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Everything posted by BarbedWire

  1. I have also learnt from my dogs that when they are not understanding me it is not because they are stupid or unobliging it is because I have not got through to them and I need to rethink how I am presenting whatever it is that I am trying to teach them. And if they don't do well at a trial it is certain to be something I have done or not done and is not the dog's fault. I have also learnt that this is probably true in my dealings with people as well.
  2. I have also learnt patience and not to give up even when you think the dog is never going to understand what you are asking it to do. I have also learnt to appreciate their unconditional love and devotion and loyalty and those gentle licks when you are feeling miserable.
  3. One of our Cavs 'Toby' has really long legs so not a small type cavalier. He's also a fantastic jumper ! Thanks for the suggestion. My main concern about a small dog is that I might trip over it. While I am looking for a dog that I can pick up (max 12 kilos) I also want a leggy one so that it will be tall. I do think cavs are gorgeous. I will keep them in mind.
  4. I agree with DA. I also know zilch about this pound but saying it's okay for dogs to sleep on concrete shocks me. I spoke to someone once who had left their dog at a kennel and it had slept on concrete. It developed pneumonia and died. I find it deplorable that the RSPCA has approved these conditions.
  5. I have just been to the dog park and there was a whippet down there doing laps. It was beautiful to watch, so graceful but not for me. It is funny how we generalize about a breed or type of dog from knowing or seeing just one example. I just met two small loose dogs while taking my girl for a walk an hour ago and one of them attacked her. She was limping but I can't see anything. Hope she doesn't have a puncture wound though. They were not purebreds anything that I know, just two little scruffers who shouldn't have been loose.
  6. So my recommendation about both the breeders associated with the Shetland Sheepdog Club of Qld & the Poodle Club of Qld would not be relevant. Yes Mita I said so in post 6. Thank you for trying to help though :) QLD is the forum default.
  7. I am happy to rescue but I can't find any suitable. There is one in WA but I am in NSW near ACT. I love the talk about BCs. I always thought it was such a pleasure to watch a BC working in obedience or agility. Does anyone remember Steve Bowden's Sid. A magnificent animal.
  8. Yes Jules this is why I say small and to meet the other requirements it probably needs to be leggy. I would love a border collie. My first dog was a border collie of sorts but I acknowledge they are too high energy for me. Whippets are certainly athletic dogs but I thought they had a high prey drive. I think a mini poodle is probably what I want. Now I just have to find one. Thanks everybody for the suggestions.
  9. I think you are right GrufLife. However I am a bit concerned about the amount of professional grooming required and the cost. How often would one need to be clipped? ETA I have checked out the dogzonline pages and there is nothing there.
  10. I would love a big cairn terrier 10-12 kgs approx. Are there any breeds like this where dogs are readily available?
  11. Shetland Sheepdogs are certainly interesting but I have been told they are barkers. My current 8yo dog is 10kgs and I trialled with her but I wouldn't like to go smaller though. She is what I call an RSPCA special ie many many breeds in her mix so therefore irreplaceable.
  12. Thanks, I was thinking of Border terriers as being more athletic but you are right they are quite small. It is not easy to heel with a small dog. It is difficult to know where you dog is without looking down and I would hate to trip over one. I guess I am sort of thinking of a small but less energetic working dog. Does such a dog exist?
  13. Okay to clarify a little. I think Cavs although really cute are probably a little small. Border terriers are interesting though. I don't have a cat but my neighbour does. I don't know much about Havanese. I am located in NSW near the ACT. eta I have just seen your post Kavik. I think Papillons are gorgeous too but they are too small. I am not a small dog person.
