-mistreated-animals/6542546
  11. This isn't a small vs large dog debate it's manage the 2 safetly while in your care iE SEPARATE I'm sorry that is not what I intended.
  12. I think it is also important to consider this from a different angle. The larger dog owners are also victims. I'm sure most people don't want their larger dog to hurt, much less kill, another dog. They must be feeling awful atm too. The owners of the care establishment were negligent. ETA Sorry Sas we posted at the same time.
  13. What exactly do you mean by the bolded part? Seriously what a rude post. Sorry I bothered. Have a nice day.
  14. This has not been my experience. The rangers are usually only interested in roaming or attacking dogs from my experience. Once when I was out walking I became concerned about a dog on a back verandah which seemed to have no shelter and it was freezing. I reported it to the ACT RSPCA and the inspector checked it out and told me it was an elderly dog who was able to go in and out of the house as it wished. I felt a bit of a goof but I felt better that I had reported it. The inspector who was female was very helpful and polite. I think she may have retired but I have found the RSPCA helpful although it probably does depend on who you are speaking to.
  15. Ring the RSPCA and they will give you the option of contacting the inspector. The inspector is usually not at the office. You will probably get a recorded message linking you to a mobile. Leave your number and they will get back to you. I have found them really helpful. Good luck!
  16. That is possible, I have considered this. But that's not what I asked! In the ACT you report it to the RSPCA inspector and the inspector will come and check it out and get back to you. Why can't you ask your neighbour? Some people can be offended if they are reported to the RSPCA.
  17. I like the sound of the trainer Diva uses. I would be wary of a walker who turned up with his own equipment including muzzles. I would also not be happy to have my dogs taken anywhere in a car. I have a photo (Sorry I don't know how to post them) of a dog walker with about twelve dogs all attached to her in various ways, some with muzzles and some on double leads. I have no doubt she thought she was being clever but if I owned one of those dogs I would be horrified. The other day I saw dog walkers on their way to the dog park - three of them with six dogs each. I would want my dogs walked by themselves. I found this photo below which is similar to the one I have.
  18. CDC call it a kindi class http://www.actcdc.org.au/new/obedience.htm
  19. Those dogs are so lucky to have been saved by you KTB. The photos and your dedication are admirable.
  20. What an amazing thread. This one Canetoad is for me so quintessentially Australian. I just love it. Thank you all for sharing them. All so beautiful.
  21. Paspalum creates serious problems with my dog. I have resown my backyard and this year she has had no itches.
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