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4 Paws

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Posts posted by 4 Paws

  1. Hmmm i'd grab a 3m tunnel and cut that in half to make a chute :mad . Air dogs sell chutes.

    Not sure if anyone has seen those laundry hampers that pop open (I use them for camping). The look just like the solid part of the chute and have the sprung wire inside. I was thinking to get one of those from the cheap shops and attach a chute on the end. I would assume Spotlight sells some kind of material similar to that of the actual chutes.

    similar to this


    Great Idea.I purchased an Oztrail Storage Cell yesterday on special for $9.95-Norm $24.95 to try and make a chute.Not sure what to use for the material part yet?

    It's heavy duty reinforced vinyl.60cm long and about 50cm across.Just have to see if my shepherd can fit her rear end through it yet :eek:


  2. I'm curious about the use of the Husher that according to the website as well as helping stop barking is also supposed to help with aggression.I'm wondering if they think that because the pressure is similar to that applied by a canine pack leader to maintain dominance that it would help with aggression as I'd imagine a dog could still potentailly bite with one on if they really wanted to?

    Anyone used one successfully for either barking or reducing aggression?I think there was a testmonial mentioning stoping chewing as well


  3. I have just finished conditioning my dogs to recalling on a whistle using the Training The Whistle Recall by Pamela Dennison.Now it is working a charm and they recall everytime I have had to use it

    Now my question is this.My dogs will go up the back of our large block and fence fight through the picket fence with another dog.Now sometimes it may be twice a day,the next day never.As I'm home most of the time I recall them as soon as I hear them and they recall super fast and I give lots of treats.(I'd previously just voice recall and they would take there time,possibly not hearing my voice over there own barking)

    My OH reckons they are now going up there fence fightening so I will recall them so they get lots of treats.Do you thinks dogs think like this??

    I don't think it's happening(fence fightening) any more than before I started recalling using a whistle so i don't believe they have this agenda in thier head

  4. Got my tunnel a couple of days ago. It is perfect for training, but will need to peg in down better as it blew across the paddock this morning while I was milking cows. Lucky the cows didnt see it, couldve been a stampede................... :laugh:

    I was also thinking how to stop it rolling. I am going to get some lengths of velcro and make something similar to the snugglers. A velcro strap to go right around with 2 loops (not sure what the loops would be made from) for small stakes to go through.

    I figure velcro would have to be easier than using webbing and attaching the hadware.

    I am gussing it would need 3 sets, 1 each end and 1 in the middle?

    let us know what you come up with thelinks

  5. Check this out! $6.99 at Aldi as part of their camping promotion. 2 pockets good size for poopy-bags, mobile phones, keys etc, 2 more big enough to cram with treats or easily fit a tennis ball or 2, and a drink bottle holder. Intended for hiking I guess but PERFECT dog walking bag, or even training bag cause fits so many treats. And the waist band goes to "big fatty" size like me, lol. Check it out. I figure you can't go wrong for $6.99 and it's really cute! They had lots of different designs and styles - I just really liked this one.

    Take that Aldi-nay-sayers, :laugh:

    Edited as price is $6.99 not $5.99 - whoops. Still - pretty good value, haha

    I actually brought the very same one but in grey today and than found a little pouch thingy that will actually slide onto my regular treat pouch so I'm taking mine back so if anyone would like to buy it beforehand let me know.I think post will be under $5

  6. Anyone know of any other websites apart from Topbuys and Air Dogs that sell agility equipment for sale?

    I've Googled them but can't seem to come up with much.I remember someone a few months ago gave me a link to someone that has a website and makes the equipment themselves and I did email them but never got a reply and musn't have saved it

  7. My tunnel arrived this morning :cheer:

    I brought the larger 6m one.Am very happy with the quality for the price although there is a small section near the opening that has been missed being stitched and you can see a bit of the wire but I'll hand sew it together so it won't go any further.

    Have not steaked in down yet to see how it goes as I opened it and popped it out the back on the concrete to see what it was like first.Dogs went through it fine,even one of my gsd's who has never done any agility went through it a few times after seeing my other girl run through it

  8. I have just received my copy of Training The Whistle Recall from Clean Run as they had Free Shipping on it http://www.cleanrun.com/index.cfm?fuseacti...p;ParentCat=438

    I only started the ground work about 4 days ago and was able to use the whistle to recall my 2 gsd's from up the back fence fence fighting with another dog even though she suggests doing 2 weeks groundwork before trying it under distraction so i was pretty happy.A whistle might be worthwhile thinking about.I do have a silent dog whistle as well but the dvd suggests a pealess whistle instead so I've been using it instead

    Thank you I will have a look at this!

    here's a youtube of a short section of the dvd

    the dvd is also now available in Aust as well

  9. I have just received my copy of Training The Whistle Recall from Clean Run as they had Free Shipping on it http://www.cleanrun.com/index.cfm?fuseacti...p;ParentCat=438

    I only started the ground work about 4 days ago and was able to use the whistle to recall my 2 gsd's from up the back fence fence fighting with another dog even though she suggests doing 2 weeks groundwork before trying it under distraction so i was pretty happy.A whistle might be worthwhile thinking about.I do have a silent dog whistle as well but the dvd suggests a pealess whistle instead so I've been using it instead

  10. Just wondered if anyone has tried the Innotek Scarecrow that shoots water out when an aimal is sensored in an area?

    I live in a rental and a section of a back fence has been done in picket fence and my dogs will go up and fence fight with the dog up there.OH does not want to go to the expence of sectioning off the area and thought this might be an option.We have tried having an electric fence set up but the landlord is responsible for the mowing and does not come to often and we found it was shortening out pretty often when the grass grew quickly

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