  14. I was wanting some advice about getting a new dog. First of all a little about myself. I will be turning 72 this year but I am in good health and still active. I expect at least another 10 years. I currently have 2 dogs, a 13 yo and an 8 yo. In the past I have done a lot of dog training - I have trained 4 different dogs to their CD titles and I have also done dressage with horses - and I want a dog suitable for training although I don't really plan to trial again. I am also not comfortable doing dog sports such as agility. I just like training and teaching new things. I don't want a working breed because I could not meet the exercise requirements. I want something smaller up to 12 kgs, but not tiny, something I can lift if I have to but it can still run and jump. I am not fussy about coat or sex, but not a pup, something around 2 years old. Probably also a dog that is not prey driven or dog aggressive. Can anyone suggest where I might find a suitable dog?
  15. My old dog has had two courses of cartrophen - once a week for four weeks - with no ill effects. I can't really say they helped him much though. After reading about the OP's experience I will be wary if it is suggested again. Thank you for sharing.
  16. Sadly the old girl Y4 has had her deposit fall off so she is again in need. Fingers crossed for her. Only has until Tuesday 3.00pm. See DAS thread in urgent rescues. YARD 4 Female Crossbreed Age: 10 + years Cage/Handling/Health - She came and sat for the lead to be put on. On the way to the yard she did a wee and very sensitive to any pressure on the lead. She has fly bitten ears and has what looks like a bit of a flea allergy around her rump. She is a little underweight, she seems to be lacking some muscle tone along her topline. She is incredibly responsive to any correction. She was happy to be handled Training - She knows sit, walks well on lead, drop and stay. She kept sitting in the heel position and will lean into the handler for reassurance. Wheelie Bin - She was unsure of the bin and sat and leaned into the handler for reassurance. Food Guarding - She walked away from the bowl as soon as the hand went into it. Dog to dog - With Yard 32 Vinnie she was really good and wanted to play and became more animated. When Vinnie was being silly she told him to behave himself but nothing sinister. Fence jumping pen - She did look at the top and attempt to jump however she is not as young as she used to be so she was unable to do it. She became stressed in the pen. Description - This lovely old girl is a loyal lady that wants to be with her people. She loves to be cuddled. She has great basic training and is great on lead. She at times seemed confused by the commands so we spoke to her in different languages and she responded most to European languages. She is underweight and has lost some muscle tone along her topline also. She is good with other polite dogs and actually became quite animated and playful. She is a gorgeous old duck that is so deserving at her loving home to live out her twilight years.
  17. What a lovely thread. For me it would be recalls too. At the dog park my dog would also turn instantly she heard me call even though she would be in full flight after a ball. I felt proud and I thought I must be a good trainer in spite of all my doubts. Thank you my little girl.
  18. Tor I can understand your devotion to boxers. They are wonderful dogs and athletic (They would make wonderful sprinters). Your husband has owned one so he understands the breed. If you have your heart set on one maybe recognize the limitations and just run with the dog over short distances and early in the morning.
  19. Interesting K. I wonder who reported her in the first place. Should neighbours report neglect more often? I know I would report this. However I think the RSPCA's hands are tied. Little story (I like telling little stories :) ) I had a neighbour who used to tether his cat on his front lawn. I was horrified because dogs were often loose in our street. I spoke to him and he was rude. (I guess I was rude too. I was very angry.) I reported it to the RSPCA and the inspector said there were no laws about cats being tethered but she went and spoke to him anyway. He said the cat was only tethered when he was outside with it which just wasn't true. I haven't seen it there recently. I wonder if a dog did get it. Poor cat! I agree with others that the sentence was way too lenient.
  20. Boxers are not usually good over long distances.
  21. Finally the RSPCA takes action but only because the dogs had no water or shelter. Legally their powers of prosecuting are limited I believe. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-05-25/canberra-woman-banned-from-owning-animals-for-10-years/6495568 The yard where they were kept An x-ray of the one who ingested fish hooks.
  22. My first dog was a BCX. I would love another. Beautiful dogs!
  23. Thanks Sheena, I did ring about the dog and it is not good with other dogs so I won't be getting it. Just have to share this though
  24. Reading this thread makes me want to go out and get another dog. This one? I know I shouldn't but he's so cute and I would love to give and get cuddles.
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